



申请,汉语词语,拼音shēn qǐng,向上级说明理由,提出请求,中性词。本站为大家整理的相关的申请mba个人陈述范文,供大家参考选择。  申请mba个人陈述范文  尊敬的学校领导、教授:  您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我的这份个人陈述材料!  我叫张伟,20xx年7月毕业于北京化工大学生命科学学院生物工程系。现任北京瓜尔润科技股份有限公司项目总监。北京化工大学创办于1958年,是新中国为“培养尖端科学技术所需求的高级化工人才”而创建的一所高水平大学。作为教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”和“985优势学科创新平台”重点建设院校,肩负着高层次创新人才培养和基础性、前瞻性科学研究以及原创性高新技术开发的使命。  从20xx年9月来到北京化工大学,我严于律己,积极思考。在学校期间我主修了生物工程专业全部课程,各门功课取得比较优异的成绩。工作以来,一直保留着多读书常思考的好习惯。在工作学习期间,我广泛阅读了管理学及其他相关的社科类图书报刊,并且至今仍然保留着这个习惯。  在十多年的工作过程中,我对于企业管理方面的知识非常感兴趣,也慢慢的具备的走向管理岗位的能力,我报考的工商管理是市场经济的产物,培养的是高素质的管理人员。MBA是一个具有工作经验以后的学位,MBA作为一种专业硕士学位,与一般硕士研究生有所不同。首先是培养目标不同:MBA是培养能够胜任工商企业和经济管理部门高层管理工作需要的务实型、复合型和应用型高层次管理人才,而其他硕士研究生是培养具有扎实理论基础和较强的科研和教学能力的高层次科研型和教学型人才;其次是培养对象不同,MBA的招生对象一般为大学本科毕业、具有三年以上工作实践经验的国家机关事业单位干部和工商企业管理人员及技术人员,而其他硕士研究生可以招收应届毕业生,也可以招收在职人员;第三是培养方式不同,MBA教育从本质上讲是一种职业训练,特别强调在掌握现代管理理论和方法的基础上,通过商业案例分析、实战观摩、分析与决策技能训练等培养学生的实际操作技能,使学生接受知识与技能、个性与心理、目标与愿望等方面的挑战,更具有职业竞争的实力,而其他研究生则侧重于理论学习、学术研究。  如果有幸被首都经济贸易大学工商管理系录取,我将对研究生学习计划做如下安排:  1 系统学习管理学理论;  2 锐意进取,力求创新。联系企业的实际情况做好研究学习工作。  3 积极向各位老师虚心求教,密切关注各位老师的学术进展。力求读遍各位老师的文章和专著。同时,关心世界国内本地身边的新闻事件,敏于思考。积极跟踪国内国际学术界最新进展。  首都经贸大学历史悠久,环境优美,要想获得在首经贸的学习机会,必须勇于接受挑战。相信在学校的一流学术条件下,我将实现自己人生最高理想。尊敬的教授,我期待您的留意! 作为企业管理学科的毕业生,心中应有兼济天下的理想,即勇敢承担起社会责任。所以,我要把从读书中获得的智慧积极回馈社会,践行自己的理想!  谢谢您的耐心,尊敬的老师!  申请mba个人陈述范文  During my first consulting project, I was asked to construct a sales plan for an insurance company. The first step was to meet Adam, the director of sales, to discuss forecasting assumptions. A list of questions in hand, I knocked on the door. To my surprise, Adam was very formal in his reception. He did not understand why we were meeting, so I explained that I would be creating sales plans. At that point, he became outright hostile, he barked out his nonanswer to my questions and informed me he was very busy preparing sales plans. Before I could suggest cooperation, I was ushered out, and the door slammed behind me. Too shocked to react to the secretary's condescending smirk, I attempted to grasp why a textbook opportunity for teamwork became such a spectacular failure. What had I done to attract such hostility? I had just wanted to help. I called my engagement manager to complain, but he just accused me of handling the situation poorly. I was crushed and convinced that I was not cut out for consulting.  To this day, I am not sure why Adam was so hostile. Retrospectively, I can only guess that he was insulted and threatened, because no one had formally requested his assistance. Instead, a twenty-two-year-old appeared in his office, ready to perform one of his most challenging tasks.  Adam and I never became friends, but the incident profoundly affected the way I communicate. Now, every time I interview a client, I begin by exploring and allaying any fears the person might have. I explain the project's rationale and seek a frank reaction. The rapport thus established makes the interviewees comfortable enough to share private opinions. This very human interaction not only secures me with quick yet profound insights, but also relationships that often far outlast consulting project.  申请mba个人陈述范文  By serving as a noncommissioned officer in theUnited StatesMarine Corps, I learned and developed valuable leadership skills that would prove crucial to my success as a leader and to my ability to gain the respect of my subordinates. The Marine Corps places great emphasis on leadership characteristics, believing that great leaders are not born, they are properly trained. I submitted to grueling training on my way to becoming an officer in the Marines, and believe this training gives me the foundation of strong leadership skills that I will need in every day corporateAmerica.  Leadership in the Marine Corps is more complicated than the simple management of employees. I learned this lesson the hard way, being thrust into a management position as my unit was being shipped over seas during the Persian Gulf War. As a newly promoted Corporal, I was given the job of night crew supervisor in charge of 15 other marines. In the Marine Corps, leaders are not only held accountable for the work getting done but also for the performance and conduct of their marines. At the age of 21,I had the responsibility not only to carry out my orders but also to safeguard the personal lives and protect the general welfare of my men. This being my second time over seas, I understood many of the difficulties that a young marine can have on their first extended trip away from their family. I enjoyed helping my marines over come their problems, and learned that the benefits were well worth the time that I invested. I discovered that employees who have the support of their management tend to be more focused on the tasks at hand, gaining levels of trust and loyalty that can only benefit the organization.  Related to this issue of gaining trust and loyalty through management supportiveness is that the Marine Corps requires creative means to motivate subordinates. It can be very difficult at times to be in charge of individuals, yet have no direct control over their salaries or advancement in the organization. The government decides military salaries, and promotions are controlled by boards with the primary means of measurement being time in service. For this reason, I learned to manage through mutual respect. I believe it is much more important to gain the trust and confidence of your employees than to use direct compensation to motivate them.  Throughout my Marine Corps career and beyond I developed many strong leadership skills, but most of all I learned that to be effective as a manager one must remain focused on the human aspect of leadership. By concentrating too much on the goal and not on the people needed to meet it, leaders risk alienating their employees and thus failure in achieving the goal itself. By leveraging the lessons and qualities I gained while serving as an officer in the Marine Corps, I hope to meaningfully contribute to the academic environment at the Anderson School of Business.  译文:  作为美国海军的一名军官,我学会并且培养了宝贵的领导技巧。因为这种技巧对于我成为一名成功的领导者,得到下属的尊重来说是至关重要的。海军对于领导特质的培养很重视,他们相信领导者不是天生的,而是经过恰当的训练得到的。我历尽磨练成长为海军的一名军官。我相信这样的训练培养了我的领导能力,而且这种能力在我以后每天的工作中都是需要的。  在海军作为一名领导者比简单的员工管理复杂得多了。我是经过艰苦的学习培养了自己的领导能力。海湾战争的时候我被委任到海军的领导层。作为一名新提拔的下士,我的工作就是带领一个15名成员的夜间行动部队。在海军里,领导者不仅仅要负责任务的完成,还要负责士兵的表现。在我21岁的时候,我肩负的责任不仅仅是执行任务,还有就是要确保下属的生命安全和福利。这已经是我第二次出海了,我明白一个年轻士兵首次离开家乡出海会遇到的许多困难。我很乐意去帮助下属克服困难而且我也明白我的付出是有价值的。我发现那些支持管理者的员工会更加关注手头的工作,对于公司的信任和忠诚也会得到加强。  与通过支持管理者而产生的信任及忠诚相关的就是海军要求创新方法去激励下属。在一个公司管理员工是非常困难的,因为薪水和提拔都没有统一直接的控制。而政府决定了部队的薪水,提拔也是由委员会根据服务时间的长短来决定的。因为这个原因,我通过相互尊重来管理。我相信去获取年轻员工的信任和信心远比通过奖金来激励他们更为重要。  在我海军生涯之中我培养了许多领导技巧,但是最为重要的是我学会了要做一名高效率的经理必须注重领导当中的人性化。假如领导者过于注重目标而忽视实现目标需要的员工,他们将会与员工渐行渐远并最终达不到目标。我希望在海军中作为一名军官学到的领导技巧和平衡能力可以为安德森商学院的课堂作出应有的贡献。









    【年度工作计划】希望对您有所帮助,感谢下载与阅读! 20XX年医院年度工作计划 导读: 20xx年是“十五”规划第三个年头,在专科医院的基础和业务建设发展到一定阶段的情况下,如何克服平台效应,寻找

    一、指导思想:根据“《幼儿园规程》第十六条 幼儿园应建立房屋、设备、消防、交通等安全防护和检查制度;建立食品、药物等管理制度和幼儿接送制度,防止发生各种意外事故。应加强对幼儿的安全教育。”为指导思



