



my dear friends,

do you know what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world ?money?you may lose everything you have if you don't use money carefull enough.youth?in one's long life youth is like a flash in the pan and no one in the world has the secret to keep his youth forever.beautiful look?many people pray that they can get hold of beauty,but it disappears far more quickly than they can imagine.and when they are in real trouble beauty itself feels helpless.a good job?as you grow older and your brain and hands can't work as fast as before.it will become other people's wealth.

then what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world?

when you are far away from your family and feel especially lonely,who will you think of?when you stand on the crossoad in your life and don't know which way to choose,who will you think of?when you encounter greater difficulties than ever and need other's encouragement,who will you think of?when you decide to make the greatest decision in your favorite course,who shed cheerful tears when see you get achievements?whose wholehearted blessing will be always with you no matter how far you will go?

yes,it's mother who you will always think of and it's mother's love that willbe always be with you.

i once heard a moving story about a mother.two childrens were drawn into the flood and the situations was very dangerous.their mother jumped into the water without hesitation.but the mother couldn't swim at all.jumping into the water means she might lose her life.but at that time she had no time to think about herself.she just wanted to try all means to save her children.maybe her courage touched the god.the miracle happened.she finally succeeded in saving her both children.and she,of course,felt extremely exhausted.

my friends,mother's love is the greatest love.mother's love is the safest love.no matter you are happy or depressed ,rich or poor ,mother's love will always stay with you.





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