关键词: 青少年;青少年体质;体质与健康促进;社会学归因;效策
中图分类号: G 807文章编号:1009783X(2014)03022605文献标志码: A
Abstract:The factors that lead the teenager"s physical fitness down were analyzed in China via the way of literature and logical analysis.It was revealed that the teenagers" physical deterioration in China was not due to the single factor of school sports,but in a certain historical background,involving the sociological problems of the country,such as schools,families and social.In which it is four main factors that influence adolescent physical and health promotion in China,which include the concept of exam-oriented education and a single exam system for college entrance examination,the western modern concept of life and lifestyle,the changes of families and social structure;the new curriculum reform orientation deviation in school.Therefore,It is suggest that improving the college entrance examination system,developing professional technical education space and channels,cancelling the key middle school in accordance with the compulsory education;at the same time ,establishing social service system of physical health evaluation combined with the society,family and school;positioning the value orientation of school sports;perfecting the education system;strengthening social supervision and so on.
Keywords:adolescents;physical and health promotion;sociological reasons;strategy
作者简介:董静梅;在活动方式上,以个体的娱乐性、技艺性、表演性项目为主(如射御、投壶、戏毯等)追求练神与练形的统一;在指导思想上,强调文武兼备,学以致用,把体育纳入礼乐教化的范畴,培养人的和谐意识,使之成为“礼”的一部分,成为德育的重要手段,注重培养守纪律的作风和进取精神等等;在体育教学上重视严密的课题组织和体育课合理的运动负荷等 .研究西华师范大学学报:自然科学版,2012,33(4):427431.