






接下来我们将要参观的景点是号称古代中国“三大工程”之一的坎儿井。 坎儿井位于吐鲁番市亚尔乡亚尔村,地理位置十分便利,离312国道不到一公里,离吐鲁番市中心仅5公里。









二是生产发展的需要性 。





来到吐鲁番,人们不禁会问:素有“火洲”、“风库”之称,气候极端干燥的地方,怎么会出现大片的绿洲?其中有什么奥秘呢?奥秘就是分布在新疆大地上的坎儿井群,它犹如人体的血脉,延展到茫茫戈壁,灌溉了新疆的大片土地。奇妙的坎儿 井,又在吐鲁番分布最广,成为生命之泉,常绿之源,浇灌着吐鲁番滴翠的葡萄和甘甜的瓜。下面就让我们一起去参观这一举世闻名的灌溉工程。








坎儿井的建造原因→坎儿井的起源新疆概况导游词 ·吐鲁番葡萄沟导游词·尼雅遗址导游词各位游客,下面我们再来谈谈坎儿井的建造原因。由于新疆地区干旱少雨,蒸发量大,而坎儿井是地下暗渠输水,蒸发量小而流量稳定,可以常年自流灌溉,加上这里的土属钙质黏土,挖好的坎儿井很坚固,不易倒塌。高山上雪水温度很低,若直接灌溉对农作物生长不利,而吐鲁番地表温度很高,雪水流经坎儿井后温度自然上升,很适合浇灌农作物。因此,新疆各族人民在长期与干旱的斗争中,发明了这种凿井灌田的方法。一道坎儿井就是一眼不枯的清泉,道道坎儿井,构成了火洲的生命线和命脉,使新疆这个降雨稀少的地方有了水源的积聚,从而成为新疆人民生活中不可缺少的生命之泉。

关于吐鲁番坎儿井的起源历来有三种说法:一种是汉代 关中井渠说。这种观点认为汉代时人们发明的“井渠法”传入新疆,发展成为现在的坎儿井。第二种说法是跟林则徐



参观完坎儿井博物馆,走出馆外,可见道旁明澈的清泉,这便是坎儿井明渠中流淌出的雪山纯水,它晶莹碧透,倘若您伸手触及,便会感到凉意阵阵,真是“晶晶亮,透心凉”。坎儿井的暗渠要从洞中进入方可看到,只见渠水汩汩流 淌,让人感到无比欣喜。这样的井渠在整个新疆大地有上千个之多,其地下河道总长度加起来比万里长城还要长一倍,也远远超过了京杭大运河,成为“地下运河”。



吐鲁番坎儿井导游词[英文] Turpan Karez English guides words

Members tourists :

To Turpan, people can not help asking : who is known as "Fire Island," "the wind, known as" climate of extreme dry place, how

there will be a large oasis? What is the secret of these? Mystery is the distribution of land in the Xinjiang Karez group, It is like the human body's blood vessels, part of the vast Gobi Desert,

irrigation of vast tracts of land in Xinjiang.The wonders of the bank wells in Turpan most widely distributed as Drop of Life, evergreen source creating a lounge Turpan grapes and sweet melons. Now let us visit the world-famous irrigation.

Karez structure → Karez construction methods

Visitors, we went to the desert paradise I begin with the museum to Karez to understand the construction of Karez.

Karez were living in Xinjiang working people of all nationalities,

under the local climate, hydrological characteristics of a creation of a clandestine diversion project, some Karez 1600, Turpan up with the most concentrated, according to statistics, a total of Turpan of Karez 1158, a total length of 5,000 km, the distance from Urumqi to Harbin milestone.Ancient Chinese Karez his greatest one of the underground water, the geographic academic experts as the "underground canal" with the Great Wall and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in ancient China known as a three projects.

For Kaner Well you probably heard, but its structure may not be very clear. Now I would like to tell you about.Karez in ancient times known as "drainage wells", the bank is "well Point," and by the shaft (shaft), culverts (underground channels), nullah (surface channels) and logging dam (reservoir) four components.

Karez has been able to build a large number of Turpan, with the

natural conditions here inseparable. First Turpan Basin lying low, below sea level below 2,085 square kilometers area alone,

Surrounded by mountains and Turpan, the annual mountain snow melts after the inflow of large valley.When the snow running through the desert to seep into the ground when it formed the undercurrent, which Karez to provide a rich source of water.

Karez then what is built? Take a look : Karez construction method is in the mountains, the snow valley undercurrent, finding water, Then every 20 meters to 30 meters to fight a shaft, the depth ranging from 10 meters to tens of meters of underground water pool to increase water potential, again according to the terrain heights, in the bottom of the well was completed culvert, the communication between wells, drainage Pavilion, has been

connected to the remote oasis only water channel leads from the ground to be irrigated. A Karez, general about three kilometers, the longest of several Karez often linked to dozens or even

hundreds of kilometers. During shaft mouth ranged from dozens to more than more than 300 mouth. The upper shaft deeper, individual up to 100 meters from top to bottom, the junior downstream, usually a few meters. Karez role is to avoid

evaporation, the project is adapted to a dry climate characteristics of a great creation. Particularly praiseworthy is that the local people relying on their hands and simple tools, the hammer hits the Sham Tseng, EXCAVATED subsurface drainage, the mammoth projects, Structure clever and people alike.

I would like to ask you recall, when we travel near the Turpan City, It was then green and luxuriant oasis on the fringe of the Gobi, you can see the site of the pile and the pile of soil round package, and orderly manner toward the oasis.Karez which is the shaft mouth. If you a bird's-eye view, those objects like a pearl necklace string Guitar, Turpan bedecked with the oldest still youthful glow place.

吐鲁番坎儿井导游词[英文] Turpan Karez English guides words(2)

Karez reasons for the construction of the origin → Karez

Members tourists Now let us talk about the reasons for the

construction of Karez. As Xinjiang region to suffer from drought, evaporation, and Karez underground culvert, water evaporation and the small amount of flow stability be perennial gravity irrigation and the soil here is a calcareous clay, dug Karez very strong, not collapse. Mountain snow temperature is very low, if irrigation directly adverse to the growth of crops, and high surface

temperature Turpan, After running through the snow desert temperature will increase, which is perfect for watering

crops.Therefore, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with the long-term drought, the struggle of this invention Well Irrigation methods. A Karez is not a dry springs, a naturally Karez,

constitutes the lifeblood of Fire Island and lifeline Xinjiang to make the scarcity of rainfall with water accumulation, so people living in Xinjiang as an indispensable Spring of Life.

Turpan Karez on the origin have always been three versions : one is the Chinese Han Guan said drainage wells. In this view the Han Dynasty when it was invented by the "drainage wells" into Xinjiang, as is now the Karez. The second argument is with the Lin Zexu.Lin Zexu, the late Qing Dynasty was banished Xinjiang, in 1845 after Turpan, aware of local hot dry. So there is a careful investigation of water lying to guide their people in Xinjiang under the

physiographic features, This invention Well Irrigation methods.A third view is Karez 2,500 years ago from West Asia before the first Persian transmission Xinjiang. Of course, these three points have yet to be verified.

But I want to tell you is that Karez on Earth is the distribution and communication-cultural Silk Road linked.For example, in Pakistan, Iran and the Caspian Sea coast, people found Karez. So we said Karez is the world's cultural heritage of a pearl, is not

excessive.Even today, also in Xinjiang Karez Turpan agricultural

development plays a pivotal role.

Karez channel → Karez culverts

Karez visiting museums, the Museum is out, we can see Road to plain Qingquan, This is Karez channel which flows from the

snow-capped mountains of pure water, clean and Translucent, if your hand touches, it will be cooler blowing and really "arts, through gloating over."

Karez culvert from the cave to be seen, I saw foul the water flow on them, the people are extremely pleased. This drainage wells in the whole Xinjiang land as many as 1,000. its underground rivers combined total length of the Great Wall longer than doubled, far exceeding the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, as "underground canal."

Tourists, the desert is not only important water conservancy facilities, Chinese and foreign tourists are happy to watch a big cultural landscape. Karez especially within the park filled with a rich Xinjiang Uygur ethnic love for the music and dance, would you mind rippling. That crisper rhythm, a lithe and graceful melodies, warm and lively emotions, so that you appreciate apart will be moved to join their ranks and to learn Uygur girl and boy image, singing and dancing, That feeling of dancing village pure fun.

Members tourists Karez Paradise within that cough-melodious songs have chorus, the following please go quickly we appreciate it!





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    一、工作情况  (一)年初,一场突如其来的凝冻灾害袭击了华夏大地,xx电站也出现大范围雨雪冰冻天气,对担负着xx电站引水发电系统尾水工程的九局项目部生活造成了严重影响。不仅断水断电,而且各种物质出总结




