摘 要:随着新食品原料的日益增多,我国国家卫生和计划生育委员会出台《新食品原料安全性审查管理办法》,针对新食品原料要落实管理办法,强化管理。首先要强化新食品原料的审批管理,其次要落实新食品原料的安全管理,最后实施新食品原料的退出管理。
中图分类号:R155.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X
Abstract:For the safety of increasing new food material,China’s state of health and family planning committee formulate and promulgate the new raw material of food safety measures for the administration of examination to implement management measures and strengthen management.The primary isstrengthenthe examination and approval management of food raw materials,secondly it is necessary to implement the safety management of new food raw materials.finally to put into effect of the exit management of the new food raw materials.
Key words:new food raw materials;management;methodsand ways
[责任编辑 李春莲]