





  my wonderful girl:

  i cannot tell you how much your letter has delighted me. from this i can know that you had accept my apologies. i can"t tell you how much your letter relieved me. thank you, dear, for writing so promptly! in reply, i express my hearty thanks. because of not called you those days, i have been suffering agonies of remove ever since. i hope that my unforgivable stupidly hasn"t ruined our friendship for all time.

  i have so many things to tell you that i hardly know where to begin. there is nothing more difficult for a matter-of-fact-engineer like me than to write a letter that will tell how much you mean to me. let"s not let a little misunderstanding come between us. you are still young and beautiful in my calendar, and the extra year that seems indeed to have improved you looks. may you happy every day and always keep that loveliness and charm which god gave you. you are the dearest thing in the world. you "re wonderful, terrific and tops. i know a lot of logarithms and axioms, but not the language of love. i want this letter to be beautiful and poetic, but all i can say, and what comes from the bottom of my heart is not i love you, but you are the only one i want.

  my love, i love you ever since receive your first letter. and i would never have had the courage to write you if our talks and our wonderful times during these past few months hadn"t held the promise that you care for me as deeply as i for you.

  your letter fills my days with sunshine and happiness. right now having just reread your letters, i feel as if you were here. if you only knew how happy your letters make me! this last one is especially interesting--just the kind of letter i love to get from you--all about your work at school, and your friends. what a treat to receive your letter! you always write such interesting news! it"s a wonderful letter, almost like having you here in the room with me for a little while!

  how i love you! each hour i am away from you seems an eternity. rising in the morning, my first thought is of you, and all day i"m conscious that you are near. your presence seems to in habit all the air around, and your nearness is a never-ending delight. i"ve thought of you so many, many times during these busy months. i think of you always and have a thousand things to say to you, but they can all be summed up in a few heartfelt words--i love you to distraction.

  i am waiting for learn that you have successfully passed the national entrance examination for colleges and universities this year.共2页,当前第1页12






    表现,汉语词汇,拼音是biǎo xiàn,意思是施展出来;显露出来。爱学范文今天为大家精心准备了20xx年乡镇副镇长个人现实表现材料 ,希望对大家有所帮助!20xx年乡镇副镇长个人现实

    总结是对自身社会实践进行回顾的产物,它以自身工作实践为材料,对前一段时间里的工作进行反思,但目的还是为了做好下一阶段的工作。下面是本站为大家整理的20xx年综合办公室个人工作总结,供大家参考。  20

    《卡路里》是电影《西虹市首富》的插曲,由李聪填词,Akiyama Sayuri谱曲,火箭少女101演唱,于20xx年7月26日发行。20xx年11月,该曲获2018全球华语金曲奖最佳音乐录影带奖





