




求职会计英文自我介绍 篇1

  During the work, a lot of contact with people and things, a team of financial work is work itself, as one of them, I sense something modest low-key man, trying to learn a new industry knowledge, experience learning skills to colleagues in leadership and with the help of colleagues, try to work together to ensure the operation of its daily financial work to ensure the smooth progress of the end of checkout, providing timely and accurate data and financial analysis for leadership decision-making; at the same time they are responsible to do all kinds of press reports requirements for filing, without any mistakes, this is where my duties of the.

  By working to improve and self-analysis, and earnestly fulfill the tasks entrusted to unit leaders, ideologically well adapted to the new situation, we persevere in learning theory, especially when in daily operational work, immersed in the complicated business heap. Actively promote adhere to the scientific concept of development as guidance, establish a new concept, pay attention to new knowledge, new culture, so as to continuously improve the personal and political accomplishment, enhance analyze and solve problems, improve the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

求职会计英文自我介绍 篇2

  My English name is , 27 years old, graduated from School of accounting professional, in the past 5 years has worked in company, engaged in cashier, settlement

  Accounting work, have rich experience in financial management and tax declaration, proficient in financial software, passion for work, always adhere to the professional knowledge and learning, and intend to in this year through the accounting examination.

  During the period of school, academic excellence, one through the National Computer Rank Examination (two C language), the second through the university English four, six level of test, the same year, won the third-prize, the competition of the National College English major, self ACCA (ACCA), for the second stage candidates, 4 at the start of the financial investment, is interested in registration of the June CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) test.

  In the past 4 years have been working in a company, engaged in the cashier, accounting and other work, have rich experience in financial management and tax declaration, proficient in financial software, passion for work, always adhere to the professional knowledge, has been this year through accounting examination. My character outgoing, active thinking, willing to accept all challenges, the university served as chairman of the student union, that is when I developed a strong sense of responsibility, execution and leadership.

  On the social practice, I practice in the financial settlement center Department of Tianjin University of Technology in September 20xx -10 month, outstanding performance in practice, led by the praise; in addition, from September 20xx -20xx year in July, I have been in the school of accounting information center work, participate in the laboratory construction work, and daily network maintenance work.

  I am very interested in the accounting profession, has been expected to engage in related work, I believe in my ability, be able to do the job, in accordance with the requirements of the development of the company to develop their own, have a strong sense of team. Hope you can give me an opportunity to learn, let me be part of it. Thank you, director of the contribution of their own!

求职会计英文自我介绍 篇3

  I graduated from ,Finance&Trade University . I am commended myself to your company and hope to acquire a position that suits me, then devote myself to your company.I'm optimistic and I love life. In the University, we have learned nearly all of the courses about accounting,including Accounting principle, Financial accounting, Special accounting , Cost accounting, Accounting of enterprise in circulation of the goods, the Financial administration and so on.

  I have been working in a multinational trading company for nearly 7 years, with 4 years as accountant and 3 years as accounting supervisor. I'm familiar with the operational process of trading company. I also have experience in the management and coordination of 5 branch companies in other cities.I'm proficient in using MS Excel and word, and I have 1 year's experience in using the FI/CO module of SAP. As the saying goes “Action is more than words” , please give me an opportunity , I am qualified and competent to your credit.




违章处理委托书一兹授权 (身份证号码: ),办理车牌号码为 机动车的违章处罚业务,受托人在上述事项内所签署的有关文件资料及提供的手续,均是委托人真实意思的表达。本委托书自签署之日起 天内有效。特此委

根据市委组织部的安排和部署,现将自己2022年以来在政治思想、工作业绩、廉洁自律等方面情况汇报如下: 一、加强学习,不断提高自身素质 今年以来自己能够认真学习贯彻党的十八大和十八届四中、五中全会精神

大班教学工作总结篇1  一学期即将结束。在本学期学前班的工作重点是加强幼儿的规则意识,培养良好的学习习惯和学习态度。而让孩子有健康的体魄,良好的性格特征是我们在保育方面的要点。回顾这学期工作的点点滴滴

班主任工作总结_没有规矩,不成方圆-工作总结篇1  初为人师,在教育教学工作上都经受了锻炼,感触颇深,现就当好班主任所需的条件和班集管理工作谈一谈自己所受到的启发。s0100  一、要当好一名班主任,

防火安全教案 篇1【班会目的】1、了解火与人类的密切关系,知道发生火灾给人类带来的危害。2、知晓发生火灾的主要原因,提高学生的防火意识,明确防火自救的重要性。3、学生利用各种方法查阅、搜集消防安全资料

【爱学范文网 - 妇幼保健年度工作总结】一转眼,一年马上就过去了,按照惯例,单位和部门已经在着手安排 妇幼保健岗位准备本年度的总结了,人要想获得真正的成长,就有必要对上一年进行认真分析。有没有更好的办



