





may 2, xxxx

dear lucy,

next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!

my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

well be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,



Dear my classmates,

Do you know when is my birthday? The day is in winter vacation and its

on February 1st. So do you come to my birthday party? Of course I wish

everyone can come to my party. If you come you can get too many free things because you are my guests.And you also should give me some gifts.

Then if you make sure to come to my party you should prepare the following things:

1) Think of games to play.

2) Prepare 200 yuan and you phone.

3) Tell me you phone number.

4) Remember to meet me in Wanda Plaza at 9:00.

See you then.



Dear Jane,

I would like to invite you to take part in our dinner party for celebrating my mothers birthday about her 60 years old in the evening Friday,

November22,20xx, at my home. You have been my best partner all the time. As you know, my mother treats you as her one of children, recently, who misses you extremely.

She also excepts your appearing in the night. Whats more, the most of the friends invited are your good friends, If you come, I promise that you wouldt be boring. It starts at 7 oclock.

At the first, there will be a small concert when you are gong to enjoy a band who plays the classical instrument, who comes from The Royal Band.

At the second, dinner is inaugurated at 8 oclock, friends can have delicious food, and drink, at the same time, chat during the. Finally, I will take some photogr

aphs of all friends for souvenir together.

We do look forward to your coming.

Yous, Wang Qin







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