



  导语:学校秋季运动会致铅球运动员的广播稿:手里紧握那沉重的铅球,那铅球上凝集了你的希望, 你的理想, 汇集全身的力量,推出理想, 推出希望,铅球在空中闪亮, 理想在空中发光 。以下是小编整理铅球校运会广播稿的资料,欢迎阅读参考。


  To the referee

  The rules

  It is a selfless sword.

  You are an impartial judge.

  Foot on one side hot earth.

  The sky is blue.

  Sandstorm, hot sun.

  Mouth cleft lip dry

  You are standing with a statue.

  Stand in a landscape.

  You hold the flag.

  Hold the court clear.

  To the referee

  Well begun is half done,

  But you, the referee,

  It is the key to our destination.

  Your fairness is our foot for walking;

  Your patience is our step;

  Your seriousness is the road we have traveled.

  The balance of justice shows your integrity and selfless character. Let me say it again:

  Referee, your hard work!

  No one applauds - to the referee.

  The same sun,

  The same exposure,

  Without a warm cheer,

  No excited applause.

  You use sophisticated instruments,

  And detailed


  Record the brilliance of the athlete.

  I'm proud of you,

  Hard work,

  Dear teacher!

  Teachers at the finish line.

  In the sun above you,

  The unsung use of the most fair scales to measure students' success. Among the cheers of the people,

  You do not have a name that is fixed to you,

  You treat reality with your broadest mind. On weekdays, you stand on the podium,

  To impart knowledge to the students,

  For the future of the motherland to spread the hard sweat;

  Now you are cultivating your students on another fertile soil.


  Sports radio - shot put,

  The iron ball in front of me,

  In the dark, dark,

  The rust is still visible.

  Perhaps it had been attached to the heavy shackles of the martyrs, and perhaps it had accidentally broken your foot. So,

  Don't hesitate any more,

  Push it away,

  Let it stay away from us.

  To the shot putter.

  The shot is thrown from your hand,

  Across the air,

  Beautiful parabola.

  The shot shot across the air,

  On the playground,

  Leave a good mark.

  Every time I throw,

  It's all about passion;

  Every time I hit the ground,

  It's all about trying.





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