英 [ˈæktrəs] 美 [ˈæktrɪs]
1. 这已是凯奇的第三次婚姻了。1995年4月,他与女演员帕特瑞克·阿凯特结了婚。
This is the third marriage for Cage. In April of 1995 he wed actress Patrica Arquette.
2. 那一定是女演员卡伦。马什。
That must be karsh marsh, the actress.
3. 她没有向人们讲述她的生活状况,但是她的女发言人说,这个有着44年艺龄的女演员,是不抽烟的。
She did not gave details of her condition, but the spokeswomen said the forty-four- year- old actress is not a smoker.
4. 那位女演员有一头黑亮的头发。
The actress has shiny black hair.
5. 我在读一本故事关于一个女演员和普通人的恋情。
I'm reading about romance between an actress and a commoner.
6. 在这个城市有成千上万的女演员无戏可演。
There are thousands of actress`s out of work in this city.
英 [əˈkaʊntənt] 美 [əˈkaʊntənt]
1. Earnings from Chinese New Year performances hongbao must be audited by a certified accountant.
2. A certified public accountant has finished auditing the group's accounts to determine the quality of assets.
3. He's now studying commerce, hoping to become a chartered accountant.
4. The author is a HK member of the CPPCC and a chartered accountant.
5. The author is a Hong Kong member of the CPPCC and a chartered accountant.
6. Xiong works full time as an accountant in Jiangsu's provincial capital Nanjing in addition to taking care of her family.
7. " They know the tactics to stay afloat, " said the accountant.
8. But now, the senior accountant can do it all in her office.
9. Also, an accountant working for a Kurdish television station was killed in northern Iraq.
银行出纳员的英文名称:bank teller
1. 报告还显示,超过45%的投资者在个人金融主渠道的银行出纳员和银行的分行。
Report also showed that more than 45% of the investors in the main channel for personal finance for the bank tellers and bank branches.
2. 那天我到了银行突然发现,我最喜欢的出纳员被调到另一个镇上去了,因为她对客户太热情了。
A quick trip to the bank - horror, my favorite bank teller has been moved to another town because she`s been too nice with customers.
3. 银行出纳员终端设备
BTT? Bank Teller Terminal?
4. 银行每个出纳员的窗口前都排起了队。
A line formed at each teller window.
5. 出纳员在开一张支票,而银行经理则仔细的检查斯蒂文先生的各种身份证明。
The teller is cutting a cashier's check while the MANAGER carefully examines Mr. Stevens'various I. D. s.