



  P&G Internship Brief Introduction--Be the early bird to the real business worldP&G started our internship program in 2002 in Greater China. More than 100 interns have graduated from this program and became our fulltime employees. The internship project in P&G is successful because we offer:Challenging Internship ProjectAfter participating in an on-boarding session offering a basic introduction to P&G, our interns then take up a role in a specific project group for the chosen area of our business. Interns will receive a real responsibility, on meaningful projects with targets on which will be assessed. The projects can be market analysis study, cost saving plan execution, etc. In the following 2 months, our interns will be acting like REAL P&G managers and potentially impacts the business.360 SupportInterns are not alone in the company. Various partners are assigned to our interns. Forefront, his/her line manager is responsible to provide interns with direction, coaching and necessary skill to complete their assignment. A buddy whose experience is similar to our interns will look after and becomes a friend to the intern. What’s more, a mentor/sponsor who is a senior manager in P&G will coach the intern on the career concerns or development plan. We provide 360 support to help them grow and succeed in P&G.Offer after formal evaluationOne of uniqueness of P&G internship is that we will give intern a full-time offer after the formal evaluation of internship. If the intern demonstrates the expected business result and P&G competencies during the project, he/she can get the fulltime offer beforehand.Because our internship program is so linked with our fulltime recruitment, we choose our interns same as our full-time employees. During our interviews, we are looking for the people whooIs able to build and lead teams with a broad variety of peopleoUses innovation and knowledge to solve problemsoIs flexible to adapt to changes whilst keeping the goal in mind





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