摘 要:为研究四驱越野车辆的转向轮的摆振问题,本文以某型越野SUV为样车,采用非线性轮胎数学模型魔术公式,建立关于转向轮的单自由度摆振力学模型。根据力学模型建立运动方程,应用Hopf分岔定理进行定性分析,结果表明,以车速作为变量时,该摆振系统在某一速度分岔点处发生Hopf分岔;然后使用四阶龙格-库塔
Abstract: In order to study shimmy problem of the steering wheel of off-roadSUV, consider nonlinear of the tire.A single degree of freedom shimmy model is establishedconsidering the magic formula. Using the Hopf bifurcation theorem determined the result of the qualitative analysis of the equations of motion. The result shows that Hopf bifurcation occurredat speed bifurcation point. Then using the Runge - Kutta methods calculated shimmy system, andget the system speed bifurcation diagram. The diagram showed that the numerical results and qualitative analysis consistent. Finally, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the system are analyzed at the speed corresponding to the maximum amplitude value, and studying the relationship between the kingpin and shimmy. The results can provide a theoretical reference for suppressing the self-excited shimmy of the type automobile.
隨着自驾游被越来越多的人喜爱,越野SUV成为广大车主选购对象。相比两驱车,四轮驱动汽车能够将驱动力按比例分配给四个车轮,因此,该型汽车能以更高的操稳定性,顺利通过各种恶劣路况。但越野SUV转向系统行驶中若出现自激摆振时,将极大的影响车辆的操稳性能,增加驾驶员的紧张感,使得在恶劣路况驾驶成为危险行为。因此,有必要对越野SUV转向轮Hopf分岔导致的自激振动现象进行研究。David在1998年就针对军用多轴驱动越野车性能,开展建模和仿真研究Broulhiet, G., The Suspension of the Automobile Steering Mechanism: Shimmy and Tramp[J]. BullSoc. Ing. Civ. Fr. 78, pp. 540-554, July 1925.
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