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By Chen Qiwen

It is true that the 1911 Revolution of China was brief. It started on October 10, 1911 and ended on February 12, 1912. But by the time the revolution was over, the Qing Dynasty was gone; the 4,000-year monarchy system in China was gone, a brand new chapter of modern China began, and a galaxy of revolutionary heroes had their names carved into history.

One of the numerous heroes is Gong Baoquan (1886-1922), a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province.

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, Jiaxing municipal government has been restoring Gong Baoquan’s former residence, now a cultural heritage under the protection of Jiaxing. It is scheduled to open to the general public on Oct 10, 2011.

Not many people know about Gong Baoquan. As a matter of fact, he was one of the most active heroes dedicated to the revolutionary undertakings in the ten years up to the revolution. Moreover, he is one of the historical and cultural celebrities of Jiaxing.

Born in Makuhui Town, Gong Baoquan was the fourth child of the family. His father was a doctor and his mother from a family of scholars. Influenced by his mother, Gong developed a passion for literature in early boyhood years. He was admitted to Xiushui Junior High School at age sixteen but dropped out in 1900 because of an incident based on misunderstanding concerning a visiting American missionary.

During that time, China was faced with the troubles at home and aggression from Western imperialist powers. In order to pursue a better education opportunity and overthrow the incompetent Qing government, the young man went to Japan in 1902 for further education. There, he met Zhang Taiyan, a Chinese democratic revolutionist and thinker who had later exerted a great influence on the young man’s life.

Appreciating Gong’s literary talent and patriotic aspiration, Zhang Taiyan took him as an apprentice. They edited “Citizen Newspaper”, a political journal, together to disseminate ideas of democracy and revolution and promote the fight against the puppet regime. Gong published articles in the journal, blasting the Qing government’s treasonable acts and seeking democracy. His writings and thoughts received high praise from the big shots in Chinese democratic revolutionary circles. The journal was reviewed favorably and won great support of overseas Chinese and students study abroad.

Gong was more than a writer about revolution. He took active part in preparing for revolutionary undertakings which aimed at overturning the Qing government. He finished his study in Japan and went back to China in 1904. At the same year, a Chinese revolutionary alliance named “Restoration League” was founded in Shanghai. Together with Cai Yuanpei, Tao Chengzhang and other comrades, Gong Baoquan was one of the founding fathers. He also joined another revolutionary alliance “United League” in the following year. Gong traveled through Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Anhui, propagating revolutionary thought and recruiting new members.

Gong also placed emphasis on personnel training. He jointly founded the Datong School in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province with Tao Chengzhang, Xu Xilin and some other comrades. Young people received training for revolution. In 1905, he and Tao Chengzhang employed at a junior high school in Wuhu, a city on the Yangtze River in Anhui Province. The two did secret revolutionary works under the cover of teaching. After the failure of an uprising launched by the United League in 1907 in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, Gong Baoquan and Tao Chengzhang were forced to flee to Indonesia. They founded a school there and continued their revolutionary undertakings.

After the restoration of Zhejiang in 1911, Gong went back to Zhejiang and served as Chief Librarian of Zhejiang Library in 1912. During his 10-year tenure of office, he contributed a great deal to the cultural programs of Zhejiang. He published a series of books about Zhang Taiyan to disseminate Zhang’s thoughts. The Librarian started an ambitious project. He sent people to Beijing in a bid to copy the “Imperial Collection of Four”, the largest collection of books in Chinese history and probably the most ambitious editorial enterprise in the history of the world.

Gong passed away from pulmonary disease in June, 1922 at the age of 37. In the last ten years of his life, the revolutionary turned his mind and soul to Buddhism, and this is probably why he was buried near the Lingyin Temple, the most famous Buddhist sanctuary of Hangzhou. In 1925, Jiaxing County held a public ceremony in honor of local martyrs. In 1931, Jiaxing Government erected a monument in honor of the local 1911 Revolution heroes and Gong Baoquan was one of the seven martyrs officially named and honored. □





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