



 合同是民事主体之间建立、变更和终止民事法律关系的协议。 以下是为大家整理的关于中英文采购合同的文章3篇 ,欢迎品鉴!


  需方: Demander:
  签约日:Date of Signature:
  供方向需方提供______ 产品(具体产品名称、编号、规格、单价见报价),供需双方按照平等互利、协商一致的原则签订本合同,由资本双方执行。
  Under the principle of mutual equality and benefit, the Supplier is to provide Demander with ______products (refers to the price quotation sheet for the name, code, specification and price of the products). Both parties agree to enter into this contract for execution.
  一、合同定义: Definitions:
  1、 采购合同:指本合同及相关订单、合同附件及补充规定,以及双方不时签署或确认的项目、计划、规范变更通知等书面文件。
  Procurement Contract means all written documents, including this contract and the relevant order entered into and validated under this contract, attached files and supplementary regulations to this contract, and such notices as modifications to project, schedule and specification
  igned and confirmed by both parties it back to the Demander for confirmation within a period of time agreed upon by both parties or requested by the Demander (unless otherwise agreed upon, the Supplier shall fill in the form and send it back to the Demander with three (3) working days after receipt of the price quotation form format eavor to satisfy such request by taking appropriate actions, or shall notify the Demander in writing of the earliest possible delivery time and quantity within one (1) working day after receipt of the notice supplying agreement, and should supply the quantity of the components for demand’s 3 months’ consumption if demand require. If supplier refuses to supply, then supplier should pay a penalty of semi-year’s transaction amount.
  The rights and obligations of both parties under this contract and its associating document shall be terminated immediately upon termination or discharge of this contract for any reasons, but any terms concerning After-sale Service, Guarantee, Breach of Contract, Dispute Solution, Intellectual Property Rights, Confidentiality under this contract or its associating document, and any other terms which should remain effective in nature, shall remain in effect. Discharge of contract shall not affect either party to claim against the other party for any loss arising by airmail to the buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. under such circumstances the sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.
  arbitration :
  all disputes in connection with the execution of this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade in accordance with the provisional rules of procedure promulgated by the said arbitration commission . the arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.
  买方: 卖方:
  (授权签字) (授权签字)


  Buyer: 买方:
  Add.: 地址:
  Seller: 卖方:
  Add.: 地址:
  This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.
  此销售合同(以下简称“合同”)根据 <<中华人民共和国合同法>>及相关法律法规并经由买卖双方经平等协商后共同签定,买方与卖方均同意以下条款和条件购买和出售货物。
  1. COMMODITY NAME品名:Work glves 劳保手套
  Grey cow split leather .The leather palm is to measure 205 mm to quality test lab shall be representative, can represent the quality of the goods, and the test must follow the Basic Standard and include the composition of the fabric. The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations (Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.).
  卖方应于交货日 七 日前向买方提供由中国官方质检部门认可的质检机构出具的所有用来制作。手套的面料的合格质检报告原件 7 份,卖方向质检机构送检的样品应具有代表性,能够代表大货质量,质检报告应包含国家标准的安全技术要求事项。买方在收到质检报告、装箱单、货物发票等其他文件后按合同约定付款。
  4.PAYMENT 支付
  For all the goods, the seller shall issue invoice to the buyer, the invoice shall be invoiced to: Co., Ltd
  Kind of invoice issued: People’s Republic of China VAT invoice
  Terms of Payment: Total amount of payment of goods shall be paid in RMB within 30 days issued the invoices.
  Upon signing the contract, the seller shall provide bank information for the buyer to effect payment.
  A/C No.:
  5. Intellectual Property Right 知识产权
  All the goods, documents and materials that the Seller gets to may concerns intellectual property right of the buyer may contains trade marks, copyright and business secret of the buyer. The seller shall keep secret and shall procure that its employee, agent and any other persons who may have access to the above-mentioned information keep confidentiality and shall not use it for any purpose at any time or disclose to any third party. The seller shall not sell, transfer any products or materials to any third party except for the buyer that concerns trade marks, other logo or marks, copyright and other intellectual property right of the buyer, even if for the out season products, substandard products, rest products and unused/waste products or materials. In case the seller breaches, the buyer has the right to ask for indemnification including but not limited investigation fees, lawyer’s fees,compensation as well as all other fees according to the stipulations or Chinese laws.
  7. DISPUTE AND OTHER 争议解决及其他
  Both parties will try to resolve any dispute concerning the contract amicably. If the dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, any party may initial legal action.
  All appendixes to this contract should be bonded to the contract as a whole.
  The contract includes two originals signed by the authorized signatories from each party on the following date, each party shall retain one fully signed originals and each copy has equal legal effect.
  This agreement is written in one form of two versions in English and Chinese, if both versions of English and Chinese are found inconsistent, the Chinese version should be the basis to follow.
  本合同为中英文版本书写, 如合同条款有中英文本不一致之处则以中文为准.
  Seller: Seller:
  卖方: 买方:
  Authorized representative: Authorized representative:
  授权代表 授权代表
  Signature: Signature:
  签名: 签名:
  Stamp: Stamp:
  盖章: 盖章:
  Date: Date:
  日期: 日期:







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