




we know, in the natural world, there are a lot of things or phenomena which areindeterminate. it is difficult or even impossible for us to give them a clear-cutdefinition, such as cool,cold, warm,hot. the same is true for colors. we can say red,deep red, and pale red. but there are many colors between deep red and pale red; wecan not give them a definite name. all these things have a fuzzy zone. in our dailylives, things or phenomena like those mentioned above could be found everywhere.human language is also rich in these vague things and phenomena.fuzziness, as an essential feature of language,exists widely in many aspects ofhuman language. in 1965 l.a. zadeh put forward the concept of fuzzy sets.

withthe birth of fuzzy sets, it has provided a new studying perspective to linguistics andlinguistic research work has stepped into a new stage. so far, a great achievementhas been made by the scholars in the filed of vague linguistics and more and morepeople do their research on the basis of vagueness, including business english.language is the vehicle of business communication activities. business english is alanguage to be applied by business people for conununication in business activities.in our daily communication, people tend to pursue precision in order to get a success.according to the cooperative principle made by grice, there are four maxims whichshould be observed during a conversation: communicators should make what theysaid have enough information, the utterance is relevant and clear to the present topicand make sure what they say is not fake others.but, in reality,we do not necessarily process the communication according to thesefour maxims. we will use some vague language in our daily communication. fuzzylanguage forms a considerable part of language and it has become part of our lives.in this regard, business english is not an exception. the 21 century is an era ofknowledge economy developing newly. international business english, generallyregarded as an esp, manifests strong vitality increasingly. with the development ofglobal economy and international trade, business english is used in various businessactivities. business language has long been identified with accuracy and clarity so asnot to lead to misunderstanding. so no room is left for fuzziness in business english.however, researches show that fuzzy expression still exists in such an accurate andclear language.






    物业前台个人工作总结篇1  岁月如梭,转眼又快迎来了新的一年。在即将过去的20xx年里,我在公司领导是同事的关心和热情帮助下,顺利完成了前台接待相应的工作。现在对20xx年的工作进行总结。  一、前台

    【爱学范文网 - 儿科护士自我总结】俗话说:金眼科,银外科,哭哭啼啼小儿科。面对只会哭闹而不会表达和配合的小儿,儿科护士除了具有相当的理论知识,熟练操作技能,良好的心理素质外,还必须有处理应急的能力和






