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personal resume


Self-appraisal/Career Objectives


teh vocation of electronic technology

Job Target

Current Industry: Electronics·Micro-electronics

Current Job Category: Sales

Working Experience: 3 year(s)

Current Position Level: Mid Career(2+ years experience)Current Salary: monthly salary RMB 1800 pre-tax

Desired Salary: Negotiable

Target Industry: Medical Equipment, Internet·e-Commerce, Instrument·Industry Automation·Electicity, IT service·system integration, Energy·Water Conservancy

Target Job Category: Customer Service Specialist·Assistant, Customer Service Manager·Supervisor, FAE( Field Application Engineer) Manager·Supervisor, Sales Representative·Account Manager·Account Representative·Sales associate, Technical Support·Maintenance Manager

Desired Job Type: Full Time

Target Location: Any

Start Working: within 1 week

Working Experience

jasay Company Profile

Company Profile: ON Semiconductor (Nasdaq: ONNN) is a leading global supplier of advanced semiconductors for power and data management applications. The company's innovative products drive the designs for increasingly sophisticated communications gear, computing plaON Semiconductor is a leading global supplier of advanced semiconductors for power and data management applications.

Type of Company: State-owned Company

Size of Company: 1 - 49

E-mail: kuanzai113@xxx.com Work: 13521508

Web Page:

Date of Birth: 1979/10

Nationality: China

HuKou: Guangxi

Political Background: League member

2022/08 - 2022/08

engineerLocation: sale-after service center

Responsibilities & Achievements:

the developing of PIC and C51 sigel chip.

I was in change of debugging for The communications system of speedway, the system of charge.the monitoring system.

Writing The tender document and The construction scheme for the system of speedway.


1999/09 - 2022/07 guangxi university of technlogy

controlling and measurment technlogy Electronic Information Science Bachelor

Guanxi University of Technology (GUT), founded in 1956, is situated in theworld-famous scenic city of Guilin. The campus lies north of the Qixing (Seven-star) Park, the Li River meandering to the west. With an elegant environment featuring lush green trees, quiet and peaceful, the university is an ideal place for academic study and research.


English: Fluent Cantonese: Mother tongue Southern Fujian Dialect: Average

Grade of English: Not PassedOral English: Fluent

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