



英文求职信 第一篇



dear sirs,

i am a senior of computer science in shanghai university of

technology. i would like to work as an intern for an it company. as i have a wide interest in computer, i will do whatever job assigned to me, in software development or in technical support. one of my strong points is that i am able to work conscientiously under great pressure. the more challenging my task is, the better.

my main purpose is just to put into practice what i have learned from the classroom in the past few years and to learn about my own ability in practical work. i do not take remuneration into


i am enclosing a resume and looking forward to hearing from you. yours respectfully,

wang guoqing

英文求职信 第二篇


Dear Mr. Smith,

Ms. Maria of your company has told me that your depart. needs a manager assistant, and I want to apply for the position. I graduated from the University of Business and Economy last year. My major is Human Resource and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.

I am really interested in learning business practice. I will try my best to be a diligent worker and a fast learner. If given a chance, I am sure I can prove my worth in your company.

I will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. Enclosed is my resume, and hoping for your immediate reply.

Sincerely yours,


英文求职信 第三篇






英文求职信 第四篇






在学好专页课的同时,我严格要求自己多参加实践活动,不断题高自己的实际操作能力:20xx年-20xx年担任安徽师范大学外國语学院学院助理,胁助学院灵导完成学生管理工作;20xx-20xx学年我担任外國语学院直属团总支宣传委员,参加了20xx年安徽师范大学暑期赴xxx小南京学校的义务支教活动;20xx-20xx学年我任学生会主席,并在大一、大二学年分别担任学工通讯部成员、副部长、副主席、学工通讯部部长,参与外國语学院毕业生晚会、迎新生晚会导演工作.我个人因此荣获校级"优秀学生干部" "优秀团干"称号.



英文求职信 第五篇

Dear Mr Ho:

Application for the position of Architectural Engineer.

I am writing to you regarding your advertisement for the above position in todays JobsPower.com. After ten years with xYZ Corporation, I am looking for a more challenging and growth-oriented position.

I possess extensive professional experience in architectural, engineering, and construction fields. In my last position as a Project Manager, I successfully coordinated the mechanical, structural, electrical, and civil disciplines on various projects.

In addition to the above, my most important achievements include planning and supervising the reconstruction of Any Monastery, and also the building of ABC Library.


英文求职信 第六篇

Dear S×rs,

Please allow me to apply for the pos×t×on of off×ce clerk wh×ch you advert×sed ×n "xx News" of Apr×l 9.

× am 28 years of age and unmarr×ed. After rece×v×ng my B.B.A. fromxx Un×vers×ty, × worked for three years as an off×ce clerk atxx Company.

For the last two years × have been a secretary to the xx Company, Ltd. ×n Shenzhen. × am look×ng for a pos×t×on of off×ce clerk to ×ncrease my exper×ence ×n bus×ness.

× have a w×de knowledge of bus×ness and thoroughly exper×enced ×n all types of off×ce work. Cop×es of my test×mon×als are enclosed, and ×f you are ×nterested ×n my appl×cat×on, please g×ve me an opportun×ty of a personal ×nterv×ew at your conven×ent date.

S×ncerely yours,

英文求职信 第七篇


I have been told by Mr.John L.Pak,Credit Manager,The Business Book Publishing,New York,with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June.I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.

You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business.The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ.

My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control. In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration.The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.

I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.

Very truly yours,

英文求职信 第八篇

Dear Sir,

Please consider me as an applicant for the position of an assistant secretary in your bank which is advertised in JobsPower.com. I am twenty-five years of age and graduate of the xx Commercial University at 1998, where I have completed the four-year course. Besides, I have had two year's training in stenography, and typewriting and also studied the English Language, including a year of Business English in xx Institute. I have also completed, with a grade of A. a year's course in Business Practice, but I have had no experience in office work outside our University.

In regard to my character and general ability, I refer you to Mr. David B. Smith, President of the xx Commercial University, and Mrs. Betty R. Hislop, Dean of the Business Administration Faculty. I should welcome a personal interview.

英文求职信 第九篇











英文求职信 第十篇

Dear Ms. Anderson:

I am seeking a position in data processing management and have enclosed my resume for review against your current requirements.

My background in data processing includes programming, systems ysis, project management, data base administration and MIS department management.

For the past seven years, I have been the Information Center Manager at Wilson Corporation in Gorham, New Hampshire, responsible for planning, budgeting, organizing and managing the daily operations of this department. In addition to supporting all end user computing on the IBM 3090 mainframe and personal computers, I am also responsible for evaluating PC hardware and software, establishing PC standards and policies, consulting in the design of PC applications and maintaining both mainframe and PC security controls.

I am seeking a position in the $65,000 to $70,000 range and have no relocation restrictions.

Should you have an appropriate opening in your operations, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and the members of your staff to see how my qualifications might align with your requirements. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Very truly yours,

Richard R. Reardon(手写体)

Richard R. Reardon







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