Dear [NAME],
Internship arrangements
This letter confirms the arrangements relating to your unpaid internship with [NAME OF ORGANISATION].
The purpose of this letter is to describe reasonable expectations between us. This letter is not intended to be or give rise to a legally binding contract between us and your internship may be terminated at any time by either of us.
You will not be a member of staff and the regulations governing employment with [NAME OF ORGANISATION] will not apply to you. For example, you will not be entitled to any paid holiday, or statutory sick pay when unable to attend any part of your internship when expected because of illness.
The essence of this arrangement is that you are free to choose whether or not you carry out activities during the suggested hours, and, equally, there is no obligation on [NAME OF ORGANISATION] to provide you with work or activities. Neither of us intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.
1. Internship
Your internship will take place at [ADDRESS] from [DATE] to [DATE]. You will have no fixed hours of work, but we hope that you will usually be able to attend for up to [NUMBER] hours a week [OR during our normal office hours which are from [TIME] to [TIME] on Mondays to Fridays]. There is no liability on your part if you do not attend these hours.
We expect you to perform the activities and achieve the learning objectives as proposed in the Schedule below to the best of your ability and to maintain appropriate standards of behaviour at all times. We will also expect you to comply with our rules, policies, procedures, standards and instructions.
2. Induction and training
We will provide an induction explaining who we are and what we do, and also to ensure your health and safety. We will support and train you appropriately for the activities that you may undertake during your internship.
3. Supervision and support
You can expect us to deal with you fairly and in accordance with our equal opportunities policy.
Your main point of contact during your internship is [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR]. We will arrange for you to have regular meetings with [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR] to discuss your learning goals and assignments, as well as to answer any questions you may have.
Please give [NAME OF INTERN COORDINATOR/SUPERVISOR] as much notice as possible, if you are unable to attend any part of your internship when expected.
4. Expenses
Your internship is a voluntary activity and, therefore is not subject to the National Minimum Wage legislation. We agree that if the circumstances of your internship change such that it is no longer a volunteer activity, we will comply with National Minimum Wage legislation, if applicable. We will reimburse certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with your internship in accordance with our procedures set out below.
5. Insurance
We will provide adequate insurance cover for you while you are undertaking activities approved and authorised by us.
6. Confidentiality
In the course of your internship, you may have access to confidential information in relation to [NAME OF ORGANISATION] or our clients. You will be required to enter into a separate legally binding Confidentiality Agreement under which you will undertake not to misuse or wrongfully disclose this information to any person either during your internship or at any time afterwards.
Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this letter by signing, dating and returning the enclosed copy.
We hope that you will find your internship enjoyable and rewarding.
Schedule: Proposed activities and learning objectives
Yours sincerely,
I understand and accept the contents of this letter
Signed .....................................................
Date ........................................................