




  The seed of the dream emerged from my journey to Hong Kong at the age of 8.Hong Kong, with its unique historical background, is home to residents from all over the world. It is Hong Kong’s diversification of global culture and good social order that attract me most. I have made up my mind to make my way to the dream destination, HKU, which is generally acknowledged as the best university in Asia where advanced educational philosophies, such as” the whole person education” are the main focus. This not only adapts to my personal character but broaden my horizon with an English-teaching atmosphere as well.

  During my trip to the UK, the strong curiosity drives me to walk into every corner of the college in Oxford, however, what I get surprised most is the perfect preservation of the old architecture despite the long history. Compared to the situation in UK, China still has a long way to go, reflected from its poor architecture preserving system and the lack of cultural consciousness. Therefore, I deeply realize the importance of protecting the precious heritage and decide to devote myself into the Bachelor of Arts in Conservation Studies.

  I grow up with a great sense of social responsibility. I used to be a volunteer served in the old people’s home. Every minute when I talk with those poor people do I find how much care and help they need from the society.Thus, with the courage and the persistence ,I consider it my responsibility to build up a better life for弱势群体。The Bachelor of Social Work in HKU provides me with a perfect platform to achieve my dream.

  KU, I am approaching you with enthusiasm, will you open the window for me?





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