



why should we write the thesis?

to write a thesis before graduation is a must for every university graduate.

by writing a thesis, we may get some experience and some basic methods for further theoretical study and research and the ability to solve problems.

it is the reflection of a student’s study in college.

whether a student has such an ability to write a thesis or to solve problems in his/her field is one basis for a unit to accept him/her or not.

how long should we prepare for writing a thesis?one year or so

what do we need when we write a thesis?

firstly, for english major, most important of all, it is english knowledge and ability that based on your language skills, especially writing skill and grammar knowledge.

secondly, the way of writing is also important.

a good title, some good ideas to support thesis statement, right language and standard format are what we need.

the language style is something that we should pay much attention to, for example:

wording: we prefer big word to small one;

sentence: long sentences are quite expectable.

how do we write a thesis? how many steps should we follow?

generally speaking, when we write a thesis, we follow 10 steps:

1. choose a subject: that is, what you are going to write about. for english major, we may apply:

2. choose a title/title a paper;

3. collect materials for reference in writing;

4. analyze the collected materials;

5. sort out the data and arguments;

6. list references;

7. make up an outline;

8. 1—3 drafts;

9. proofread;

10. the last version.

what subjects may we choose to write?

english and american literature

the practice and theory of translation

english language

english linguistics

english grammar

english phonetics

english lexicology

english rhetoric

language and culture

elt methodology

teaching english in middle school

english teaching research and survey

the history of… (all mentioned above)







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