Dear Sirs,We confirm dispatch of your order for Indian rugs,and give the below packing arrangements to facilitate discharge at your end.The letter A,B,and C represent sub marks on the ship’s stowage plan.A.200 Sheets(red) B. 500 sheets (blue)C.300 sheets(yellow).We trust the consignment arrives in good order and give you complete satisfaction.Yours faithfully,中文对照敬启者:现去函确认贵方订购的印度小地毯已发运。为使贵方卸货方便,特作下列包装处理:船装载图案,字母A.B.C代表下列标志。A.200块(红色) B.500块(蓝色)C.300块(黄色)我们相信,该寄售产品会完整无缺运达,并令贵方完全满意。×××敬上