




Jane Eyre is a novel with autobiography. It tells a story of love and dignity and tells people the true meaning of life.

Jane live a happy environment, grew up under treatment with peers: discrimination and cousin aunt abandonment, cousin insults and beaten...... Perhaps it is because of all this, Jane love unlimited confidence and firm and inflexible character, which can overcome the inherent personality. She firmly to the pursuit of a bright, holy, wonderfull life.

When Jane Eyre know Mr. Rochester and Rochester, and alternate affection, is about to enter marriage when they found Rochester had wives -- an imprisoned in the attic of the mad woman. At the end of his heart, Jane fled from the manor and wandered around, and later on because he had been obsessed with Rochester and returned to him. This is the manor is completely different, and Rochester is blind, but Jane loves to go with him.

This novel fascinating plot, language starkness, scenery description, rich local color, many environmental description is both real and typical. Such as Jane Eyre's life at his aunt's home, the experience in the orphanage and her relationship with the priest, Saint John, are all truthful descriptions of the social life in Britain at that time. And the most typical of them is the description of the orphanage. In Jane Eyre, Charlotte describes the first person and contains strong emotions. Therefore, the description of the orphans' mental state is more delicate and real, which deepens the revelation and accusation of this reality.

Jane Eyre is the most approachable idol of a generation of women in the heart of a generation. She will not be difficult to get near, and her shadow is scattered around us. The art image of Jane Eyre can shock and infect readers from generation to generation. It is her self support and self-esteem that support her personality charm. If compared to "Jane Eyre" and Ibsen's "a doll's house", Jane is not willing to live in a man's choice out of the shade and Nora left home to go farther, more revolutionary than that. In Jane Eyre, there is such a word that Jane says to Rochester. "Do you think I'm poor and beautiful, I'm going to lower you?" You're wrong。 We are equal. Just as we have passed through the grave as well, and before the heels of God, we are equal. Because our spirit is equal. " The female owner is equal to the pursuit of love from the bottom of the heart, with religious devotion. Such a word is exciting at any time, and the mouth of an independent, self respecting woman seems more powerful.





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