





  I am writing this letter to inform you I submitted my application and supporting…

  This is to inform you…

  I wish to inform you that I have made arrangements for an official transcript and TOEFL scores to be sent…

  Please be informed…

  Please be advised…


  Thank you for your letter for regarding the status of my application…

  I have received your letter of August 15,2010 with regard to your kind approval fo my application for admission…

  I am in receipt of your letter of August 15, 2010 in regard to the Admissions Commitee's decision on my…

  I wish to ackonwledge with thanks receipt of your letter…concerning the requirements for admission to your ** program…

  I am please to receive your letter dated Aug. 15 as to…

  relative to


  With regard to

  With reference to

  In reference to

  Referring to your letter of August 15,2006 .....

  answering to

  In reply to

  Replying to



  In further reply to your letter of August 15,2010 …

  With further reference to…


  I noted with pleasure…

  I was pleased to learn…

  I was glad to know…

  I was delighted to learn from your letter of August 15,2010…

  I was gratified to learn…

  It is gratifying to learn…

  It is a pleasure to learn…


  I am sorry to learn…

  I was disappointed to learn from your letter of August 15,2010…

  I learned with rergret…

  I was surprised to learn…


  The official TOEFL score have been requested and will reach you very soon

  The official GRE score will reach you soon.

  General Test scores will arrive in your office shortyly…

  The official GMAT scores should be available in the near future.

  It will come out before the end of January…


  Please let me know the status of my applicatio.

  Please tell me if my application is complete with all supporting materials.

  I would like very much to know whether I need to furnish my further credentials.

  I would appreciate it very much if when I can receive your decision regarding my application.

  you would let me know my application.

  It is requested the you let me know when you will evaluate my application.

  when the I-20 Form will be issued.


  I look forward to your reply.

  I am looking forward to your early reply.

  I hope to receive your prompt reply.

  I shall appreciate your good news.

  I shall be glad to have your further news.

  your favorite reply.

  an early reply from you.


  Your assistance is very much apreciated.

  Your cotinued assistance will be appreciated.

  Your advice and guidance are very much appreciated.

  Thank you very much for your kind attention.

  Many thanks for your assistance.

  I want to thank you again for your kind assitance in regard to my application.

  Please accept my deep appreciation for the assistance you have kindly extended in regard to my application.

  I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the assistance and guidance you have provided in regard to my application.






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