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1.the agreement between the parties ("contract") consists of the termsand conditions set forth herein and the following schedules incorporatedby reference:

annex asystem components

annex bdelivery and installation timetable

annex cprice and payment terms

annex dproduct description and specifications

annex eseller's software license agreement

annex fend-user software sublicense agreement


the following terms shall have the following meanings in this contract:

(a)commercial _________system. (sketch)

(b)consumer _________system. (sketch)

(c)control computer: a component of the _________ system used bybuyer for _________.


3.provision of the system

seller shall provide the system in accordance with the productdescription and specifications (annex d) and delivery and installationtimetable (annex b) incorporated herein and buyer shall pay for the systemin accordance with the price and payment terms (annex c) incorporatedherein. in addition, seller will provide the _________ system to the buyerin accordance with annex c. for the avoidance of doubt, the term "system"as used in this contract shall solely refer to the seller's _________system.


(a)in full consideration for providing the system and all relateditems to be provided under this contract, buyer shall pay to seller theamount set forth in annex c as the purchase price for the system.

(b)payments shall be made in accordance with annex c.

5.delivery and installation

(a)delivery of the system will be made in accordance with thedelivery schedule set forth in annex b. shipping charges are specified inannex c. buyer shall have the right to specify the carrier and shallinstruct seller of its choice in writing. in the absence of suchinstructions, seller will select the carrier, but shall not thereby assumeany liability in connection with shipment, nor shall the carrier beconsidered the agent of seller. unless requested by buyer, seller shallhave no obligation to obtain insurance for buyer or assist the buyer withany shipping claims.

(b)the seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loadingof the goods, advise the buyer by cable/telex of the loading of the goods,the contract number, commodity, quantity, invoiced value and gross weight.

(c)seller or its designated service provider shall install the_________ system at buyer's designated facility in the people's republicof china. installation charges are specified in annex c. buyer shall beresponsible for timely completion, in accordance with the installationtimetable herein (annex b), of any necessary on-site preparations andmodifications of buyer's facilities based on the specifications set forthin the site preparation guidelines previously provided to buyer. buyershall provide additional test equipment and resources (including but notlimited to floor space, power outlets, interconnecting cables, racks,satellite facilities and the like), if needed, in accordance with the sitepreparation guidelines. buyer shall have the responsibility for and shallpay for all such facilities, preparations, equipment, resources, licensesand permits required thereof.

6.compliance with export control laws of the seller's country

(a)seller agrees to apply for all _________ government exportlicenses, permits and approvals required for the exportationfrom_________ to china of the products and technology to be purchased bybuyer from seller. in the event that, despite seller' s best efforts,seller is unable to obtain any and all license, permits and approvalsneeded to lawfully export such products and technology from _________ tochina, this contract is immediately terminated, the seller and buyer areexcused from performance, and each party agrees to hold the other partyharmless.

(b)buyer hereby undertakes to comply with the export laws andregulations of _________ and agrees that, without obtaining the necessarylicense of approval from the government, buyer will not knowingly (i)export, directly or indirectly, any origin technical data or softwareacquired from seller, or any direct product of that technical data, to anycountry for which the government or any agency thereof at the time ofexport requires an export license or other governmental approval; or (ii)disclose any origin technical data or software acquired from seller to anynational of any country for which the government or any agency thereofrequires an export license or other governmental approval.

(c)within _________months of the signing of this contract, theseller agrees to inform the buyer of the status of the seller'sapplication for the government export licenses, permits and approvalsrequired for the exportation from _________to china of the products andtechnology to be purchased by buyer from seller.

7.title and risk of loss

the items purchased by the buyer shall be delivered c.i.f. _________in accordance with incoterms 1990. therefore, the risk of loss for theitems purchased by the buyer shall be borne by the seller until the itemsare delivered to the export carrier. after delivery of the items purchasedby the buyer to the export carrier, the title and risk of loss for theitems purchased by the buyer shall pass to the buyer.

8.acceptance tests and acceptance

(a)acceptance testing of the system shall be in accordance withseller's acceptance test procedure. seller or its designated serviceprovider shall conduct the acceptance tests in accordance with said testprocedure. if any such test is not successfully completed (as definedbelow), seller or its designated service provider shall evaluate the testand make any adjustments or corrections of the system as will result inperformance of the system in accordance with the specifications. buyershall be given reasonable prior notice of the commencement of, and thereasonable opportunity to observe, all such tests.

(b)the term "successful completion", when used in this contract withrespect to any test, means successful completion of such test as definedin the particular test procedure and all references to test denote thetests in seller's acceptance test procedure.

(c)acceptance of the system ("acceptance") for purposes of annex cshall be deemed to have occurred when all tests set forth in theacceptance test procedure for the system at buyer's facility have beensuccessfully completed.

(d)seller represents and warrants that it will deliver to buyer acomplete, correct and valid system, capable of accomplishing the technicaltargets specified in productdescriptionandspecifications,asdemonstrated by successful completion of the acceptance testing of thesystem. successful completion shall be deemed as conclusive proof that thesystem is complete, correct and valid, and capable of accomplishing thetechnical targets set forth in the specifications.

9.shipment in place and qualified acceptance

(a)in the event that the system or any part thereof is ready forshipment or installation in accordance with the dates set forth in annex band such shipment or installation is delayed more than _________ calendardays pursuant to buyer's request or because buyer is unable to provide thenecessary facilities, test equipment or resources forreceiptorinstallation of the system, seller may, at seller's option, notify buyerthat the system or any part thereof is being treated as though actuallyshipped, delivered and installed ("shipped in place"). in addition, buyershall reimburse seller for all storage or other expenses which sellerincurs by reason of such delay.

(b)_________ days following notice of shipment in place seller shallbe entitled to invoice buyer in accordance with the payment terms setforth in annex c hereto (i) for one hundred percent of the purchase pricefor commercial _________ system shipped in place, and (ii) with respectto systems, the amount that would have been due had the system actuallybeen shipped, with the balance to be invoiced upon acceptance.

(c)qualified acceptance by buyer of the system or any portion thereof("qualified acceptance") shall occur at any time, either before or afterthe scheduled shipment or installation dates set forth in annex b, i) upon determination by buyer, and written notification toseller, that the system, is suitable to commence the operations for whichbuyer intends to use it; or ii) that the system has commenced the operations for which buyerintends to use it.

(d)qualified acceptance shall have the same consequences as those setforth in section 8 (b)above except that the amount due for systems shallbe the difference between the amount paid to date and _________ percent ofthe amount that would have been due upon acceptance, with the balance tobe invoiced upon acceptance.

(e)neither shipment in place nor qualified acceptance shall relieveseller from any of its responsibilities under this contract, includingsuccessful completion of the acceptance tests and correction of defects ordeficiencies in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.


(a)any and all taxes, levies, customs duties, sales, use, excise,value added and similar taxes to be levied on the buyer in connection withthe performance of this contract for the sale of goods and repair andinstallation services, which are now existing or which may be hereinafterimposed by any people's republic of china governmental entity, shall beborne and paid by the buyer.

(b)all taxes in connection with the execution of this contractimposed by any people's republic of china governmental entity on theseller, and all taxes in connection with the execution of this contractimposed by any _________ governmental entity on the buyer, in accordancewith the tax laws which are now existing or which may be hereinafterimposed and the agreement between the government of _________ and thegovernment of the people's republic of china for the avoidance of doubletaxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes onincome, shall be borne and paid by the seller and buyer, respectively.

(c)with regard to section 10 (b) above, the seller shall remitpayment for such taxes to the relevant chinese tax authorities through thebuyer within _________ working days after the seller is in receipt of one(1) original certificate (invoice) for the taxes levied by the chinesetaxation authorities. the buyer shall remit payment for such taxes to therelevant _________ tax authorities through the seller within _________working days after the buyer is in receipt of one (1) original certificate(invoice) for the taxes levied by the _________ taxation authorities.

(d)any and all taxes, levies, customs duties, sales, use, excise,value added and similar taxes to be levied on the seller in connectionwith the performance of this contract for the sale of goods and repair andinstallation services, which are now existing or which may be hereinafterimposed by any _________ governmental entity, shall be borne and paid bythe seller.

11.operating manuals and other materials/training

(a)seller shall provide with each commercial _________ system , one(1) user's guide.

(b)seller shall provide buyer with three (3) copies of all operatingmanuals and installation instructions for the system, as wellasmaintenance manuals.

(c)prior to installation of the system, seller shall provide buyer'semployees with a training course in the use of the system , as well as incomputer management techniques.

furthermore, these employees shall observe the acceptance test procedure (atp).

the training course and atp described in this article 11 (c) shalltake place over a _________ day period at the seller's facilities in_________, and all related expenses shall be borne by the seller.(d)following installation of the system, seller or its designatedservice provider shall provide to buyer's employees a training course ofup to _________ days in duration on-site at buyer's facility.

12.system warranties

(a)seller represents and warrants that it is the owner, or beneficiallicensee, of all intellectual property rights herein licensed, leased orsold to buyer, and that it has the right to license, lease or sell thesame to buyer. seller warrants that the system and all equipment andrelated software furnished under this contract (except for the controlcomputer (s) and control computer (s) operating system software), shall befree from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) yearafter date of acceptance, except with respect to commercial and consumer_________ system, for which the period shall extend for one (1) year afterdate of shipment. during such period seller shall repair or replace andreinstall at buyer's premises the system or any defective portion thereofwithout charge. seller's warranty does not cover the control computer orthe control computer's operating system software included in the system,but seller shall assign any outstanding manufacturer's warranty thereof tobuyer, to the extent assignable. if there is no such assigned warrantythat extends one (1) year beyond acceptance, seller shall purchase, inlieu of warranty, for the benefit of buyer and as part of the purchaseprice, an extended hardware and software maintenance contract for suchcontrol computer and operating system software which maintenance contractshall extend for a one (1) year period after acceptance. if any repair orreplacement results from a defect not covered by the warranty or fromcauses other than normal usage and regular installation, buyer shall payseller for all labor and materials (including travel expenses) provided byseller in its attempt to remedy such deficiency.

(b)the warranties set forth herein shall apply only to items which,after regular installation and under normal usage, are found to have beendefective within the warranty period. such warranties shall not apply toitems that have been modified or altered without seller's writtenapproval, or have been subjected to abuse, accident, negligence orimproper application.

(c)the warranties set forth herein are in lieu of all otherwarranties as to performance of the system, express or implied, includingwithout limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose. buyer's sole and exclusive remedy for any breachby seller of any of the warranties set forth herein shall be for seller tomake such repairs and/or replacements necessarytofulfillsuchwarranties. in no event shall seller be liable for any loss of audio,video or data signals, interruption of business, or special, indirect orconsequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever. seller shall notbe responsible for delays in performing its obligations under this articleresulting from buyer's negligence or fault.

13.nonwarranty repairs and spares support

(a)until the earlier of (i) _________ years from the acceptance of thesystem, or (ii) the date buyer ceases to operate the system, seller shalloffer to provide repair services and/or spare parts for the system("support period"), it being understood that seller's charges for spareparts and/or repairs not covered by warranty shall be at seller's thencurrent time and material rates or spare parts prices and shall beinvoiced as soon as work involved is completed. seller shall have noobligation hereunder or otherwise to provide further spare parts or repairservices to any person that has failed to pay promptly for any such spareparts or repairs.

(b)subsequent to the support period, seller may discontinue offeringspare parts and/or repair services for the system upon _________ monthsprior written notice to buyer of seller's intended discontinuance,provided however, that seller, at seller's option, either (i) grants tobuyer a nonexclusive license to make or have made for buyer's own use andnot for sale any such system components (exclusive of the control computerand its operating system software) and furnishes buyer all necessarydocumentation, specifications, drawings and other data, or (ii) allowsbuyer the opportunity to purchase sufficient quantities of spare parts asbuyer deems necessary to maintain and support the system.

(c)for purposes of this contract, buyer shall cease to operate thesystem if buyer does not use the system furnished by seller as part of theregular use on a regularly used satellite transponder to encode and decodesignals.

14.extended maintenance

prior to the expiration of the warranty period for the system setforth in this contract, seller and/or its designated service providershall offer to buyer the opportunity to enter into an extended maintenancecontract with respect to the system (including the related controlcomputer software but excluding the control computer hardware platform),renewable for successive and consecutive _________ year periods. seller andbuyer shall discuss proposals for establishing a service center in _________,with the participation of buyer, for the servicing of the system. sellerand buyer shall also discuss proposals for future joint cooperation onother projects within china.

15.system licenses and condition precedent to effectiveness

(a)the control computer's operating system software is provided tobuyer under the terms and conditions of a sublicense from the operatingsystem licensor, as set forth in annex f herein.

(b)all seller's software required for operation of the system and thesystem is provided to buyer under the license set forth in annex e herein.

(c)no technology transfer or assignment is granted under thiscontract with respect to any products, or systems owned by seller or anyproprietary rights owned or sublicensed by seller. no right to grantsublicenses is granted or is to be inferred or implied under thiscontract.

(d)relevant prc regulations may require buyer to obtain the approvalof the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation ("moftec") as aprecondition for the effectiveness of (a)the sublicense of the controlcomputer's operating system software to buyer from the operating systemlicensor, as set forth in annex f herein and (b)the license of seller'ssoftware which is required for operation of the system, to buyer as setforth in annex e herein (collectively, the "annexes"). within _________working days of the execution of the contract, buyer and seller willjointly confer with moftec to determine whether moftec's approval isrequired for the effectiveness of the annexes. if moftec informs buyer andseller to the satisfaction of buyer and seller that the annexes do notrequire its approval, the contract shall become effective upon suchcommunication. if, on the other hand, moftec informs seller and buyer thatthe issuance of its approval is a precondition for the effectiveness ofthe annexes, then this contract shall become effective only upon theissuance of such approvals.if the foregoing conditions are not fulfilled within _________ daysafter the contract execution date and buyer and seller do not agree inwriting to waive such condition or to extend the time for its fulfilment,the seller shall in such event be entitled to terminate the contractforthwith and neither party shall have any further obligations orliability towards the other party under this contract.

16.system security requirements

the parties shall agree to institute a system security plan for thesystem, which plan outlines security procedures that will be establishedand maintained in order to prevent theft or other compromise of the systemduring the shipment, storage, operation or any other phase of the parties'activities in connection with this contract, including the warranty andpost-warranty periods. buyer agrees to adopt and comply with and/or causeits agents to adopt and comply with reasonable alternate or additionalsecurity requirements seller may from time to time recommend.

17.equipment order lead times

delivery dates for the equipment which is the subject of this contractappear in annex b. order lead times required for additional equipment areas follows: (sketch)buyer will provide a rolling _________ month forecast of equipmentdesired for delivery. the first _________ months of this forecast are to beconsidered firm orders, subject to cancellation penalties set forth inannex c.

18.mutual representations

each party represents and warrants that:

(a)it is duly organized and registered and in good standing in itsstate or country and has power and authority to enter into and performthis contract and any other agreements and documents executed or deliveredby it in connection herewith (collectively, with this contract, "thedocuments").

(b)its execution, delivery and performance of the documents have beenduly authorized by all necessary action.


(a)buyer agrees that any information or data such as seller' sdrawings and software (including, without limitation, designs, reports,software documentation, manuals, models, and the like), revealed by sellerto buyer and containing proprietary information marked or identified as"proprietary" or "confidential" shall be maintained in confidence by buyerwith at least the same care and safeguards as are applied to buyer's ownproprietary information, but in no event with less than reasonable care.such information or data shall not be duplicated, disclosed to others, orused without the written permission of seller. these obligations shall notapply to any information or data which is in or comes into the publicdomain without violation of this provision; or is received lawfully bybuyer from a third party; or is developed by buyer independently andwithout benefit of the information or data received from seller. sellershall have no obligation to provideconfidentialorproprietaryinformation.

(b)buyer's obligations under this clause shall remain in effect for_________ years after this contract is signed by the seller and buyer. alltangible forms of seller's proprietary information delivered by seller tobuyer shall be and remain the property of seller, and shall be returned toseller upon seller's request.

(c)except as expressly provided herein, it is agreed that no licenseunder any patents, trade secrets or copyrights of seller is granted tobuyer by the disclosure of seller'sconfidentialorproprietaryinformation.

(d)neither party shall use the name or the name of any trademark ortrade name (or symbolic representation thereof) of the other party or itsparent, subsidiaries or other affiliates, in marketing, advertising,public relations efforts or in any other manner without the expresswritten consent of such other party in each instance, which consent shallnot unreasonably be withheld or delayed.


(a)each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other party, itsshareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, designeesandassignees, or any of them, from and against all losses, damages,liabilities, expenses, costs, claims, suits, demands, actions, causes ofactions, proceedings, judgments, assessments, deficiencies and charges(collectively, "damages") caused by, relating to or arising from theperformance by such party in accordance with this contract of itsobligations hereunder, and buyer shall also indemnify seller, withoutlimiting the foregoing, for any such item caused by, relating to orarising from (a)the programming services which are authorized for viewingusing the system, including any assertion that any such programmingservice involves copyright infringement, (b)any disputes between buyerand any of its program distributors or other distributors or affiliates,(c) any disputes or claims involving the subscribers forbuyer'sprogramming services, or (d)any assertion that buyer has been involvedin, that buyer's conduct of subscription involves, or that buyer's use ofthe system involves, any unfair competition or violations of laws, rulesor regulations.

(b)in the event of a third-party claim, with respect to which a partyis entitled to indemnification hereunder, a party (the "indemnifiedparty") shall notify the other party (the "indemnifying party") in writingas soon as practicable, but in no event later than _________ days afterreceipt of such claims. the indemnified party's failure to provide suchnotice shall not preclude it from seeking indemnification hereunder unlesssuch failure has materially prejudiced the indemnifying party's ability todefend such claim. the indemnifying party shall promptly defend such claim(with counsel of its own choosing) and the indemnified party shallcooperate with the indemnifying party in the defense of such claim,including the settlement of the matter on the basis stipulated by theindemnifying party (with the indemnifying party being responsible for allcosts and expenses of such settlement). if the indemnifying party within areasonable time after notice of a claim fails to defend the indemnifiedparty, the indemnified party shall be entitled to undertake the defense,compromise or settlement of such claim at the expense of the indemnifyingparty. upon the assumption of the defense of such claim, the indemnifyingparty may settle, compromise or defend as it sees fit.

notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this section,seller will defend any suit, claim, action or proceeding brought againstbuyer to the extent that such suit, claim, action or proceeding is basedon a claim that goods manufactured and sold by seller to buyer infringepatent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret or any otherintellectual property rights of any third party and seller shall pay alldamages and costs awarded by final judgment (from which no appeal may betaken) against buyer, as well as its actual expenses and costs, oncondition that seller (i) is promptly informed and furnished a copy ofeach communication, notice or other action relating to the allegedinfringement, (ii) is given sole control of the defense (including theright to select counsel), and the sole right to compromise and settle suchsuit or proceeding; provided however, that seller's liability hereunder,if any, shall be strictly and solely limited to the amount of royaltieswhich would be payable in respect of revenues derived by seller from buyerfrom sales of the infringing goods. seller shall not be obligated todefend or be liable for costs and damages if the infringement arises outof a combination with, an addition to, or modification of the goods afterdelivery by seller, or from use of the goods, or any part thereof, in thepractice of a process.

if any goods manufactured and supplied by seller to buyer are held toinfringe any valid patent and buyer is enjoined from using the same, or ifseller believes such infringement is likely, seller will exert allreasonable efforts at its option and expense (i) to procure for buyer theright to use such goods free of any liability for such infringement, or(ii) replace or modify such goods with a noninfringing substituteotherwise complying substantially with all the requirements of thiscontract, or (iii) upon return of the goods, refund the purchase price andthe transportation costs of such goods (less reasonable allowance fortheir use and benefit derived therefrom for the period of time fromdelivery to buyer, such allowance being based on astraight-linedepreciation period of _________ years from the date of shipment by seller).if the infringement is alleged prior to completion of delivery of thegoods, seller has the right to decline to make further shipments withoutbeing in breach of contract. if seller has not been enjoined from sellingsuch goods to buyer, seller may (at seller's sole election), at buyer'srequest, supply such goods to buyer, in which event buyer shall be deemedto extend to seller the same patent indemnity hereinabove stated.the same patent indemnity shall be deemed to be extended to seller bybuyer if any suit or proceeding is brought against seller based on a claimthat the goods manufactured by seller in compliance withbuyer'sspecifications infringe any valid patent.

buyer shall promptly notify seller of any infringement by a thirdparty of intellectual property rights licensed to buyer under thiscontract. in the event that a third party infringes such intellectualproperty rights, the parties shall cooperate with one another to takeappropriate action to cause such infringement to cease.the foregoing states the sole and exclusive liability of the partieshereto for infringement of patents, copyrights, mask works, trade secretstrademarks, and other proprietary rights, whether direct or contributory,and is in lieu of all warranties, express, implied or statutory, in regardthereto, including, without limitation, the warranty against infringementspecified in the uniform commercial code.

21.limitation of liability

buyer agrees that in no event shall seller be liable for damageshereunder, or for any claim of any kind as to any system or systemcomponents delivered or for nondelivery of such system or components,regardless of the form of the action, in an amount greater than thepurchase price of the system or components in respect of which such claimis made.

in no event shall seller be liable for any loss of profits, loss ofuse, interruption of business, or indirect, special or consequentialdamages of any kind.

22.force majeure

the term "force majeure" means acts of god, fire, casualty, flood,earthquake, strikes or lockouts, riots, insurrections or civil disorders,embargoes, war, any future law, order, regulation, or other act ofgovernment, and other delays beyond seller's reasonable control. ifseller's performance of this contract is prevented, restricted, delayed orinterfered with by reason of force majeure, seller's performance shall beexcused to the extent delayed or prevented by force majeure, provided,however, that seller take reasonable steps to avoid or remove such causesof nonperformance and shall continue performance whenever and to theextent such causes are removed.

if, due to a force majeure event, the buyer and/or seller cannotaccomplish its contractual obligations for a period of _________ consecutivemonths, the buyer and seller shall meet and come to an agreement withinthe shortest possible period of time upon the conditions on which theycould continue the execution of this contract.

should the buyer and seller fail to agree on the conditions of suchcontinuation, the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordancewith article 26 hereof.


(a)buyer or seller shall have the right to terminate this contract ifthe other makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a receiver,trustee in bankruptcy or similar officer is appointed to take charge ofall or any part of the party's property or business or is adjudicated abankrupt.

(b)seller shall have the right to terminate this contract if buyerneglects or fails to make payment in accordance with the terms hereof andsuch condition is not remedied within _________ business days afterwritten notice to buyer. seller may, at seller' s option, extend the timefor buyer's cure.

24.nonwaiver of rights

neither the waiver by a party hereto of a breach of, or a defaultunder, any of the provisions of this contract, nor the failure of a partyon one or more occasions, to enforce any of the provisions of thiscontract or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder shall thereafterbe construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default, or as awaiver of any of such provisions, rights or privileges hereunder.


all notices, requests, or other communications which may be sent byeither party to the other party pursuant to this contract shall be inwriting and shall be addressed as follows:if to seller: _________if to buyer: _________

all communications between the parties in the course of the presentcontract shall be made in _________ language by registered airmailletter sent to the addresses set forth herein or by facsimile. the date ofreceipt of notice shall be deemed to be _________ days after its postmark inthe case of registered mail or the date of dispatch of a facsimile.

26.applicable law and resolution of disputes

this contract is made in accordance with the foreign economic contractlaw of the people's republic of china and the laws of _________(country). the laws of _________ (country) shall be applied to thesettlement of any disputes arising from this contract.

(a)consultations. in the event any dispute arises in connection withthe validity, interpretation, or implementation of this contract or any ofits annexes, the parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolvesuch dispute through friendly consultations. if the dispute is notresolved in this manner within _________ days after the date on which oneparty has served written notice on the other party for the commencement ofconsultations, then either party may refer the dispute to arbitration inaccordance with the provisions of this section 26.


27.binding effect

these terms and conditions shall be binding upon and inure to thebenefit of the parties hereto, their successors and permitted assigns.

28.entire contract

the terms and conditions incorporated herein contain the entireagreement and understanding between the parties with respect to thesubject matter hereof and merge and supersede all prior agreements,understandings and representations. no additions or modifications shall beeffective unless in writing signed by the parties hereto. the presentcontract shall be made in _________ language in four (4) originals, two(2) for each party.

in witness whereof, the parties have duly executed this contract onthe date first above written.


date:_________ date:_________

annex asystem components (sketch)

annex bdelivery and installation timetable (sketch)

annex cprice and payment terms (sketch)

annex dproduct description and specifications (sketch)

annex eseller's software license agreement

the terms and provisions of this annex e(licensecontract)providefor thelicensingbysellertobuyerofcertaincomputersoftwarespecified below where such software isusedeitheraspartoforinconjunction with the system to be provided by seller under thiscontract,or which this annex e forms a part thereof.

1.grant of license

seller (hereinafter licensor)herebygrantstobuyer(hereinafterlicensee) and licensee herebyaccepts,anontransferable,nonexclusivelicense to use and copy, on the terms and conditions set forth herein, thesoftware program (s) listed in article 10 ofthislicensecontractanddescribed in theproductspecifications.saidprogram(s)listedinarticle10ofthislicensecontracttogetherwithanycopies orreproductions thereoforexcerptstherefrom,arehereincollectivelyreferred to as the "program". no license, expressed or implied, is grantedexcept as specifically provided herein.

2.restriction on use

licensee may use the program solely and exclusively on the computer(s) furnished by the seller under terms of this contract, as part ofeachsystem, except that the program may alsobeusedonlicensee'sbackupcomputer if the system computers are inoperative because of malfunction orduring the performance of preventive maintenance, engineeringchangesorchanges in features or model, until the systemcontrolcomputer(s)isrestored to operative status. licenseeshallusetheprogramonlyinconnection with its immediate internal operations, and shall not offerorsupply the use of the program to others under any circumstance.

no other software program can be installed, operated, or configured onthe system control computer hardware withoutpriorwrittenapprovalbyseller. this includesoperatingorapplicationsoftwarethatmaybeavailable from seller that is not covered by this license contract.

3.restriction on copying

licensee shall make no copies of the program,oranypartthereof,except that licensee maymakecopiesoftheprogramsolelyforthepurposes of backup, archival storage and placing theprograminaformsuitable for execution. all permitted copies shall be clearly markedwiththe same licensor proprietary and copyright restrictions whichappearonthe program originally supplied to licensee.permittedcopiesshallbestored in a secure manner.

4.restriction on transfer

licensee shall not sell, assign, sublicense,transfer,orotherwisemake available the program, except as may be permittedbythiscontractand only with written prior consent by seller.

5.buyership rights

title to the program shall be and remain in licensor, and no titletoor ownership of or technology transferoftheprogramoranyportionthereof is conveyedortransferredtothelicenseehereby.licenseeacknowledgestheprogramconstitutes confidential and proprietaryinformation and trade secrets of licensor, whether or not the program,orany portion of it, isormaybecopyrightedorcopyrightableand/orpatented or patentable, and that disclosure of the program to licenseeison thebasisoftheconfidentialrelationshipbetweenlicenseeandlicensor under this contract.

6.restriction on disclosure

except as expressly permitted herein, licensee shall notdiscloseorotherwise make available the program, or any portion thereof, to any thirdparty or to any employee of licensee who is not of necessity authorized bylicensee to use the program in licensee's business.licenseeshalltakeall reasonable steps necessary toinsuretheprogram,oranyportionthereof, is not disclosed or otherwisemadeavailablebylicensee(oremployees of licensee) to any third party.


licensor warrants ithastherighttograntthelicensehereingranted, and for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance(herein the "warranty period"), the program will perform substantiallyinthe manner set forth in thespecifications.licensor'ssoleobligationunder this warranty shall be to correct or replace any program found to bedefective from normal usage. this warranty is expresslyinlieuofallother warranties, express or implied, including but notlimitedto,theimpliedwarrantiesofmerchantabilityandfitnessforaparticularpurpose. licensor does not warrant that the program and/or itsassociateddocumentation, if any, will meet licensee's requirements, beerrorfree,or operate without interruption, and licensee assumes the entireriskasto its quality and performance. in no event will licensorbeliableforspecial,incidental,orconsequential damages (including, withoutlimitation, damages for loss of business profits,businessinterruption,loss of business information or other pecuniary loss) even if licensor hasbeen advised of the possibility that such damages may arise.

8.patent and copyright indemnity

licensor agrees that it will, at its own expense,defendanyactionbrought against licensee, and indemnifylicenseeagainstanyawardofdamages and costs made against licensee by a final judgment of a courtofcompetent jurisdiction in any such action, insofar as the samearebasedon a claim that the program used within the scope ofthelicensehereingranted constitutes an infringement of any patent orcopyright;providedlicensee shall have given licensor prompt notice in writing oftheclaimand institution of such action, and permits licensor, through its counsel,to defend the same and give licensor all reasonably available information,assistance and authority to enablelicensortosodefendandfurtherprovided, that licensor's liability hereunder, if any, shallbestrictlyand solely limited to the amount of royalties which wouldbepayableinrespect to revenues derived by licensor from licensee fromsalesoftheinfringing goods. licensor shall have control of the defense ofanysuchaction including appeals, and of all negotiations thereof,includingtheright to effect any settlement or compromise. in case the programis,inany action, held to constitute an infringement and itsuseisenjoined,licensor shall, at its option and expense (a)procureforlicenseetheright to continue using the program, or (b) replace or modify the samesothatitbecomesnoninfringingandperformsthesameservice withsubstantially the same quality, or(c)grantlicenseeacredit,lessreasonable depreciation for use, damage and obsolescence, uponreturnofthe program to licensor. licensor shall have no liability for any claim ofcopyright or patent infringement based on: (1) use of other than a currentunaltered release of the program;or(2)useofacurrentunalteredrelease of the program with non-licensor programs or data.theforegoingstates the entire liability with respect to infringement of any copyrightsor patents with regard to the program.

9.terms and termination

the term of this license contract and thelicensegrantedhereundershall commence on the date hereof, and shall terminate on the earlier of:(a) when licensee ceases to operate the system;or(b)thefailureoflicensee to pay any license fee or to comply with anyofthetermsandprovisions hereof, which failure continues for a period of________daysafter written notice to cure such failure and avoid termination.upon any termination of this contract, pursuant to (a) or(b)above,licensee shall promptly return theprogramandallcopiesthereoftolicensor, and shall, within _______monthsafteranysuchterminationfurnish licensor a written statement certifying that the original andallcopies and extracts (including partial copies and extracts) of the programand any related material received from licensor or made in connection withsuch license have been returned to licensor or destroyed.

10.licensed programs

program(s) licensed under this license contract: __________.

11.configuration and installation

in the event of any conflict between this licenseagreementandtheterms of the contract, this license agreement shall prevail.in witness whereof, the parties have executed thisseller'ssoftwarelicense agreement on the date first above written.


date:_________ date:_________





    本星期,我读了一本名叫《爱的教育》的一本书,它令我十分感动。  在这本书中,有一个片段让我特感动,它就是:告别。这一段记录了一个班的同学和一位他们的老师告别时依依不舍的师生离别情。  现我就来介绍


    前台个人工作总结篇1  岁月如梭,转眼又快迎来了新的一年。在即将过去的20xx年里,我在公司领导是同事的关心和热情帮助下,顺利完成了前台接待相应的工作。现在对20xx年的工作作出总结。  一、前台工作






