摘 要 目的:探讨危险度评估和粪便隐血试验 were examined by overall colonoscopy, and the results were analyzed. Results: A total of 2 784 residents were screened for colorectal cancer in Situan Community from May 2014 to May 2015, valid data of 2 680 cases were taken back, 539 cases were identified as high-risk population of colorectal cancer, and the positive rate of primary screening was 20.11%. Overall colonoscopy was performed in 344 patients, and the response rate was 63.82% . 4 cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed, and the detection rate of colorectal cancer was 149.25/100,000 形式的筛查方案在大城市与县域地区大样本人群中验证是有效的,能够发现癌及癌前病变,且发现的癌半数以上为早期[2]。因此,在社区开展大肠癌筛查项目,分析危险度评估及FOBT对人群大肠癌筛查的效果,可为日后开展大肠癌筛查工作及制定相关政策积累经验。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
调查对象为2014年5月至2015年5月期间居住在上海市奉贤区四团社区,且参加本市各类基本医疗保险和基本医疗保障的常住人口。共有2 784人参与了筛查,获得有效数据2 680份,其中男性1 147人: 1624-1634.
[7] 黄文兰. 上海奉贤东部地区大肠癌筛查结果分析[D]. 苏州:苏州大学, 2014.
[8] 张坤, 翟爱军, 何宝芬, 等. 北京云岗社区2011-2011年大肠癌筛查实践[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2012, 6(16): 4872-4873.
[9] 沈晶晶, 董雯. 高脂肪與纤维饮食对大肠癌的影响研究[J]. 中国美容医学, 2011, 20(Z2): 175.