






  1. The sensor uses advanced capacitive touch to take in essence a high resolution image of your fingerprint from the sub epidermal layers of your skin

  2. It then intelligently analyzes this information with a remarkable degree of detail and precision

  3. It categorizes your print by one of three basic types, arch, loop , or whorl.

  4. It maps individual details in the ridges that are smaller than human eyes can see

  5. it even inspects minor variations in the ridge direction caused by pores and edge structures.

  6. Touch id uses all this to provide the most accurate match in a very high level of security.

  7. Encrypted and stored

  8. Inside the secure enclave Aunt play in our new 7 chip

  9. Here it is locked away from anything else, accessible only by the touch id sensor

  10.It’s never available to other software

  11.It’s never stored on apple servers or backed up at icloud.


  Iphone is iphone

  Iphone 2g: Apple redefines the phone

  Iphone 3g: one you have been waiting for the phone

  Iphone 3gs: the fastest generation iphone; there are 10 million reasons to let you love iphone 4: once again change everything iphone 4s: the most amazing generation; excellent iphone, now better iphone 5s: the most advanced mobile phone; Unprecedented

  Iphone 5: so far the largest iphone; easy to provoke love, so everyone loved iphone 5c: born colorful

  Iphone 6/6 plus: more than the passing of the passerby the two and only.

  Why iphone is so different


  1. Iphone 5s is our most refined iphone to date

  2. It is meticulously designed, engineered and crafted.

  3. But its a remarkable innovation inside the iphone 5s that sets a new precedent

  4. It’s not just ramping technology for technology sake

  5. Has been considered and measured to make sure that it’s truly useful and it actually enhances the user’s experience.

  6. Extends to how we protect all of the important information that you actually carry with you on iphone

  7. It’s what lead us to create touch ID.

  8. Your fingerprint is one of the best passwords in the world

  9. So it made perfect sense to create a simple seamless way to use it as a password.

  10. With just a touch of your home button, the touch Id sensor quickly read your fingerprint unlock your home.

  11. You can even use it to authorize purchases through our stores.

  12. For movies and books

  13. Setting Is easy

  14. Gets better at reading your print

  15. it can read multiple fingerprints and read them in any orientation

  16. The technology within the touch id is some of the most advanced hardware and software we ‘ve put in any device.

  17. The button itself is made from sapphire crystal





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    尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的姐妹们:  晚上好!在全世界共同庆祝三八妇女节100周年的日子里,我真的有很多话想说,但我不想慷慨激昂地发表议论,也不想柔肠万转地抒发情怀,我想讲一个从我爸爸那儿听来的小故演讲稿



