



商业百科一般指商业百科(全彩)。《商业百科》一书语言平实,它用精准的解释揭秘顶级商业思想,剖析复杂的商业术语,用图表让读者逐步理解晦涩的商业理论,用诙谐的插图展示了商业思想与国际市场的交融。本站今天为大家精心准备了商业合作保密协议书范本中英文对照版 ,希望对大家有所帮助!商业合作保密协议书范本中英文对照版


Party A:_______Co., Ltd.


Party B:________________鉴于:Whereas:甲乙双方正在就进行会谈或合作,需要取得对方的相关业务和技术资料,为此,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商签订本协议。Exchanging of relevant business and technological information is required for the ongoing business discussions or cooperation between Party A and Party B with respect to , this agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations and under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development.

第一条保密资料的定义Article One Definition of Confidential Information甲乙双方中任何一方披露给对方的明确标注或指明是“保密资料”的相关业务和技术方面的书面或其它形式的资料和信息(简称:保密资料),但不包括下述资料和信息:Confidential information refers to data and information with respect to relevant businesses and technologies, whether in written or other forms, that have been disclosed by either Party A or Party B to the other party with clear label or designation of 'confidential information'(hereinafter referred to as 'confidential information'), excluding the following data and information:

1、已经或将公布于众的资料,但不包括甲乙双方或其代表违反本协议规定未经授权所披露的;Information that is already or to be make public available, except those disclosed by either Party A or Party B or their representatives in violation of this agreement and without authorization;

2、在任何一方向接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料; Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosure of the other party;

3、任何一方提供的非保密资料,接受方在披露这些资料前不知此资料提供者(第三方)已经与本协议下的非保密资料提供方订立过有约束力的保密协议,且接受方有理由认为资料披露者未被禁止向接受方提供该资料。Non-confidential information offered by either party, before the disclosure of which the receiving party is not informed of the fact that the provider of this information (a third party) has signed a binding confidentiality agreement with the party disclosing the non-confidential information under this agreement, and the receiving party may reasonably presume that the information discloser is not forbidden to offer the information to the receiving party.

第二条双方责任Article Two Obligations and Liabilities

(一)甲乙双方互为保密资料的提供方和接受方,负有保密义务,承担保密责任。Both Party A and Party B represent to the other party as the provider and receiver of confidential information, and thus both undertake confidentiality obligations and liabilities.

(二)甲乙双方中任何一方未经对方书面同意不得向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开和披露任何保密资料或以其他方式使用保密资料。双方也须促使各自代表不向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开或披露任何保密资料或以其它方式使用保密资料。除非披露、公开或利用保密资料是双方从事或开展合作项目工作在通常情况下应承担的义务(包括双方今后依法律或合同应承担的义务)适当所需的。 Neither Party A nor Party B shall disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party (including the press) or otherwise make use of the confidential information without the written approval of the other party; Both parties are obliged to urge their representatives not to disclose or make public any confidential information to a third party (including the press) or otherwise make use of the confidential information; unless the disclosure, publicity and application of the confidential information is required by the due performance of the obligations of the two parties in association with the undertaking and proceeding of the cooperative programs under normal circumstances (including obligations to be assumed by both parties in the future pursuant to the law and the contracts signed by the two parties).

(三)双方均须把保密资料的接触范围严格限制在因本协议规定目的而需接触保密资料的各自负责任的代表的范围内; Both parties shall strictly limit the access to the confidential information to their responsible representatives only for the purposes specified hereunder.

(四)除经过双方书面同意而必要进行披露外,任何一方不得将含有对方或其代表披露的保密资料复印或复制或者有意无意地提供给他人;Neither party shall provide a third party with copies or duplicates of the confidential information disclosed by the other party or its representative, whether intentionally or not, unless the disclosure is allowed by a written agreement signed by the two parties.


Article Three Intellectual Property Rights

甲乙双方向对方或对方代表披露保密资料并不构成向对方或对方的代表的转让或授予另一方对其商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其它知识产权拥有的权益,也不构成向对方或对方代表转让或向对方或对方代表授予该方受第三方许可使用的商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其他知识产权的有关权益。 Disclosure of the confidential information by either Party A or Party B to the other party or its representatives shall not be construed to constitute an assignment or grant to the other party or its representatives of the rights and interests in relation to its trade secrets, trademarks, patents, know-how or any other intellectual property, nor shall it constitute an assignment or grant to the other party or its representatives the rights and interests in relation to the trade secrets, trademarks, patents, know-how, or any other intellectual property authorized by a third party.

第四条保密资料的保存和使用Article Four Preservation and Application of the Confidential Information

(一)甲乙双方中的任何一方有权保存必要的保密资料,以便在履行其在合作项目工作中所承担的法律、规章与义务时使用该等保密资料。Either Party A or Party B has the right to preserve necessary confidential information, so as to make use of which in implementing binding laws, regulations, and obligations under their cooperative programs.

(二)甲乙双方有权使用保密资料对任何针对接受方或其代表的与本协议项目及其事务相关的索赔、诉讼、司法程序及指控进行抗辩,或者对与本协议项目及其事务相关的传唤、传票或其他法律程序做出答复。Either Party A or Party B has the right to make use of the confidential information to defend against any claims, lawsuits, judicial proceedings, and accusations towards the receiving party or its representatives in relation to the programs hereunder and relevant affairs, or to respond to summons, subpoena, or other legal proceedings with respect to the programs hereunder and relevant affairs.

(三)任何一方在书面通知对方并将披露的复印件抄送对方后,可根据需要在提交任何市、省、中央或其他对接受方有管辖权或声称对接受方有管辖权的监管团体的任何报告、声明或证明中披露保密资料。Either party can, in light of actual demand, disclose the confidential information in any reports, statements or certificates submitted to any regulatory organs at municipal, provincial, central, or other levels that have jurisdiction or assert having jurisdiction over the receiving party,

after informing the other party in written form and making a copy for the other party of the disclosed information.

第五条争议解决和适用法律Article Five Dispute Settlement and Governing Laws

本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖并按中华人民共和国法律解释。对因本协议或本协议各方的权利和义务而发生的或与之有关的任何事项和争议、诉讼或程序,本协议双方不可撤销地接受中华人民共和国法院的管辖。This agreement shall be governed by and be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the People‘‘s Republic of China. With respect to any issues, disputes, lawsuits or proceedings arising from or in connection with the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder, the two parties shall irrevocably accept the jurisdiction of the people‘‘s courts of the People‘‘s Republic of China.

第六条协议有效期Article Six Term of the Agreement

(一)本协议有效期为_____年,自甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效。This agreement shall remain effective for____years, and shall come into force as from the date when both parties sign and stamp the company chop on the agreement.

(二)本协议一式四份,双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。This agreement shall be held in four copies of the same form. Each party shall preserve two copies with equal legal effect.


Party A:_____________ Co., Ltd.



To protect commercial secretes of Party A and Party B hereof,following the principle of fairness, equityand mutual benefit, the two parties involved hereby reach this non-disclosure agreement:


All the information provided by Party A to Party B are in the scope of commercial secrets, and Party B has the obligation to keep them confidential. The scope of commercial secrets of Party A that Party B has the obligations to keep confidential includes but is not limited to the followings:


Mold contract (including variety, specification, quantity and price factor, delivery date, etc.), mold inspection standard and product inspection standard;


All information, parameters, drawings, fixtures and tools concerning parts of the product;


Models and samples of products concerning appearance and function of Party A;


Any product marked with “OPPO” or equivalent signs including IC card, LCD display, packing material such as color dispenser, product manual, handbag, advertising product and casing;


Mold technology, mold patent, product patent and system flow of development provided by Party A;


Information of mold produced by Party B, product model, detailed information of purchase order (including color, quantity and date of delivery) of Party A, etc.;


Original technical data and actual product of Party A concerning appearance, industrial design, color matching, trial product of mold (including elements of trial mold and sample of coating) of the model that have not entered market yet;


Other structure design schemes to which Party A owns intellectual property rights, and information and actual product with exclusive LOGO of Party A;


Party B has the following obligations to keep the abovementioned commercial secretes of Party A confidential:


Take active measures to protect the abovementioned commercial secretes in case they are learnt or used by a third party;


Ensure that all the employees of Party B to whom disclosure of commercial secrets of Party A is to be made will not have the commercial secrets disclosed, and ensure that all the employees of Party B for whom the commercial secrets of Party A are inaccessible shall not detect or obtain in illegal method (including but not limited to searching, browsing and copying on computer);


Do not disclose the commercial secretes of Party A to a third party;


Unless for performing obligations specified in the agreement and with prior consent from Party A, Party B shall not directly or indirectly use the abovementioned confidential information and intellectual property rights for benefits of Party B or anyone else;


Do not permit (including lending, presenting, releasing, transferring, etc.) or assist a third party in using the commercial secrets of Party A;


Party B acknowledges that Party A has set up special system of public statement and information disclosure, and promises to strictly abide by this system;


In case of termination of cooperation with Party A due to any reason, Party B shall not use the commercial secretes of Party A to provide service to the enterprise in competition with Party A (including self-invested enterprises);


All the related information and all the confidential information concerning intellectual property rights of Party A possessed, used, supervised or controlled by Party B, are under ownership of Party A, and shall all be returned to Party A at termination of cooperation. All the information are prohibited to be copied, faxed and transmitted through network in case of no authorization;


Party B agrees on the scope of commercial secretes specified by Party A. Disclosure of the commercial secretes of Party A in any form purposely or by fault is illegal. Party A has the right to report to the police, take compulsory measures and claim for criminal responsibility based on illegal condition and harm extent.


When Party B finds that the commercial secretes of Party A are disclosed or divulged for fault of Party B, Party B shall take effective measures to stop further disclosure and timely report to Party A;


All the commercial secretes specified in this agreement are under the ownership of Party A, and Party B shall not apply for intellectual property rights by making use of learning about the commercial secretes of Party A it has learnt to any extent, those legally owned by Party B before signing this agreement excluded.

3、甲方保密义务:Non-disclosure obligations of Party A:


Based on requirements of Party B on the sample, DEMO panel, test and inspection tool/software, drawing, specification etc. provided by Party B to Party A, Party A accordingly has the obligation to keep them confidential as per this non-disclosure agreement.

4、保密期限Term of non-disclosure


Party A and Party B hereof confirm that non-disclosure obligations of Party B come into force on signing of this agreement till the confidential information is voluntarily disclosed by Party A. Whether Party B will continue further cooperation with Party A or not will not affect the performance of non-disclosure obligations by Party B;

5、违约责任Responsibility for breach of contract


Provided Party B fails to perform non-disclosure obligations stipulated in this agreement, Party B shall pay RMB500, 000 as compensation for breach of contract. In case that the compensation for breach of contract is not sufficient to compensate for the losses of Party A, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for the insufficiency.


If Party B violates this non-disclosure agreement, Party A has the right to take all legal actions including deducting payment, suspending payment, cancelling supplier qualification, legally claiming for all the losses etc. to defend all the rights and interests of Party A.

6、特别条款Special Provisions


Party B shall properly keep the special materials of Party A (e.g. plastic casing, hardware casing, key, lens, battery, touch screen, earphone, charger, data cable, color dispenser, product manual, handbag and advertising product), and shall not have them flow into false product market or other places harmful to Party A. If it is verified that materials have flown out from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RMB500,000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to make no payment for the paid balance of Party B and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier, and Party B shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

6.2 对于上述甲方专用物料,乙方不得以何形式提供给其他个人(甲方样品阶段乙方提供给甲方工程师签样除外)。如甲方查证物料确实从乙方流出,乙方应向甲方支付每次伍万圆人民币的违约金,情节严重者,甲方有权利取消乙方的供应商资格。

Party B shall not provide the abovementioned special materials of Party A to any individuals in any form (At sample phase of Party A, the sample provided by Party B to engineer of Party A for approval is excluded.). If the materials are proven to be outflow from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RMB50, 000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

7、一般条款General Provisions


In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement is signed.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.


This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.



Whereas 【】 Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) is considering cooperating with【】 (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) for【】 (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”).Therefore, the Parties hereby enter into this Confidential Agreement as follows for the purpose of safeguarding the business secret of the Parties:


Article 1 : Definition


Information Discloser: In this agreement, it means the Party who provide confidential information to the other Party.


Information Receiver: In this agreement, it means the Party who receive confidential information from the other Party.


Article 2: Composition of Confidential Information


Confidential Information referred in this Agreement means any information provided by information discloser to the information receiver which is related to the business or activity of the information discloser or any information that has not been publicized by the information discloser. The information receiver or the personnel of the information receiver shall reasonably deem such information as confidential information disregarding the form in which such information is provided to the information receiver.


Article 3 Exception


Confidential Information shall exclude the following information:

1、在信息披露方将信息提供给信息接受方之前,信息接受方已知道的信息; Any information which has been known by the information receiver prior to the provision of said information by the information discloser to the information receiver;

2、信息接受方没有违反本协议的情况下,已被公众知晓或广泛使用的信息; the information already known or used by the public without the receiver breaching this Agreement;

3、信息接受方从第三方处正当获得或接收到的不受保密限制的信息; the information not limited by the confidentiality requirement which the receiver obtains or receives legally from the third party


the information that the receiver independently develops without violating the Agreement;


Article 4 Confidential Obligation:

1. 双方及其工作人员应对上述所有保密信息进行严格保密;

The Parties and the personnel of the Parties shall keep the above-mentioned information strictly confidential;

2. 信息接受方应只允许那些有必要了解保密信息并且被告知且同意遵守保密义务的职员和专业顾问获得保密信息;

The information receiver shall only allow the obtaining of the Confidential Information by the employer and professional adviser who has the necessity to know the Confidential Information and has been notified and agreed to abide by the confidential obligation;

3. 非经披露方书面同意,信息接受方不能向任何第三方公开、复制、销售、出租、出借、转让、传播、泄露或透露保密信息。信息接受方一旦发生丢失、被盗、烧毁等会引起保密信息泄露或销毁的行为和事故,应承担全部责任;

Unless with the written consent of the information discloser, the information receiver cannot publish, copy, sell, rent, transfer, promulgate, let out, disclose or reveal the confidential information. If information receiver encounters loss, theft, damage or any action or accident that may cause the confidential information revealed or damaged, the information receiver shall take all responsibilities;

4. 在本协议终止后,双方仍需遵守本协议之保密条款,履行其所承诺的保密义务,直到信息披露方同意其解除此项义务,或事实上不会因信息接受方违反本协议的保密条款而给信息披露方造成任何形式的损害时为止。

After this Agreement terminates, the Parties shall continue to abide by the confidentiality articles of this Agreement and shall perform the confidentiality obligation which the Parties have promised, until the information discloser agrees to release the information receiver from such obligation, or in fact the default of the information receiver will not bring any damage in any form to the information discloser.


Article 5 Requirement of publication


Under the circumstances of judicial or governmental organs’ instruction, requirement or order which requires information receiver to reveal the confidential information, information receiver can disclose confidential information to the abovementioned organs, however, information receiver shall adopt reasonable measures to notify the information discloser to the extent as allowed by law prior to the disclosure of the Confidential Information so that the information discloser can defend such instructions, requirements or orders.


Article 6 Return and Destroy of the Information


1. 当信息接受方不再需要保密信息用于该工作目的时;

2. 双方未能就本项目达成正式的合作协议时;

3. 双方就本项目签订的正式合作协议履行完毕;

4. 任何时候收到信息披露方书面形式做出要求时;

5. 信息披露方原有保密信息发生变更时;


The Parties agree, under any of the following situation, information receiver shall immediately return all confidential information to the information discloser in accordance with the requirements of the information discloser, or destroy all information:

1. that the information receiver doesn’t need the confidential information for


2. that both parties do not reach cooperation agreement in respect to the


3. that the agreement signed by the parties in respect to the Project have been fully performed and completed;

4. that the information receiver receives the requirements from information

discloser in writing at any time;

5. changes occurring to the original confidential information of the information



Article 7 Breaching Liability and Compensation


If the information receiver breaches this Agreement, the information discloser shall be entitled to require the information discloser to rectify within certain period and to be liable for said breach until the information receiver has completely rectify such breach and has eliminated any influence. If the breach by the information receiver has brought damages to the information discloser, the information receiver shall compensate the information discloser, compensation amount shall be defined in accordance with the loss sustained by the information discloser or the profit gained by the information receiver.


Article 8 Applicable Law


This Agreement is governed by and made in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.


Article 9 Dispute Resolution


The Parties shall settle any dispute arising from the performance of this Agreement, and any Party shall be entitled to bring lawsuit against the other Party in the competent court located in the place where Party B resides provided that such dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation.


Article 10 Period


This Agreement shall take effect since the date when the Parties sign or seal. This Agreement is made in duplicate with each copy being of the same effect and each Party shall retain one copy.


Article 11 Miscellaneous

1. 本协议的签署并不能视为双方对达成正式合作协议的承诺,如双方就本项目最终签署正式的合作协议,本协议成为正式合作协议的组成部分与正式合作协议具有同等法律效力,本协议与正式合作协议约定不一致的以正式合作协议为


Neither this Agreement nor the supply of any information shall be deemed to be the guarantee for the formal cooperation agreement. If the parties would conclude the formal cooperation agreement in respect to the Project, this Agreement shall be a part of and have the equal validity to the formal cooperation agreement. If any part of this Agreement is inconsistent with the formal cooperation agreement, the formal cooperation agreement shall prevail.

2. 本协议或本协议涉及的信息提供皆不构成对信息接受方任何关于知识产权的许可、利益或权利的授予。

Neither this Agreement nor the supply of any information grants the information receiver any license, interest or right in respect of any intellectual property rights of the other party.






    入党是指经过一定手续,得到某政党组织批准而成为该党之成员。亦特指加入中国共产党。爱学范文今天为大家精心准备了研究生11月入党申请书,希望对大家有所帮助!  研究生11月入党申请书  敬爱的党组织: 







