











  (1)不作价提供加工上述产品及装修厂房和建造 平方米简易厂房所需的设备材料(详见清单),分多批运抵甲方工厂,设备总值约415万港元。






































  contract for

  processing & assemblyplace:shenzhen, china

  date: feb. 20, 1988party a: ××companyparty b: ××co. , ltd. hong kongpartya and party b, according to the laws and policies of thepeople'srepublic of china and the relevant regulations of thespecialeconomic zones and the principles of equality and mutualbenefit,have held discussions relation to the processing and as-semblingof plastic toy products and have reached agreement onthefollowing contractual clauses:

  1, responsibilities

  (1) responsibilities of party a

  1) party a shall provide factory spaceconsisting of two floorswith a total space of 850square metres, field of 500 square me-tres without covering, one factory management person andeighty

  workers for the first phase. the number ofworkers shall be in-creased to 200 twelve months after operation. (employment ofteenages under 16 is prohibited). if the local labour is not suffi-cient, partya can employ workers from other places with the ap-provalof the relevant departments of shenzhen municipality.

  within the contract term, party a shallprocess the above prod-ucts for party b which shallbe re-exported to hong kong.

  2)the water supply and utility equipmentrequired for processingshall be provided by party a.if additional installations of waterand electricfacilities are required, the expenses thereof shall beborneby party b.

  3) party a shall arrange all the neccessary import and export ap-provalsrequired for processing and assembly and provide ad-minittrationand accounting management for the processingplant.party a cannot contract party a's responsibilities to anyotherparty or individual in any way.(2) responsibilities of party b

  1 ) to provide the equipment with the totalvalue of 4. 15 millionhong kong dollars.

  2 ) to provide the raw materials, indirectmaterials and packagingmaterials for processing theproducts. quantities and specifica-tions are to bespecified in separate contracts.

  3) in the event any personnel, includingmanagement shows sub-standard performance and makes no improvement afterretrain-ing, party b shall have the right to requestparty a to replacesuch persons. however, any physicalsearch of the workers shallbe regarded as illegal andprohibited.

  2. quantity of productsduringthe first year, the total processing fee shall amount to hk$ 432, 000. 00. fromthe second year, the quantity shall be in-creased. details shall be specifiedin separate contracts.

  3. pricing &- salary(2) after the trial production period, theworkers' payment shallbe calculated according toactual production quanities. on the ba-sis of mutual benefit, both parties shall consider the processingfee, which shall be specificedin separate contracts, according todifferent kinds ofproducts, specifications, styles and engineeringprocedures.in order to ensure the reasoriable income of the

  workers, the worker's monthly salary shallbe maintained nolower than hk $ 550. 00. if overtimework is required, paymentshall be calculatedseparately. however,overtime shall not exceedthree hours a day.

  (3) expenses for water and electricity inparty a's plant shall beborne by party b.

  (4) every month party b shall pay hk , 400.00 to party afor management expenses.

  4. proportion o products damaged

  (1) during the trial production period,party b shall absorb thecost of products damaged.

  (2) after the trial production period, theproportion of damagedproducts shall be mutuallyconsidered and decided by both par-ties and specified in separate contracts.

  5. shipment of raw materials &-finished products(2) to ensure the normal operation of partyb's business activi-ties, party a shall deliver thefinished products to party b in ac-cordance with thetime of delivery, quality and quantity. except

  for reason of force majeure,in case losses to party b are causeddue to party a'sfailure to make delivery as mentioned above,party ashall be responsible for the compensation. details ofsuchcompensation shall be mutually agreed upon in separatecontracts.

  (3) both parties shall mutually inspect anddocument the equip-ment and materials provided byparty b, such as machinery, ven-tilation and lightingequipment and raw materials. after the fin-

  ished products are inspected and shipped from the plant by partyb, party a shall be free of any responsibility inregard to specifi-cations, quality and quantity, etc.

  6. method of paymentpaymentof workers' salary and management fee shall be settledoncea month by d/p, which shall be conducted through bank ofchinashenzhen branch by party b's bank in hong kong (______bank, account no. ___) inaccordance with the invoices issued

  by party a and the shangbudistrict foreign economic &. tradecompany. incase party b's payment is delayed for more thanfivedays, party b shall be responsible for the interest according

  to the bank's interest rate ; in casepayment is not settled for twoconsecutive months,party a shall have the right to suspend de-livery of the finished products ortake other measures.

  7. labourprotection &. insurance

  (1) the plant shall take safety measuresand protect the workersfrom dirt, smoke and poisonousmaterials. the factory shall bemaintained ventilatedand bright, and the surroundings clean andtidy.

  (2) the transportation expenses for themachinery, ventilationand lighting equipment, rawmaterials, indirect materials, packag-ing materialsand the finished products shall be paid for by partyb.

  (3) all insurance for the transportationand storage of the abovematerials, machinery andequipment and coverage of the workersoperating themachinery shall be arranged through the people'sinsurancecompany of china, shenzhen branch.

  8. technical exchangeafterthe arrival of the equipment in the plant, party b shall dis-patchpersonnel to install such equipment,while party ashall ar-range personnel to assist the installation.when the trial produc-tion begins, party b shallprovide technical personnel to carry outthe traininguntil the workers have mastered the technology andtheproduction operates normally. party b shall be responsibleforthe technical personnel's salary and all related expenses, and

  pary a shall provide daily necessities.

  9. contract term共3页,当前第2页123after the contract term expires, the realestate such as the facto-ry building and dormitorybuilding shall return to party a andthe machinery andequipment delivered by party b shall be re-turned to party b. customs clearanceprocedures shall be ar-ranged according to relevantregulations.

  both parties agree that, within ten daysafter the contract issigned and approved, party bshall pay party a the amount ofhk $ 4, 000. 00 as itsguarantee to carry out the contract. if,within twomonths after party a's receipt of such amount, partybstill cannot arrange to start production, the amount shall beforfeitedto party a unconditionally and party a shall have therightto cancel the contract. if party b can start production ontime,the amount will be deducted from the processing fee.thiscontract is made out in five copies for both parties, the cus-toms,vehicle authority and the business department. theyshallhave the same force.if there are other issues notcovered in the contract, both partiescan discuss tosupplement or amend the contract and submit theresultsto relevant departments for approval.party a: partyb:

  legal rep: legal rep:

  commercial rep:





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