



美国重视少数族裔教育3篇美国重视少数族裔教育 2014年第9期比较教育研究No.9.2014

 Comparative Education Review General No.296①美国作为一个典型的移民国家,自建国以来其语言就呈现多样化的特点。据美国 1790年第一次人口普查结果显示,母语为非英语的人已占25%。随着移民数量的不断增加,母语为非英语的人口数量也越来越多。 根据规定,联邦政府将直接为地方教育当局提供竞争性拨款,帮助它们制定和实施双语教育计划,以满足大量“说英语能力有限” (limitedEnglishspeakingability,LESA)① 学生的特殊教育需求,从而让少数民族学生在学习母语的同时,也培养英语能力。该法案除了资助一些基本的双语教育计划以外,还为双语教育科研项目、教材的开发和发放、所需的教学资源、教师职前和在职培训、针对双语计划的学生家长所开设的成人教育等提供经费拨款。在《双语教育法》颁布不久,马萨诸塞州、加州、新墨西哥州、得克萨斯州等先后制定了各州的双语教育法。这是联邦政府为解决少数民族学生语言教育问题首次做出的重大努力。

 fr "ffi #Jf, &|hy.+ lE 7 HfrBfr *fihlfr+* zii$t H .&%+,fniAxtF#&*,+H+#t)fr#E,ffi, ^"lk. {n. {VHB, -""k. 6.lV+{il*rffifr,&Hefl,fr++,fniar lF# fr,+l ffi+&d *RW,"fEH +"fn?tl Et*rE, Bll" frXfrilL ;t + A &W # itryttl Et A *[ 4 *F A ^ 6 eR B + H B Xd XtfiLf6 . *[ I I E t +tnvbx.trla1pl+ffnm#., lri+ffi ^H *wffitr)t/{i&R, &EI UX HR El1, meltexa Hfril+ wff E Yf ffi +,fuy} I . X{*tr + &fn S lF Ft f;n iXPtX, lF# +!y.tr W e.t7+{n iA I F"l + 4 ru A 4 ffi fi FI R ffi + F*.+ *itt.^ffit+ fi X fi I iL;ic + Hr if H lHl + rF trl IEI H, + -tr HA & + !n"y," rfrH A )t fri *fr trlL t + Z- 4 ft ffi *^frR#-"^+,fn?[rtr+ffisl , fr +ffi#trfr.ffi+Efxfl.6XXv (i#Eu.L.rEru1-r * J")+MitxlE#&a,fH+ ffilfr#a, v&%HX, )^tF. l-(?F,E, ^ lk-6- ( )1. 经华东师范⼤ 大 学相关部⻔ 门 审查核定的“内部”或“涉密”学位论⽂ 文 *,于 年 年 ⽉ 月 ⽇ 日 解密,解密后适⽤ 用 上述授权。( )2. 不 不 保密,适⽤ 用 上述授权。导师签名_____________________ 本⼈ 人 签名___________________年 年 ⽉ 月 ⽇ 日? “涉密”学位论⽂ 文 应是已经华东师范⼤ 大 学学位评定委员会办公室或保密委员会审定过的学位论⽂ 文 (需附获批的《华东师范⼤ 大 学研究⽣ 生 申请学位论⽂ 文 “涉密”审批表》⽅ 方 为有效),未经上述部⻔ 门 审定的学位论⽂ 文 均为公开学位论⽂ 文 。此声明栏不 不 填写的,默认为公开学位论⽂ 文 ,均适⽤ 用 上述授权)。

 IV徐翰飘硕⼠ 士 学位论⽂ 文 答辩委员会成员名单姓名 职称 单位 备注费春放 教授 华东师范⼤ 大 学 主席侯敏 敏 跃 教授 华东师范⼤ 大 学⾦ 金 金 衡⼭ 山 教授 华东师范⼤ 大 学

 VAcknowledgementsUpon the completion of the thesis, I would like to take this opportunity toexpress my sincere thanks to the people who have offered me assistance all the waythrough the writing of the thesis.First of all, my deepest and greatest gratitude goes to my academic supervisor,Professor Zhu Quanhong, for his kind encouragement, patient guidance, enlighteninginstructions through the whole stages of this thesis. No matter the selection of thethesis topic or the careful correction of my mistakes, his kindness always touches me.I feel so lucky that he could be my supervisor. I can’t thank him enough.Secondly, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to professors andteachers who have taught me and helped me at ECNU: Professor Jin Hengshan,Professor Hou Minyue, Professor Chen Hong, Professor Liao Weichun and ProfessorDou Weilin. Their instructive and insightful lectures have inspired and cultivated mygreat interest inAmerican studies.Then, I feel indebted to my beloved parents for their care and love to me throughall the years. Also, I owe a lot to my boyfriend’s encouragement and supporting onmy life and studies. Their help and support have accompanied me through the difficultmoments of my life.Last but not the least, I would like to convey my thanks to my friends during mypostgraduate study: Chen Jiajia, Ying Feixia and Tian Feier. Their generous advices,constant encouragement and supporting helped me a lot during the past three years.Without them, my postgraduate life would lose much happiness. I greatly appreciatethe assistance offered by you.

 VIAbstractParty identification is an important concept in the study of electoral behavior inWestern politics studies. Broadly speaking, party identification is a relatively stableand lasting identifying behavior of voter toward a certain political party. In the UnitedStates, the party identification of a voter generally manifests his/her identificationwith either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. In the last few decades, thegrowing ethnic minority voters have had a profound impact on American elections.Therefore, it’s worth studying their senses of party identification.Since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1965, African-Americans, who hadbeen excluded from the American electorate for a long time, finally won their rightsand become equal citizens with other American citizens. At the same time, theirenthusiasm for political participation also rose. The Immigration Act of 1965 endedthe National Origins Formula system of immigration quotas, so it was easier tobecome American citizens for immigrants from all of the world from then on. In 1990,the United States introduced a new revised immigration act, which increased thenumber of immigrants in America. The population of ethnic minority groupimmigrants, represented by Hispanics and Asians, have increased sharply in theUnited States in recent two decades. In some Southern states, the number of ethnicminorities has already exceeded that of the whites. Therefore, their political attitudesand party identification cannot be ignored.According to the recent election results, the party identification of all ethnicminorities is more inclined to the Democratic Party. One reason is that the DemocraticParty"s policies on postponing the repatriation of illegal immigrants, increasingemployment rate, guaranteeing the rights and interests on education and healthinsurance are more friendly to ethnic minorities. At the same time, the religiousbeliefs and educational level of ethnic minorities also shape their party identification.In addition, American ethnic minorities’ party identification has a growingimpact on American politics: first, the number of ethnic minorities voters is increasing

 VIIand their political participation are enhancing; second, ethnic minority interest groupsare enhancing their influence on American politics through lobbying, judiciallitigation and political donations; third, Hispanic voters, which belong to "swingstates", are becoming a key minority and an important force influencing the outcomeof previous elections.Studying the party identification of American minorities is helpful tocomprehensively understand the "party identification " theory in American politics, toexplore the influence and role of ethnic minority groups in American politics, and toexplore new ways to understand and research the current situation and changes ofcontemporaryAmerican politics.Key words:American ethnic minorities, Party identification, Two-party system

 VIII摘要党派认同是⻄ 西 ⽅ 方 政治学中研究选举⾏ 行 行 为的⼀ 一 个重要概念。从⼴ 广 义上⽽ 而 ⾔ 言 ,它是对⼀ 一 个政党较为稳定并持久的认同⾏ 行 行 为。在美国,⼀ 一 个选⺠ 民 的党派认同⼀ 一 般表现为认同⺠ 民 主党或认同共和党。在此过程之中,⽇ 日 益壮⼤ 大 的少数族裔选⺠ 民 群体对美国的选举活动也产⽣ 生 了 了 深刻的影响,他们的党派认同感与归属感成为值得研究的议题。⾃ 自 1965 年 年 颁布《⺠ 民 权法案》以来,在美国⻓ 长 时间低⼈ 人 ⼀ 一 等的⾮ 非 洲裔等少数族裔群体终于争取到⾃ 自 ⼰ 己 的权益,成为与其他公⺠ 民 ⼀ 一 样平等的公⺠ 民 ,政治参与热情也随之⾼ 高 涨。《1965 年 年 移⺠ 民 法》结束了 了 全国性移⺠ 民 配额制度,此法案对于除欧洲之外的其他⼤ 大 洲移⺠ 民 来说,成为美国公⺠ 民 更 更 为容易 易 简单。随后,美国在 1990 年 年 推出新修订的移⺠ 民 法案,提⾼ 高 了 了 美国移⺠ 民 数量 量 ,因此,进⼊ 入 美国的移⺠ 民 数量 量 在最近⼆ 二 ⼗ 十 年 年 内都呈直线上升。此法案带来的结果便 便 是以拉美裔和亚裔为代表的少数族裔群体近⼆ 二 ⼗ 十 年 年 在美国逐渐壮⼤ 大 。在美国南部的⼀ 一 部分州⾥ 里 里 ,少数族裔⼈ 人 ⼝ 口 的数量 量 早已超过⽩ 白 ⼈ 人 的数量 量 。因此,他们的政治态度与党派认同更 更 是不 不 容忽视。从近⼏ 几 年 年 的⼤ 大 选数据来看,各少数族裔的党派认同都更 更 倾向于⺠ 民 主党。原因之⼀ 一 是⺠ 民 主党在暂缓遣返⾮ 非 法移⺠ 民 、提⾼ 高 就业率、保障各族裔教育和医保的权益等议题的政策对各少数族裔都更 更 为友好。同时,各少数族裔的宗教信仰和受教育⽔ 水 平也对其党派认同有⼀ 一 定的影响。此外,少数族裔的党派认同对美国政治与选举的影响也越来越⼤ 大 :其⼀ 一 是少数族裔选⺠ 民 ⼈ 人 数和政治参与性不 不 断提升;其⼆ 二 是少数族裔利 利 益集团正通过游说、司法诉讼和政治捐献来提升其族群对美国政治的影响⼒ 力 力 ;其三是在历届⼤ 大 选中,属于“摇摆州”的⻄ 西 语裔选⺠ 民 是关键少数并成为影响⼤ 大 选结果的重要⼒ 力 力 量 量 。研究美国少数族裔的党派认同有助于综合考察美国选举政治中“政党认同”的理 理 论,结合美国少数族裔的参政现状,探讨美国政党政治中族裔群体的影响与作⽤ 用 ,并为理 理 解、考察当代美国选举政治中政治版图的现状和变化探索新途径。关键词:美国少数族裔群体,党派认同,两党之争

 IXTable of ContentsAcknowledgements…………………………………………………………… .VAbstract………………………………………………………………………...VI摘要………………………………………………………………………….....VIIIntroduction…………………………………………………………………… ..1Chapter One Political Parties and Party Identification in the United States..51.1Political Party andAmerican Two-party System………………………….51.1.1Definition and Functions of Political Party………………………....51.1.2American Two-party System………………………………………..61.2Definition of Party Identification………………………………………101.3Connotation of Party Identification……………………………………...111.3.1Objects of Party Identification in the United States……………….111.3.2Subjects of Party Identification in the United States………………121.4Characteristics of Party Identification in the United States………….…..141.5Summary…………………………………………………………………16Chapter Two Classification and Changes ofAmerican Ethnic Minorities…182.1Definition ofAmerican Ethnic Minorities……………………………….182.2Current Situation ofAmerican Ethnic Minorities……………………….202.2.1Composition ofAmerican Ethnic Groups………………………….202.2.2Population Changes ofAmerican Ethnic Minorities………………232.3Summary…………………………………………………………………27Chapter Three Party Identification ofAmerican Ethnic Minorities………283.1Party Identification ofAfricanAmericans………………………………..283.2Party Identificati...






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