



难忘的一天的优秀英语作文1  Inthemorning,Isteppedoutofthehouse,heardDong,Dong,dong......Voice,thatisthesnaredr下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度难忘一天英语作文,菁选3篇,供大家参考。


  In the morning, I stepped out of the house, heard "Dong, Dong, dong......"Voice, that is the snare drum team arrived, they are to celebrate the establishment of the poem association.

  I out of curiosity with them, to the destination, "ah!A lot of people!"I can not help but sigh, is sim* the huge crowds of people, there was a loud noise, program began, people immediately quiet down.

  What impressed me most was playing drums, they marched in step, action, really beautiful, do command of the board face, looked very serious, hand The roots of war child where to the drum to which side out, good prestige.More and more people, time, such as water, at a draught by noon, all the people in Unwilling to go home, there are a few people in meditation.

  This innocence is so unforgettable, I also understand the reason, as long as you work hard, you can succeed, they play the snare is such, learning is not so?


  May 6th is coming, my heart became excited and nervous, because this day is I participated in the "star of hope" style competition day.

  That afternoon, at the venue, I was arranged to take a number -- decided the order of play, I drew a number 5.Mother said: "come on!Hub To the second round of championship!"I nodded, confidently on the stage.In front of the player when the speech, I secretly carrying my speech.To me, I go out, take a bow, began to have a well-thought-out plan to speak up.Finished, then answer the question.After stepping down, the judges scoring.Reported score.yer 5 to 9.43 points."I jumped with joy, because I was in front of more than runners high.

  Until in second groups, third groups, fourth groups did not appear scores higher than me, but in the fifth groups, one contestant is 9.51 points, more than Our scores.Fortunately, I still have entered the second round championship.

  We are going to draw, I once again nearly seat jumped up, because, to draw the sign in the word is very familiar to me.As for the full, these words And I"m just a story goes.However, the nine words are used in, but it has a certain degree of difficulty.After all is prepared, I use A few minutes skilled back down.I came, I confidently say my story, everyone praised me, I be way ahead by 9.40 points.

  The time is up, I listen carefully, three prize, two prize, first prize, no no. 5.After a while, I know I am a champion, I third Jumped up from his chair, pleased to receive the award......

  This is a memorable day!


  It was Sunday Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearbyUsually we go to the park to spend our holiday But today we t there to take part in voluntary labour.

  We got there at nine o"clock Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working.

  The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers The studentsin Group Two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist They also cleaned the benches in the park I was in Group Three We t to the children"s playground and cleaned all the equipment there We worked very hard

  At about eleven we finished working We met at the gate of the park We all felt tired but very happy.





    个人基本简历简历编号: 更新日期:  姓 名:XXX小姐国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:湛江身材:158 cm kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:22 岁培训认证: 诚信徽章:  求职意向及工作




    20xx年元旦春节慰问信范文(一)  尊敬的各位领导、各位朋友:  斗转星移万象新,又是神州草木春。值此新年来临之际,请允许幼师万余名师生员工向各位新老朋友致以真诚的问候和美好的祝愿!祝您在新的一年里

    转眼间半学期已经过去了,本学期来,按照教育体育局有关文件精神, 根据杨斜中心校教育教学工作计划,我校工作的重心已转移到提高教育教 学质量上来。教育教学工作沿着学校教学总体思路顺利进行,基本完成了 前半

    同志们:  聚焦项目一直是亭湖的优良传统。近年来,区委、区政府始终坚持“项目立区”战略,矢志不渝攻坚重大项目,集中精力推进项目建设,推动各层各级党员干部把抓发展的注意力聚焦到项


