




奔驰汽车的英文广告语 篇1

  1. in the Mercedes-Benz, my heart Benz.

  2. Mercedes-Benz world, flashed the brightest.

  3. Enjoy the star life, Mercedes-Benz round you dream.

  4. Select Benz, choose between heaven and earth ride.

  5. I am Mercedes, you are proud.

  6. Benz, walk in front of the world.

  7. Mercedes-Benz cars, the car world's Polaris.

  8. There are Mercedes-Benz, no limit.

  9. Cars to the Piedmont Road, there must be Mercedes-Benz cars.

  10. speed, due to Mercedes-Benz in; height, due to Mercedes-Benz born.

  11. King Mercedes-Benz, gallop without limit.

  12. Mercedes-Benz let the dream with the direction.

  13. Rush out your speed, Chi out of your honor.

  14. heart with the car, all the way "Mercedes."

奔驰汽车的英文广告语 篇2

  Noble, no end. Peak, from entry. -------- Land Rover - Range Rover advertising slogan

  Open up, not the provision of areas. New Audi A8L advertising language

  Life results, your share. ------ Volvo advertising language

  Sitting on luxury, fearless world. - Volvo XC90 advertising language

  For your outstanding achievements. ------- Camry advertising slogan

  Camry Camry, where the realm. -------- Camry advertising slogan

  Buick car: aiming a thousand miles.

  Mercedes - run: the driving force of human energy.

  Toyota: dynamic poetry, dance to me.

  Mitsubishi Motors: not all cars have the same moral character.

  Buick: Buick - the secret to a better life.

  Isuzu: Our wheels are constantly turning

  Mazda: the harmony of style and performance makes the new Mazda 6 different. Quality is the core of Mazda.

  Audi A4: We basically do not have to say that the new Audi A4 similar cars in the best. There is no need for this

  Honda: Hong Chong Avenue.

  Chevrolet: The future, come for me.

  NISSAN car: life is a trip, I wish you a happy journey

  NISSAN: Change the future

  Lexus: relentless seek perfection.

奔驰汽车的英文广告语 篇3

  Agile and flexible, dynamic and dynamic show between the excellent style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan

  The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  Never forget the moment ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  Travel - ready to go on the road racing ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster

  Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  Can the passage of time better? Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance - Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe

  Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe

  The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe

  Beyond the limits of a new generation of Mercedes - Benz E - class cars

  Le Le alone as the music of the Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles

  Sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature ------- Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium SUV

  Born for the road, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz ------- M-class off-road vehicles

  A world full of endless, from the beginning ------- Mercedes-Benz R-class "luxury sports station wagon" (Grand Sports Tourer)

  Ahead, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

  The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan

  Conquer the target to climb the new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster

  From racing to car legend - Mercedes Benz SL roadster

  Perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster

  Smile curve, so that everything becomes simple and clear ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster

  Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Dynamic poetry, dance to me.

  Lead the times, control the future

  The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spirit

  Wins endless

  A long tradition and wonderful design, "beautiful eternal"

  Never before, as before all

  Fashion lines converge in your mind

  The Ultimate Sports Car - The Combination of Tradition and Innovation

  A great start

  The best or nothing

奔驰汽车的英文广告语 篇4

  1. Today's free beauty salon

  Romance from the beauty salon began

  3. Midsummer interest-bearing nursed back to health

  4. "whitening summer self-confidence happy" activities

  5. "Color of the lure of summer love" activities

  6. Summer is not a good body fat

  Have a real breast to do real woman

  8 .. everything from the "new" start!

  9. Free trial to do, effective payment

  10. beauty salon three years to repay the big rebate

  11 free trial to do, effective payment

  12. Input a point, beautiful very!

  Beauty salon allows you to revisit the young dream

  4. A beautiful investment, a gift of love

  15. repair bright eyes to regain the golden years

  16. Note, beauty salons rest assured beauty

  17. An inch of an inch of gold, inch gold hard to buy face new!

  18 good summer body fat no longer come

  Have a real breast to do real woman

奔驰汽车的英文广告语 篇5

  1, unique extraordinary, to create extraordinary

  2, Moonlight to create a warm and charming world

  3, for the world Tim glory

  4, expanding high-definition vision, the pursuit of a wider realm

  5, science and technology to light life, saving cast wealth

  6, after dusk, true color still

  7, a new era of green lighting

  8, illuminate the light of the world

  9, let us light up the world

  10, rational lighting the world, LED dedication bright

  11, professional is the winner

  12, the beautiful stars of the composition of the sky market, let our dreams fly together

  13, wonderful world, colorful presentation

  14, as one dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in science and technology, his hands presented in good faith to create brilliant

  15, to win the professional quality of the market, at a reasonable price rate first





    【第1篇】毕业论文致谢词范文 本论文是在导师xxx教授和xxx研究院的细细指导下完成的。导师渊博的专业知识,严谨的治学态度,精益求精的工作作风,诲人不倦的高尚师德,严以律己、宽以待人的崇高风范,



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