




海员英文自我介绍 篇1

  Good morning. It's a pleasure for me present myself. My name is , and I am a candidate for the position of crew

  I am honest,steady,considerate ,creative,hit off things with insight ,with passion and energy, have the respensebily, likes challenges ,and I can adjust myself to a new cultural environment ,with good team work .i likes study ,i think i can be put to use in further to develop the company's business.During these

  years working experise,i am well konw morals of being a man,how to communication with people.have good communication skills .i am active and strict.i have traveled a lot .well konw different contries's custom and different countries' people speaking english accents.

  i am well trained of the professional customer service,and with good smile .i hope i will bring your customer good feeling .during working as a crew ,i think i have enough customer service oriented ,kind and soft.good oral speaking skills ,i can handle diffrenent qusetions .i am happy to deal with promblems. I believe the most important things you need in a job are team spirit and responsibility. With these two things, I will be a valuable person for the company and have a fruitful career life

海员英文自我介绍 篇2

  Hi, everybody, my name is Wang Biao, comes from anhui xuan city merlin experimental school. I am a lively and cheerful boy. I'm thinner, some people give me a nickname, but I'm not angry, who call me thin?

  My personality is love to help others, so was my impression is very good. My hobby is like to play with friends, not much my strengths, but also a lot of help people is one of my strengths. I in the school sports is very good, it is not to doubt, to learn the language of English never under 85 points, but my math is very poor. So, my face always is permeated with the expression of joy.

  My weakness is not playing basketball, also don't know how one thing, just don't like, and math classes always absent-minded, homework is often a bollocking sloppy...

  This is me, I hope you can make friends with me.





海员英文自我介绍 篇3

  Hello everybody, my name is is proud to participate in this year's 23 interviews also like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to your company, I worked two jobs before, most recently in March 20xx to 11 years in February. I worked as a sales trainee staff. FTE needs for three months, a month after I became a full-time employees. During this period, access to all sorts of successful people. At work and the different personalities can get along and build strong friendships with colleagues! My advantage is that careful cautious. I agree to the essence of your company to the United States has always been the aim. In my opinion every one of your products are exquisite works of art. They are able to high-end, high-quality principle is very proud of your company to do the work! Thank you.





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