





Dear Mr.xxx

I would like to apply for the vacancy advertised in the "City Daily"newspaper yesterday. (how I heard about the jon)

I have been working as a Sales Assistant for the David & Alice Company for five years,(experience)but I am now looking for a job with more responsibility.(Why I want the job). I have a BA in Economics(qualification) and I hope to develop myself fully with you. Although I come from China, my English is now very good as I have lived here since 2001.

Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and a photo.(CV and photo)

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.(prepare for an interview)

Yours sincerely


Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing with reference to you advertisement for an English Secretary in the "City Weekend" of 9 May 2004.

I graduated from Beijing University in 20xx with a degree in English. My first full-time job was a secretary for the Training Director of a consultancy company. Since 20xx I have been working as a bilingual secretary for a large international publishing company.

I am very interested in the position because I would like to use my English. I am enthusiastic about working for an engineering company and feel that I have the flexibility, motivation and communication skills you require.

Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and a photo.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your faithfully


ear Sir or Madam

I have seen your advertisement in today's“ City Weekly News” and I would like to apply for the post of Personal Secretary.

As you can see from my enclosed curriculum vitae, I have had several year's experience in different offices. In both my last jobs the organizational side was very important and there was a lot of work using the computer.

However, I would now prefer a post where I can use my knowledge of Japanese and my interest in art might be useful.

I hope you will consider my application and look forward to hearing from you.





    普通合伙企业转让合同 转让方:___________________________ 受让方:___________________________ 经双方协商,并经公司股东会批准,就_______

    邀请函范文  邀请函是由机构、团体、公司、学校等单位或个人举办某些活动时邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的请约性书信。它是现实生活中常用的一种日常应用写作文种。在国际交往以及日常的



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    【爱学范文网 - 下半年工作总结】(一)重上级场,抓考核,强规范,提升营销服务水平1、重点关注上级场需求变化,提前做好预测和应对,指导好客户经营,高度重视客户盈利水平的提高,保持并优化“稍紧平衡”上级

    【爱学范文网 - 教研活动总结】举行教研活动可以全面提高教师的各方面能力,那么在这次活动中也会学到不少的东西。下面是由爱学范文网小编为大家整理的“中职学校教研活动总结”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


