





邀请函英文写作1  Dearsir/madam:  ImdelightedyouhaveacceptedourinvitationtospeakattheConferencein, I"ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.  Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.  Sincerely yours,  [name]  [title]



iphone5s英文广告文案  广告一词,据考证是一外来语。它首先源于拉丁文advertere,其意为注意,诱导,传播。下面是第一爱学范文网小编带来iphone5s英文广告文案,欢迎阅读!iphone5s广告文案  1. The sensor uses advanced capacitive touch to take in essence a high resolution image of your fingerprint from the sub epidermal layers of your skin  2. It then intelligently analyzes this i


接收函范文(精选30篇)接收函范文 篇1  重庆三峡学院:  经本单位研究,决定录用你校________届_______________学院____________________专业毕业生__________到我单位就业。  本单位不接收毕业生档案户口,毕业派遣时请将该生派往原籍,户口迁往原籍。  用人单位全称(盖章):  年 月 日接收函范文 篇2  乐山师范学院:  特此证明。  实习单位(公章):  实习生签名:  年 月 日  单位存根  教学院存档  实习单位接收函  乐山师范学院:  经研究决定,同意接收贵校 外国语 学院 英语 专业 毛琴 同学(学号: 11280212 )来我


精彩英文自我介绍范文(通用6篇)精彩英文自我介绍范文 篇1  Hello everyone, my name is ya-nan zhang. I this year twelve years old, my hobby is reading, listening to music, play badminton, because of reading, I fell in love with one of the world's top ten literary giant of lu xun, he is also my favorite celebrity. My motto i


英文读后感(精选10篇)英文读后感 篇1  I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "the old man and the sea", very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fish


英文表扬信(精选8篇)英文表扬信 篇1  Dear cheryl,  our guide, "joy", in beijing, was one of the best. very knowledgeable, friendly and organized. i didn't get the feeling that she had anything to do with scheduling the factory tours. but all things considered, we had the best experiences in beijing.  ma



adidas英文广告语  广告在人们的生活中越来越常见,成功的广告可以让我们一提想起该广告,并且对此有熟悉感。下面是第一爱学范文网小编带来adidas英文广告语,欢迎阅读!adidas广告的英文  重要的,不是这双鞋  its not about the shoes  而是知道要往何处前进  its about knowing where you going却没忘记自己来自哪里 not forgeting where you started而是拥有面对失败的勇气 its about having with courage to fail遭受打击却依然坚定 not breaking when y


安踏英文广告语(精选3篇)安踏英文广告语 篇1  ——连续五年,我们都杀入四强,却与冠军无缘 ——有人说,这是没有冠军命  ——我们不相信宿命  ——只相信,在场上拼命  ——四强还能更强  ——越磨砺越光芒  ——安踏永不止步  ——Five years. Final four. No championship.  ——They said it was fate.  ——We don't believe in fate.  ——We believe, on the court, fight.  ——Final four is not final.  ——Meant to be con


英文辞职信标题(精选3篇)英文辞职信标题 篇1Dear all friends,I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving (公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. The past four years have been the most remarkable and rewarding time in my working career. The privilege to work with you is a gift that I will alwa


英文辞职信范例(精选30篇)英文辞职信范例 篇1  To: Robert Smith, Sales Manager  From: Bob Fu, Sales Development  Date: May 6, 2023  Subject: Terminating Engagment  Mr. Smith, I have worked in the Sales Development as a salesman for sixyears, and I have been satisfied with this position.  However, a friend of mine introd


巴黎导游词英文(通用19篇)巴黎导游词英文 篇1  Paris, France (Paris) - the heart of the fashion capital of the French, the hometown of the world of fashion, romantic, one of the most prosperous city in the world. In urban communities in Paris, everywhere can see the museums, theatres, gardens, fountains and sculptures,


下面是小编为大家整理的年会邀请函文案3篇(精选文档),供大家参考。年会邀请函文案(精选3篇)年会邀请函文案 篇1  各位社协的单位会员、个人会员:  忙碌充实的__年即将过去,又将迎来美好的__年,在这辞旧迎新,展望未来的日子里,我们衷心感谢各位会员在过去的一年中对我们__市社会工作协会的支持,为了共同庆贺成长的愉悦,一起团聚,__市社会工作协会真诚地邀请大家参加"____,____"__社工年会。  我们坚信:你们的到来是我们最好的期待。  我们将恭候您的光临。  年会举办时间及地点:  地点:__酒家(__路店)__区__路__号__广场×楼  时间:__年12月__日 2


  商务年会邀请函  【范文一】尊敬的会员及各相关企业:  为帮助深圳企业开拓国际市场,了解国外各行业的生产及市场前沿信息,加强国际间的经贸交流合作,深圳市宝安区创意产业联合会受斯里兰卡国家商务部的邀请,将于20xx年xx月组织企业赴斯里兰卡进行商务考察及经贸洽谈活动。 本次考察将安排大家听取斯里兰卡国家商务部官员介绍斯里兰卡情况,利用外资政策和招商合作项目,全面了解斯里兰卡投资环境,同时还将参观斯里兰卡的工厂、企业和综合贸易市场,实地了解斯里兰卡的变化和经济运行情况。考察活动期间还将参观斯里兰卡文化景点,更加丰富这次商务考察的内容和行程。  我们诚邀各行业协会、企业及相关单位积极参与。由于本



天坛的英文导游词(精选4篇)天坛的英文导游词 篇1Today, well go to visit the Temple of Heaven. First, I'll give you a brief introduction of it. The Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part of Beijing. It was first built in 1420 in the Ming Dynasty. It covers an area of 273 hectares. The Temple of Heaven is not



《小王子》英文读后感(精选5篇)《小王子》英文读后感 篇1Book review of The Little PrinceThe Little Prince is a tale for both children and adults. The Little Prince is the story of a man who crashes his airplane into the desert only to meet a traveling boy from a small planet. The boy inquires about trees and sheep, shares his



《黑骏马》英文读后感  “Animals deserve our kindness, sympathy and understanding,” that is what Anna Sewell-the author of Black Beauty-wanted to convince her readers。 Thanks to Sewell, I now think about the animal-human relationship from both the human and the animal’s point of view。  The inspiration for Anna



留学推荐信英文版是关于护士个人简历的精选内容,内容包含了与留学推荐信英文版相关的经典语句以及护士个人简历大全、护士个人简历范文、护士个人简历模板等相关资料,为朋友们查找护士个人简历的资讯提供方便。  【留学推荐信英文版】Dear Colleagues:  As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students


  年会邀请函格式  公司年会邀请函的基本内容与年会通知一致,包括年会的背景、目的和名称;主办单位和组织机构;会议内容和形式;参加对象;会议的时间和地点、联络方式以及其他需要说明的事项。  1.标题。由年会名称和“邀请函(书)”组成,一般可不写主办机关名称和“关于举办”的字样。  2.称呼。邀请函的发送对象有三类情况:  (1)发送到单位的邀请函,应当写单位名称。由于邀请函是一种礼仪性文书,称呼中要用单称的写法,不宜用泛称(统称),以示礼貌和尊重。  (2)邀请函直接发给个人的,应当写个人姓名,前冠“尊敬的”敬语词,后缀“先生”、“女士”、“同志”等。  (3)网上或报刊上公开发布的邀请函,由


小学运动会邀请函范文(通用30篇)小学运动会邀请函范文 篇1  尊敬的 _______________:  您好!  我校将于20xx年x月x日(周六)早上9:00——11:30在学校操场举行“第二十一届冬季田径运动会开幕式”,特诚挚邀请贵单位领导作为嘉宾出席“开幕式”典礼。 期待您的莅临!  X小学  20xx年x月x日小学运动会邀请函范文 篇2  尊敬的家长:  您好!为提高孩子的运动兴趣和运动技能,培养孩子良好的身体素质,展现孩子健康的快乐气氛,并带动家庭亲子运动的观念与互动要领,进一步建立家校共育的基本理念,同时强调亲子运动是孩子成长的重要元素,让孩子的童年更阳光,更健康。xx小学定于


【大学迎新晚会邀请函范文一】  尊敬的____:  兹定于__月__日(周__)晚19:00在____校区举办20____年____学院“日月东升,花开经纶”迎新晚会,届时邀请您光临,愿与您共度这美妙的一晚,我们不胜荣幸。【大学迎新晚会邀请函范文二】  尊敬的____:  兹定于__月__日(周__)晚19:00校区召开 “____学院____年迎新晚会”。  诚挚邀请你届时莅临指导!  ____学院  ____年____月____日【大学迎新晚会邀请函范文三】  尊敬的____:  ____学院主席团诚邀各位学院学生家长参加____学院20____年"Brand New, Toppi