




led英文广告词 篇1

  LEDLENSER lamp, life, eye-dotting.


  The final touch of life: the finishing touch in the home environment. Elegant and elegant, without a trace of vulgar contrived, graceful, with the sense of the times, just right to meet the needs of the fashion home. . Easy to understand, catchy.

  Point: that can have a multi-energy systems, will not give you the trouble of power outages.

  Eye: meaning LEDLENSE has a human kind of soul, soft design, both to ensure that you comfortable in its light range of reading and writing, without disturbing others rest, take care of your family.

  Large flow, covering a wide range of transport time is long. So the taxi as the carrier of advertising will weave out the city's largest outdoor network.Advertising media bright and eye-catching shape, a good communication effect, not only allows enterprises, products in the market long-term maintenance of brand image and enhance visibility, and can cooperate with strategic promotions or seasonal product promotion activities, so as to achieve rapid customer brand image, Affecting consumer purchasing decisions. The formation of non-stop information tips advertising purposes.

  1, the new media

  New media, new ideas, new attraction, new attention, advertising in the new media will often play an unexpected effect, if combined with newspapers, television, outdoor and other media to "speculation" will bring more News effect.

  2, flexible mobility

  According to the survey data show: bus body 38%, 23% waiting room, subway light rail 11%, 14% outdoor, 9%

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  From this, the bus body is the most able to grasp the eye, then, we analyze the bus body, it is easy to see that its main advantage is the "mobility", taxi LED media is all outdoor unparalleled a strong liquidity Media, it is not subject to line restrictions, no geographical restrictions, streets, everywhere.

  3, strong visual impact

  Forced to watch the crowd, because he is mobile, content-rich, because the taxi LED media to seize the people have this feature of curiosity.

  4, thousands of cost-effective low cost

  According to quark market research company data show that: the mainstream media in the country, the highest cost of thousands of people magazine is 20.8 yuan, followed by television advertising 20.64 yuan, newspaper advertising 10.28 yuan, 4.43 yuan radio ads, 1.19 yuan body advertising taxi LED advertising Less than 1 yuan. Taxi LED advertising can be described as a truly "one point investment, the percentage of revenue"

  5, quick response

  Taxi LED advertising, advertising can be replaced within a day, one day can spread throughout the urban areas, spread like a plague, the reaction is like a nuclear explosion.

led英文广告词 篇2

  LEDLENSER flashlight, palm still pearl.


  Palm: palm, indicating a flashlight, meaning is to master life, to master their own. Practical and durable, can be seen everywhere. Car, the countryside, the search for things or climbing fishing, at any time for you to bring light.

  Shang: fashion, that LEDLENSER flashlight design art. Design simple, nice, from the famous German master of the hand, extraordinary, known as the "aluminum and stainless steel art."

  Ming: Lighting

  Beads: light and portable, is a traditional heavy bulb of a revolutionary transformation, to carry, personal care.

  Palm is still pearl: body as "the apple of the pearl" homonym. Easy to understand, catchy. There is a strong general, I fully reflect the Secretary for the excellent product design and its fashion, practicality, high taste, life and so on.

led英文广告词 篇3

  1, unique extraordinary, to create extraordinary

  2, Moonlight to create a warm and charming world

  3, for the world Tim glory

  4, expanding high-definition vision, the pursuit of a wider realm

  5, science and technology to light life, saving cast wealth

  6, after dusk, true color still

  7, a new era of green lighting

  8, illuminate the light of the world

  9, let us light up the world

  10, rational lighting the world, LED dedication bright

  11, professional is the winner

  12, the beautiful stars of the composition of the sky market, let our dreams fly together

  13, wonderful world, colorful presentation

  14, as one dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in science and technology, his hands presented in good faith to create brilliant

  15, to win the professional quality of the market, at a reasonable price rate first

led英文广告词 篇4

  Time like the past to erase the past, the contours of people gradually blurred in the years, afraid to remember your face, life from a little less miss. Most afraid of misty days in the rain and you say goodbye, but also afraid of the song gradually from the time the tears wet his eyes, could not bear to break up, but still be clear to see how you are gone.

  Sad or happy, want to record these irreversible moments. Laugh, tears, kiss, do not ... ... only iphone4s can let me safely capture each memorable moment, which uses a new optical technology, with up to 800 million pixels camera, support 1080p HD high-definition camera, film art.

  Slogan: excellent iphone, now even better.


  You can choose from three options:

   Log in to our Apple Store online store, we will send your product to your home, free shipping,

  Products that hand.

   Visit the Apple Store to purchase an iPhone, and we will activate it in the way you like

  Set up the product.

   You can also purchase iPhone from China Unicom and specific Apple resellers.

  iPhone 3GS:iPhone3gs,有千万个理由让你爱。

  iPhone 4:再一次、改变一切 / 如果你没有iPhone,那么你就真的没有iPhone

  iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色

  iPhone 5:自iPhone以来又一次极其重大的飞跃,易惹人爱,所以众人喜爱



led英文广告词 篇5

  This holiday, can not go to Paris, can not dream of the princess, then do his queen it! With supple silk skin, graceful graceful posture, exquisite beauty of the nose, exquisitely carved bright eyes - with a quarter of evolution to capture the romantic life. Only for this moment, to "he" the most beautiful date.

  With fine delicate face, slender beauty of the nose, white supple skin, graceful graceful figure - in exchange for the charm of the world, with beautiful light crown cover the city gorgeous, this season, Wanjia Denghu, a bright, appearance US Allure.

  Breast is the pride of a woman, a woman's charming and graceful, because the breast set off and show more moving, love life, so love breasts, not only for you to present the perfect moment after surgery, your breasts provide life-long Protection, so that your beautiful life, to maintain life, vitality Feng Ting, care of life.

  I want the beauty is not to maintain a moment, would like to speak Hydrocarbon chest flat, loose, sagging defects, in the running, jumping, sitting, lying in bed distributed charming charm, in the years tick feel long-lasting breast charm.

  Deep spring peach, see your white flawless face, bright smile, charming, enchanting, turned, your transparent skin for my temporary temptation, then, only to the spring season, and you meet again.

  Woman flowery, thin management as vases, so that women enjoy blooming beautiful! Faster, more accurate, more secure, more durable, smoother, weight-loss management, safety liposuction, slim, now, a shape, refused to rebound, Come enjoy it.

  A woman's summer, is the season of the charm of competition, but the summer is also not perfect for some women to bring distress. In the cool busty clothes conceal the physique of the season, how to shape the perfect curve. So that the chest upright fullness, slim and slim waist, in this charming summer to turn himself into a beautiful landscape?

  You have been looking forward to the perfect moment of the bride bloom?You are still reviewing, for the bride's flawless beauty? Exquisite figure, swaying self-confidence, snow porcelain skin, sparkling glory, stare beautiful eyes, flowing honey, white teeth lips, blooming joy.

  Wine, coffee, elegant life, everything, looks beautiful, until inadvertently found under the shallow possession of the eye bags under the smile, in fact, beauty and life, need to carefully manage.

  Skin is a woman to the United States of the coat, such as bright Blizzard-like crystal whitening, such as shelling eggs as flawless and tender, dream of perfect skin you can have.

  Successful women are more concerned about the image, Washington, Ming Pao can bring out the elegant temperament, and youth beautiful face is your tool to ride the mall, enhance the cup, create sexy focus, shape charming cleavage, small woman have great wisdom.

  Men like to race against time to make money, women like to compete with the time anti-aging. When a lot of money to buy a variety of expensive wrinkle cream, but always can not stop the time that the blade in the face of the mark, the smart woman how to quickly and effectively eliminate the years left in the face of traces, The pace of it?






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