




Dear little river:

Hello We humans are very sorry for you, I heard my mother say 20 years ago, the original crystal clear river, water can not see any impurities, shrimp and small fish swimming in the water happily, no smell, no waste water, many people washing clothes in the river. Is that right at that time? I also heard that when a factory moved to a place not far away from you, when it was not far away, a lot of thick smoke was discharged every day. When it rained, the dust was hit on you, and a drainage ditch was excavated to steal the sewage that had not been processed to your body. Then I don't know. Just a few years ago. I also visited and found every few meters there is a sewage outlet, also Everfount discharge black and dirty sewage, the river dark, black as ink, and braved the white foam. On both sides of the river, there are often poor people who have been poisoned alive by drinking water and drinking water because they can't afford to drink water. When people put pesticides here, and some people even in some of the garbage during peaceful times under the straight into the river, some car tank is broken, oil leakage, many innocent fish shrimp alive was poisoned, ecological imbalance, so the river filled with moss, moss. The bodies floating on the river, smell and industrial pollution are disgusting, even passers-by to cover mouth and nose or wear a mask is comfortable, clean the river boats should only go fishing floating leaves, no other garbage, if no leaves will turn to the maximum horsepower immediately. In another open channel. At that time, even I also cannot endure the stench, the minute are likely to make fainted. I hope some kind people see you can take you to the horrors of timely rectification, to restore the original state.

I hope you are getting healthier and more beautiful.


  October 30th


Beloved teacher Zhang


I'm sorry. I know I'm very sorry for you, you were so good to me. And I...

I'm sorry. I have forgotten, when we got so stiff, perhaps, is the words I snapped our relationship. At that time, every day my heart was very messy. I actually knew I was wrong, and I wanted to find you to apologize. But I'm afraid... I'm afraid of your eyes. I know I'm disappointing you. So, I chose to go wrong. I know I'm going away. After listening to what you said, think a lot. The heart is very guilty. Be ashamed。 It's full of the sense of crime. I feel very disappointed with so many people who are good to me.

You say I always go to regret one, not change my own shortcomings. I was really sober this time. I learned it well. I won't learn any more, and I won't be in contact with those people. "To the MS silt but don't dye" I can do it! I have improved a lot of academic achievements now.

You always say that I want to get rid of the trouble I had a good talk, then think not to regard it as right, their own negligence, before the time to make mistakes always want to "irren ist menschlich?" Now I think that the mistakes are their own, do not look for any external reasons, I believe I will be better, and always pay attention to my own words and deeds.

The school is a small society, if it is in the community, against the boss, the consequences will be very serious. This is what you usually teach us. Thank you, Mr. Zhang. You have taught me to be a person. I sincerely thank you. Mr. Zhang, I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you can teach me as well as before.

Please forgive me. I'm really getting better this time. Forgive me, please say, don't ignore me.


  Your student: Bai Yu

  June 20th 201X




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