




关于打公用电话的行为禁忌 篇1



关于打公用电话的行为禁忌 篇2


关于打公用电话的行为禁忌 篇3

  Personal privacy, is not willing to open, no stranger to inquire about the secret, personal or private things.

  In international social life, people generally pay respect individual privacy, and respect the privacy, as if a person in interpersonal skills have upbringing, respect and understanding can be an important sign of object interaction.

  In international social life, how many, the personal income has been foreigners as their faces, is taboo others directly or indirectly. Remove wages, those who reflect personal economic conditions, such as tax amount, problems and bank deposit, the stock returns and housing area, car models, resorts, apparel brands, entertainment, etc, and personal income because, do not fit.

  In general, the actual age abroad as "core", and "confidential for old" words taboo. The love of friends and relatives, junior, marriage and family life. In some countries, with straight talk about this problem, is likely to be regarded as boring, even to think is "sexual harassment". When chatting, generally dislike others for their own health concern.

  Foreigners are put his own private residence as a private domain. They do not like the telephone number, residential address personal private information disclosure as pure ". We ask for others, such as "is where people", "what school", "what did before, that is normal. Yet these contents as foreigners ", "commercial secrets of the object against ask communication freely, without ever find each other" hukou ".

  In international social life of faith and politics. In other foreign ask: "what are you doing recently?", "why haven't seen you for this kind of" foreigners, but very taboo problem to others who seek this kind of problem, not ever curiosity, failing to respect other people, is "ulterior motives.

  We mentioned above, these problems are personal privacy issues. To respect the privacy of foreign friends, he must avoid involving these problems.

  1, looking for similar habits.

  Everyone has his own personality, hobbies, and interact in a way similar habits, relatively speaking, people everywhere, the problem is how to search to find you. First to watch each other's characteristics, age, social background and career life view, if both parties can pay attention to similar to the common language, and resonance.

  2 and grasp the discretion of itself.

  If a person is more outstanding, specialty to win the appreciation of others, and be happy with your nature, but if, instead of perfection, make the person has a kind of feeling that if the upper occasional exposes some personal shortcomings, but that will attract people close to you.

  3, pay attention to the instrument and temperament.

  Of course, treat people hospitable and natural than apathy introverted people are attractive. But the first meeting, this is nonsense doesn't give a person a kind of sedate feeling.




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