



迎国庆节英语作文1  TodayisNationalDay.Wehavenoclasses.Inthemorning,IwenttothePeople‘sParkwithmymother.Wehad下面是小编为大家整理的2023迎国庆节英语作文,菁选2篇【完整版】,供大家参考。


  Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People‘s Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today.

  OCT .1 2010 SUNNY

  Today is National day, but I don’t feel any happy at all, just no reson. Last night I download the English Paper till 3AM ,sometime I want to give up.but in order to accomplish my dream.I can handle it.

  Today is National Day on Oct,1 2010, Weiqun have 2 days as holiday, I just made a call to home but she still didn‘‘t get home, I asked mother to try to call her to confirm her position right now in order to be convenient for taking fetch by my father in 6-cross roadmouth. New house has been finished nearly. Dad decided to resume working in Houzai Glass factory just for RMB350 monthly even actually I don‘‘t want him to work back. there are 7 days holiday I will take for Chinese National Day. But maybe I need on duty every day. Linyunbin will come back to Dongguan today.


  Celeberate The 55TH National Day Chinese people will welcome the 55th National Day two days later,October 1th.In Beijing,the Tian"anmen square is decorated by more than 300,000 pots of flowers,the Chairman Mao"s old icon is changed by a new one hanging on the Tian"anmen Building.In Nanjing,sweet-scented osmanthus festival,misty rain culture festival in Mochou Lake,barbecue festival in Gulin Park will be held during the Na[]tional Day.In Chongqing,more than 2,000 of lights on bridge are renewed to welcome the National Day.During the National Day period,Raising the national falg ceremony,a concert of national music and an exhibition of patriotic films will be held in Hangzhou,Zhejing Province.

  Happy National Day!

  National Day

  It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you!





    大学生实习心得体会范文集合9篇 我们心里有一些收获后,不妨将其写成一篇心得体会,让自己铭记于心,通过写心得体会,可使我们今后少走弯路。但是心得体会有什么要求呢?以下是小编整理的大学生实习心得体会

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