



珍爱生命英语高中生优秀作文1  TheinternationaldayagainstdrugabuseisonJun26theachyear.itaimstokeeppeoplefromdrugs.下面是小编为大家整理的珍爱生命英语高中生作文3篇【优秀范文,供大家参考。


  The international day against drug abuse is on Jun 26th each year. it aims to keep people from drugs. As we all know, drugs are harmful to our health.

  Firstly, the drugs may lead to heart attack, high blood pressure and other diseases. Secondly, It is easy for drug takers to become addicted to drugs and it is hard for them to give up the drugs. Besides, Drugs cost people a great deal money. If they don’t have enough money to buy drugs, they will suffer great pain. In that case, they may commit a crime. Therefore, if you find someone around you who is abusing the drugs, you should call the police immediately. Keep away from people who take drugs and don’t keep in touch with them.

  Dear friends, let’s start fighting against drugs now and take good care of our lives and say no to drugs.


  When everyone was just a little child, nothing but happiness was potentially stored in his mind. A little stone, a piece of paper, a plain stick, a tiny ant, all these so-called nave articles in *s’ eyes can make most pleasant toys for children. They are always so true to their mind, and easily satisfied with their life. They laugh when they feel happy and they cry when they are not satisfied, never conceal their frank feelings. However, when they someday came into age, they take our place. They don’t have to be happy to laugh nor to be sad to cry. Something has to be covered, something has to be withstood, and something has to be

  controlled. In all, many things have to be stomached even though they are seriously bitter. But we don’t always name it life, we name it grown-up. That is true. We are not a child anymore. We must go though bitterly cold winter before

  meeting spring, a lesson everyone has to learn before we can take control our life alone and be a real person. But life is not always what you want, isn’t it? Just laugh when you are happy and cry when sad.

  We are not so strong, just a human being.


  A proverb says:“Time is money.”But to me,time is even more precious than mony.When money is spent we can earn it back.However,when time is gone,it will never retun.That is whay we must value time.

  Time at our disposal is usually short.Even an hour is very precious.Every minute is a treasue.We should meke full use of our time to do useful and productive things.It is shame that there are so many people who waste their time carelessly.They do not know how important time is.They do not know how to value their time.They are wasting their life.

  We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.Time is money.Time is life,too!If you waste time,you waste your life!





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