



outofplay的中文翻译形式是什么1   美  美 [mek ˈtrʌbəl]

  make trouble 基本解释

  制造麻烦; 拿粗挟细; 掀风鼓浪; 罗唣

make trouble的中文翻译是什么2

  1. They try to make money but the aspiring actors cause a lot of trouble.

  2. I asked Clarence Seedorf to play on the right because with his technical quality I thought he"d make trouble for Siena.

  3. For example, they will smuggle their agents into China to sow dissension and make trouble.

  4. If you see it coming, you don"t have to flip out and make trouble for yourself down the line.

  5. Identifying these genes could make it possible to intervene with treatments before children get into trouble.

  6. All that calorie burning begs the question of how we ought to feed ourselves so as to make our toil and trouble worth it.

  7. If it is used as a transitive verb, it means to make someone suffer or bring someone unnecessary trouble.

  8. He told his son not to make trouble any more, the police said.

  9. He said he worried she would remember his appearance and his license number and later make trouble for him and his family.

  10. It is obvious the US"core purpose is to contain China"s rise by using Japan and the Philippines to make trouble for China.

out of play的中文翻译形式是什么3篇

——without a break的中文翻译形式 (精选2篇)

without a break的中文翻译形式1

  英 [wiˈðaut ə breik] 美 [wɪðˈaʊt e brek]

  without a break 基本解释

  继续不断地,不停顿地; 一气

without a break的中文翻译形式2

  1. Using a fork or a pair of chopsticks, gently break up the filaments in the egg white without whipping up a froth.

  2. The new leaders"decision to break away from the traditional secrecy in handling a matter of public interest was not without risk.

  3. Without a break he recites his genealogy, which so far spans 60 generations.

  4. And they do it all without a coffee break - three shifts a day, 365 days a year.

  5. India and China are the only civilizations to have continued without a break.

  6. They could stay inside for maximum five hours without a break out.

  7. They must learn from the sectors of travel, commerce and transportation and serve the people without a break.

  8. She danced without a break, making a small concession for a few weeks when her son was born in 1990.

  9. The singers would accept the tips without a break in their singing, just nodding their heads slightly to express thanks.

  10. Some people have died after playing video games for days without a break, generally stemming from a blood clot associated with being sedentary.






    一个偶然的机会,我从同学那儿借到一本《居里夫人传》,我一口气读完了它。居里夫人——一个平凡而伟大的女科学家的形象深深地印在我的脑海里,她勤奋的一生给我深刻的启示。  居里夫人生长在波兰的亡国时期。







