



  Recently,I accidentally opened a book named"the mountain live".

  It tells the story of a hill on a hill in the story.Baby Clive Hess grew up in the heights,but because of the person I love to get married and migrate.Three years later,Hess Clive again appear,launched a series of revenge.

  Early to read the book.The content inside very attract me,but I still feel that the book has some ugly.Because it involves too much hate.You can,I still feel the beauty of this.Although I this is found after to savor.The book,the book is very attract me.Its beauty is Hess Clive is that for love,that is embodied in Katherine vickers vimy love life misfortune with Katherine

  Hess Clive though when revenge is so fierce,but he is also because of love.Because he didn't finish listen to the half.He broke his think lover,he won't be so sad.

  Katherine is so unfortunately,and so lucky.She is,unfortunately,at the time of her newborn,because mother died during childbirth.Her mother is Hess Clive's lover.Katherine escape clutches,knocked down in a chance Hess Clive,she was robbed of property and was forced to marry his cousin,the sick to death of people.Fortunately she met Hess Clive is adopted,the sneakingly of my uncle's child.Four years older than her cousin-the east.She fell in love and the east.Later,Hess Clive is due to excessive miss Katherine's mother,Katie died.Katherine withdrew all his own,and my cousin married,take old servant nelly back in the blackbird hill,has never been to wuthering heights.

  The book drew a satisfactory full stop.





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