Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and therapeutic strategy of bacterial liver abscess in diabetics(DLA). Methods:19 cases of DLA were retrospectively reviewed. The factors which we analysed were included among the clinical presentation, the other diseases companied with DLA, the general laboratory examination, bacterial culture, the position of abscess in liver, the therapeutic methods and curative effect of treatment.Results:19 cases of DLA were all type 2 diabetes mellitus, and DLA occurred more frequently in elderly patients with hyperglycemia. Clinical features of this disorder were atypical,the occurrence of the right upper abdominal pain was not common. The positive rate of bacteria cultivation in blood, puncture fluids and other sources was lower(36.8%). The B-ultrasonography and computer tomography of liver played an important role in the diagnosis of DLA. 13 cases were treated by antibiotics along, 5 cases submitted to aspiration by the guiding of B-ultrasonography, and 1 case underwent surgical drainage of liver abscess. Among 19 cases, 18 of them were curved successfully.Conclusion:The clinical features of DLA are atypical, and also companied with many complications, which might result in the difficulty of the diagnosis of DLA. Appropriate therapeutic strategies include early diagnosis, control of hyperglycemia with insulin, sufficient use course of antibiotics and timely drainage of abscess.
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