





  In November this year, I came to real estate development company, in the twinkling of an eye I come to the company for nearly a month, as a new employee, very grateful to the company to give me this learning and growth platform. Looking back on the work of this time, with the support and help of the company leaders and colleagues, I got a preliminary understanding of the company's business, adapted to the company's working environment, and made some progress in thinking, learning and work. The work of a brief summary are as follows:

  First, strengthen the sense of responsibility, do their jobs

  Since the entry, I mainly completed the following work:

  (A) familiar with, organize the office files, information. Do all kinds of administrative documents, contact lists, reports and other materials, send and receive, transfer work, so complete procedures to facilitate the follow-up to find the timely and accurate.

  (B) to complete the daily office of the word processing, including meetings of all types of meetings, drafting, publishing, and to assist the company leaders to draft the relevant administrative documents. Mainly to complete the project development meeting minutes, according to the requirements of the preparation of the 20xx annual work summary, processing contact list and so on, get leadership affirmation.

  (C) to upload, timely and accurate to the company leadership and related personnel to convey the higher authorities and relevant departments of the notice, contact matters and meetings, training arrangements.

  (D) to participate in project development feasibility study, the preparation of "competitive real estate research report." At the same time responsible for the development of real estate project development plan in the organizational structure and personnel duties and responsibilities refinement work.

  (5) to participate in the administrative work of the office, responsible for the staff in November to pay social security work. Complete the leadership of other matters.

  Second, strengthen learning and improve their own quality

  Due to previous work experience is not involved in real estate development, real estate development knowledge is relatively scarce. In my daily writing.


  I hope to find a promising job! I had three first-class scholarships in school, the school student union chairman for two years. Have engaged in sales, very recognized. Obey the superior leadership, implementation ability.Natural optimism, good attitude, strong compressive strength. Willing to fight through their own to create some of their own cause!

  I am optimistic and cheerful, strong organizational skills, on-the-job work has a strong analytical ability to develop a complete plan and achieve goals. Good interpersonal skills, strong working enthusiasm, strong language communication and expressive ability, quick response, strong affinity, able to adapt to the fast-paced work, many times outside the part-time, has been led by the Praise. Work conscientiously and responsibly, and can efficiently complete the tasks assigned by leaders.

  PS: I graduated from Fujian Shipping & Transportation Vocational College in 20xx, and have been working in Fujian Blue Ocean Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.


  I hope to do a second-hand property consultant, I personally like to do sales industry, you can contact different aspects of people, get better exercise, better interpersonal relationships, etc., but also through their own efforts to get the corresponding income I believe that a good business is not on their own qualifications to be able to prove anything, but his (her) into the industry the opportunity to be easier, if we only accept the company's highly educated , I do not, I remember a word, choose a good, more important than the effort! I will be very responsible for their own first selected platform, followed by my own efforts to create their own value for the company, I have the confidence to do a good job My own work, I hope we can give the company the opportunity!

  I hope to find a promising job! I had three first-class scholarships in school, the school student union chairman for two years. Have engaged in sales, very recognized. Obey the superior leadership, implementation ability.Natural optimism, good attitude, strong compressive strength. Willing to fight through their own to create some of their own cause!






    防疫医生个人年度思想工作总结   辛苦的工作已经告一段落了,回顾这段时间中有什么值得分享的成绩呢?我们要做好回顾和梳理,写好工作总结哦。那么写工作总结真的很难吗?下面是小

    【篇一】  亲爱的各位教职工同志们:  在全国人民认真学习党的十九大精神之际,教育局直属中小学教职工排球赛比赛今天在这里正式开幕了!  首先,我代表局党政班子对工会和各学校为比赛顺利进行所做的细心筹备

    介绍信:介绍信是把自方的同事或业务关系介绍给对方,进行联系和沟通的常用信函。格式:1.称谓。2.正文:被介绍人姓名及身份简况;说明事由;后常用"望接洽为盼"等。3.署名、时间。范例: 介绍信xx管理局





