




简单的英语自我介绍面试 篇1

  my name is ,i was born in 1987 and come from the the famous scenic spot ——-lunshan,jiujiang.my major in university is customs declaration and international freight.during my study in university,i went to the training of national Customs Officer,cargo agent,declarant,assiatant logistician and Documentation Specialist ,and got all the certificates.and i also win many scholarships.i have a lot of professional knowledge which made be able to work efficiently. My individuality can be described as an honest, a strong sense of duty, positive and passional,and work well under heavy pressure.i hope that i had the honor to join in your company.

  during the time in school I have got many kinds of rewards, and I have passed the exanms of national Customs Officer,cargo agent,declarant,assiatant logistician and Documentation Specialist .I am a person with rich knowledge of my major,and i am honest .I ’m also very hot-hearted ,I am vrey lively and I have strong resposibility of my job .I can bear lots of pressureI hope i can be a member in your company.This is my self introduction ,thanks.

简单的英语自我介绍面试 篇2

  My name is Liyuanyuan. I'm a boy and I am 12 yeas old, there are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in Zhengxin senior high school. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She teaches Chinese in the university. I have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. I'm tall and I have a pair of big eyes. Now, I am in Grade 5, my study is not very good, but I like English, so my English is better than others. I like singing, drawing, playing basketball. I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the English study materials. Because it also enlarges my vocabulary words. I think one day I can master English. Thank you.

简单的英语自我介绍面试 篇3

  My name is。。。 I am 16 years old.I graduated from No.1 Middle school in Dazhou. My favourate sport is baskeball.AS many of the students,I like to watch NBA .And I'd like to listen to the music during my leasure time.I have always been told by my friends that I am an open and optimistic person who is easy to get along with.Also I'm a person with strong will and an independent mind. I am very glad to know all of you and wish to make friends with you.I believe we will have a great time during the following school years here. Thank you very much!




【第1篇】  说到稻草人,在没读叶圣陶爷爷的《稻草人》之前,我只知道稻草人在稻田里看田,但是在读了叶圣陶爷爷的《稻草人》中的一篇《稻草人》后,我知道了稻草人不只是在稻田里看田的,也有一个感人的故事


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发言稿是参加会议者为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。以下是本站小编为大家带来的关于在教研组长会议发言稿,以供大家参考!  在教研组长会议发言稿  今天是新学

警察是指国家及其统治者,根据国家和统治者阶级的意志,按照确定标准设置的警察机关及其警务人员。本站为大家整理的相关的2023经典人民警察个人先进事迹材料,供大家参考选择。  2023经典人民警察个人先进




