



6月雅思生态类写作1  Writeaboutthefollowingtopic:  Theearthisbeingfilledwithwastematerialsuchasplasticbagsan下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度6月雅思生态类写作3篇,供大家参考。


 Write about the following topic:

  The earth is being filled with waste material such as plastic bags and other rubbish. Is this really happening? What are some solutions to this problem?

  Model Answer:

  Over the past few decades, the increasing amount of industrial wastes and household garbage has become a major problem in many countries. People have questioned what caused this problem and what can be done to improve the situation. In my opinion, two of the most critical causes of this waste material problem are the increased consumption and a shortage of space for landfill.

  To begin with, modern lifestyle has contributed greatly to the increasing amount of waste and garbage we produce everyday. In other words, we have turned into a materialistic and mass-consumption society where we use more and throw away more than ever before. Moreover, countries are running out of space to store garbage and waste material. In fact, securing land for waste disposal raises controversies in many countries.

  To solve this intractable problem, every citizen needs to participate in producing less garbage. For example, we can bring our own personal shopping bags instead of using plastic bags provided by stores and shops. Besides, the government can enforce stricter laws on companies to use biodegradable packaging or use recycled material. Indeed, this alone can eliminate much of the waste which is sent to at land fills. Companies can also contribute by developing new raw material which is recyclable and will ultimately lead to less garbage. One good example of this is that tire companies develop new tires for cars which are not made of rubber but of new biodegradable material.

  As discussed above, individuals, business and the government can share the responsibility to reduce the amount of waste material and to save the earth. I hope that in the future our offspring will be better off with the well-preserved environment.





  Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water.

  Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved.

  Model Answer:

  As human"s population is dramatically rising every year, people"s requirements are increasing too. We need more food, more fresh water, more places to live. As a result of this many parts of the world are losing essential and sometimes irreplaceable resources, such as forest, animals, or fresh water. In this essay I will focus on the threat of disappearing many wild animals.

  The reason why I think that animals should be preserved is that all living creatures on this planet are connected with each other. So, the disappearance of only one species can cause dramatic changes in the planet and even death of many other living creatures. For example, the disappearance of bats will cause the huge increasing of insect population and this will reflect on all animals and plants. Another example is that if the population of bats increases, the population of insects will decrease significantly, and this will cause the disappearance of many plants because insects are the main pollinators. So, I think it is very important to preserve all species on our planet and live in harmony with our environment.

  Another important reason why I think that animals should be saved is that I, personally, do not want my child to learn about different animals from books and not be able to see them alive. I think it is shameful for humankind to explain our children that we are the reason why those animals disappeared.

  In conclusion, I would like to say that the issue about losing important natural resources is topical and open for debate nowadays. I believe that together people can make a difference. From my point of view, the first problem we should find a solution for is human"s overpopulation. As I mentioned above people"s demands are growing and this means we consume more and more natural resources. The second question, which is on the list of most important issues, is pollution including the air pollution, water pollution, etc.


——雅思写作生态类 (菁选2篇)


  Write about the following topic:

  The earth is being filled with waste material such as plastic bags and other rubbish. Is this really happening? What are some solutions to this problem?

  Model Answer:

  Over the past few decades, the increasing amount of industrial wastes and household garbage has become a major problem in many countries. People have questioned what caused this problem and what can be done to improve the situation. In my opinion, two of the most critical causes of this waste material problem are the increased consumption and a shortage of space for landfill.

  To begin with, modern lifestyle has contributed greatly to the increasing amount of waste and garbage we produce everyday. In other words, we have turned into a materialistic and mass-consumption society where we use more and throw away more than ever before. Moreover, countries are running out of space to store garbage and waste material. In fact, securing land for waste disposal raises controversies in many countries.

  To solve this intractable problem, every citizen needs to participate in producing less garbage. For example, we can bring our own personal shopping bags instead of using plastic bags provided by stores and shops. Besides, the government can enforce stricter laws on companies to use biodegradable packaging or use recycled material. Indeed, this alone can eliminate much of the waste which is sent to at land fills. Companies can also contribute by developing new raw material which is recyclable and will ultimately lead to less garbage. One good example of this is that tire companies develop new tires for cars which are not made of rubber but of new biodegradable material.

  As discussed above, individuals, business and the government can share the responsibility to reduce the amount of waste material and to save the earth. I hope that in the future our offspring will be better off with the well-preserved environment.


  Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not?

  Model Answer:

  As human population is significantly rising every year, people"s requirements are increasing too. We need more food, more machines, more place to live. As a result of this people need more land to satisfy their requirements. We cultivate and irrigate more and more land to plant vegetables, build new buildings, airports, roads, etc. I think sometimes we forget that we are not alone on this planet. I have to disagree with those people who think that human needs are more important than saving land for endangered animals. I base my opinion on the following points.

  First of all, as I already mentioned, we are not alone on this planet. A few centuries ago we were the part of wild nature. I think we need to remember this fact and respect all creatures around us.

  Second of all, I believe that we all need to think of the problem of overpopulation. The human population is dramatically increasing and we have to do something about it. From my opinion, every family should have no more than two children. It will help to stop the growth of population, decrease human needs for farmland, housing and industry.

  In conclusion, I think it is a very topical question nowadays. My point is that all people should answer this question and find the solution.




  Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not?

  Model Answer:

  As human population is significantly rising every year, people"s requirements are increasing too. We need more food, more machines, more place to live. As a result of this people need more land to satisfy their requirements. We cultivate and irrigate more and more land to plant vegetables, build new buildings, airports, roads, etc. I think sometimes we forget that we are not alone on this planet. I have to disagree with those people who think that human needs are more important than saving land for endangered animals. I base my opinion on the following points.

  First of all, as I already mentioned, we are not alone on this planet. A few centuries ago we were the part of wild nature. I think we need to remember this fact and respect all creatures around us.

  Second of all, I believe that we all need to think of the problem of overpopulation. The human population is dramatically increasing and we have to do something about it. From my opinion, every family should have no more than two children. It will help to stop the growth of population, decrease human needs for farmland, housing and industry.

  In conclusion, I think it is a very topical question nowadays. My point is that all people should answer this question and find the solution.




  Since human beings have existed in the Earth for millions of years, some scientists are curious about other intelligent forms in the universe. Some scientists attempt to communicate with these life forms. However, others believe it would be hazardous. In the following essay, both views will be explored as well as my personal stance.

  On one hand, many scientists and evidence has proved that humans are definitely not the only creature in the universe, so contacting these intelligent life forms could be demanding. Specifically, other life forms also existed on other planets; some of them even have visited the Earth. For example, about several decades ago, an UFO has visited a small town of America, and they did not attack the humans. They could have destroyed the Earth if they had despicable plans. Therefore, contacting with these unknown creatures could help us to know the outer space better, so it would be beneficial for the humans to try to contact with these aliens.

  In stark contrast, some other scientists believe that contacting with life forms would bring danger to the humans because we barely know them. To be precise, some scientists believe that these intelligent life forms could be smarter than us, and have more advanced technologies, people cannot win the war if they invade the Earth. Take films as example, as it describes in Independence Day, aliens invaded the Earth as they were aiming at the sufficient natural resources on earth and it is totally for their own interest. Their attack caused huge damage to the earth as human beings have no advanced weapon to fight back.

  In my opinion, even getting in touch with aliens could bring dangers to humans, it is still worth trying as I believe the majority of them are seeking for peace of the whole universe and hostility is barely carried. Looking for other creatures in the vast universe is a big step for humans to explore the outer space. It could be a double-sword, bringing both opportunities and challenges. Whether aliens are dangerous dose not truly matter under this circumstance, what is more important is that earthman, us, have the ability and courage to take adventures in the unknown space and meet something new.


  With advancement of societal technology, certain scientists work for looking for other intelligent life forms who may not exist on the earth such as aliens. While some people argue that contacting with them is likely to bring danger to human. Therefore, the essay aims to critically discuss both views and come up with my own opinion.

  That a number of researchers try to find other planets’ living species has to be admitted that pursing that curiosity is one of mankind’s nature. Additionally, by exchanging ideas with aliens about historical progression and academic discussion and so on, mankind’s world has the opportunity to make immense progress in modern technology by giving inspirations to scientists for pushing the frontiers of science which may solve particular thorny issues such as environmental pollution. On the other hand, as far as some researchers are concerned, it lays a solid foundation for people to possess an improved quality of life who live on other planets in order to avoid diseases and disasters brought by serve atmosphere pollution and doomsday respectively.

  While, simultaneously, others claim that touching with aliens probably breaks seemingly peaceful earth and brings unexpected danger. Firstly, it is likely that being greedy, exploitative and violent, aliens are searching for somewhere to harvest for water, minerals and fuel, contributing to meeting unprecedented risk by telling them the man’s existence. Furthermore, people know nothing of extraterrestrial intelligence intentions and capabilities so it is impossible to predict whether they will be benign or hostile. For example, earthlings will may be slaughtered and enslaved as colonized countries in the past time.

  From a personal perspective, earthlings can try to search for other unique life forms in various planets, but without promising to guarantee human’s lives, it would not better send messages to aliens and disturb their daily lives.


  Our imagination about beings on other planets has never stopped and reached its climax in such movie series like “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” in 1960s and 1970s. If other life forms do exist, an idea I strongly support, should we, as human beings on the Earth, try to reach out and communicate with them?

  A lot of people do not like the idea of sending messages to aliens “out there”. According to their theory, trying to establish communication with other life forms is extremely expensive because it entails designing complex equipment and apparatus. This will consume tons of money, which should be spent solving more practical problems like medical care or education. More importantly, as these people would claim, once they receive our messages and know about our existence, the aliens may invade the Earth and eliminate us all, just like what they do in many movies and science fiction.

  There are others who are very enthusiastic about reaching out for aliens on other planets. They are interested in how these different life forms survive and believe their more advanced technology may well help us human beings solve our existent problems. Having been living in the universe as the only intelligent being for too long, many people find it very attractive to reach their brothers and sisters from other planets. It is significant for another reason, too. As the Earth will surely die and disappear into the black hole as many scientists have speculated, we need to be known by our siblings on other planets so that when that day eventually does come, our future grand, grand children will not perish.

  Personally, I do not think much of the “danger” theory. If the aliens are less developed than us, they cannot be a threat to us even if they want to; if they are more developed and civilized, the probability that we are killed by them is still lower. Once the xenophobic danger is removed, I believe most of us will welcome the idea of communicating with the intelligent forms outside the Earth, because they can provide us with the much desired companionship and may save us when the Earth expires.




  Some people think getting old is entirely bad, but other people do think it’s much better for old people to live now than in the past. Please show your idea with explanation, examples and your knowledge.



  本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。那么,变老有哪些坏处呢?首先,当然是身体条件没有以前好了,甚至可能出现多种疾病(物质层面);其次,不工作了,与人的联系少了,心里可能会感觉孤单,甚至感觉没有价值了(精神层面);最后,变老后对社会的依赖程度更高,给社会增加了压力(社会层面)。那么,这些问题在当今社会是不是得到了解决呢?首先,医疗条件的改善有助于保持老年人的身体状况;互联网的出现有助于缓解老年人的心理孤单问题;物质水*的提高也降低了老年人给社会造成的`压力。如此观之,现代社会老年人的生活的确容易多了,但我的观点是:外部条件只是改善老年人生活的一个方面,最重要的还是老年人自己要积极调整心态,努力适应退休后的生活,从而过一个更幸福更祥和的晚年。


  It has become a common phenomenon for people in a number of countries to enjoy an increasing life expectancy. While some people believe it is horrible just to imagine getting old , I think the situation has completely changed comparing to decades ago and now elderly people can lead a happy life.

  In some cases, the seniors do experience empty nest syndrome because their children are away from home. However, things are different nowadays. There are numerous residential homes with trained carers in a country and they have become a perfect place for the elderly to stay after retirement, where the elderly will not feel lonely and bored with the company of their peers.

  Another concern for numerous senior citizens is the health problem. In the past, without advanced medical science, the seniors tend to suffer from various kinds of diseases, which decrease their quality of life at great extent. By contrast, the medical science is developing at an amazing speed and this trend can at least delay the onset of some chronic conditions and with healthy body, the elderly can enjoy happier lives.

  Apart from the two factors discussed above, instead of feeling useless or frustrated, elderly people can work beyond the retirement age or devote themselves to somewhere else to enrich their life. For example, a friend of my grandfather work as a part time doctor in his local community. In this way, not only does he make best use of his time, but also help a number of neighbours.

  To sum up, I hold the viewpoint that with the development of society and care from family members, elderly people can enjoy a more satisfying and meaningful life.


  Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reach a certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, and you may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you will feel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, then you may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically or emotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your family and the whole society as well.

  For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that the life of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the first place, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old people to stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might have inflicted pain on the old people are no longer serious problems for them. Then, with the widespread use of modern communication technology, old people today are no longer isolated from the world. Instead, by using their personal social media, they can always stay in touch with their families and friends, and share with them whatever they find interesting in their life. In this way, they do not really feel lonely or abandoned. Finally, the improved social wealth and pension system have also significantly reduced the pressure the old people pose to their families and communities.

  So, I do agree that the old people today are enjoying a much more comfortable life than, say, thirty years ago (not to mention 100). That is why, instead of being worried about their retired life, many people even begin to expect their retirement to come, because they see this as a new beginning of their life. I think, as long as the old people have the right attitude, the modern world has indeed much to offer for their happy, enjoyable and rewarding retired life.





  题目:The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


  It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.

  On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less relevant for younger people. In the past, for example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same time, the ‘rules’ around relationships are being eroded as young *s make their own choices about who and when to marry. But perhaps the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger people.

  On the other hand, some traditional views and values are certainly applicable to the modern world. For example, older generations attach great importance to working hard, doing one’s best, and taking pride in one’s work, and these behaviours can surely benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalised world, young *s can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally, I believe that young people would lead happier lives if they had a more ‘old-fashioned’ sense of community and neighbourliness.

  In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.




  场景: 课堂讨论




  21-23. 报告被扣分的原因

  21.writing style

  22. late submission

  23. lack of research

  24. Just coffee 公司在增进communication方面提供

  A. technical support

  B. financial aids

  25. 数据增长:选triple(老师提出数据增长不止两倍,而是triple)


  A. Farming method B. market expansion C. producer countries

  27. 老师让学生写个reference document

  28. products need to be mentioned

  29. equipment, like com*rs

  30. 有个so called 项目叫Knowledge Sharing


  场景: 课堂讨论




  21-23. 报告被扣分的原因

  21.writing style

  22. late submission

  23. lack of research

  24. Just coffee 公司在增进communication方面提供

  A. technical support

  B. financial aids

  25. 数据增长:选triple(老师提出数据增长不止两倍,而是triple)


  A. Farming method B. market expansion C. producer countries

  27. 老师让学生写个reference document

  28. products need to be mentioned

  29. equipment, like com*rs

  30. 有个so called 项目叫Knowledge Sharing


——雅思写作误区 (菁选3篇)









































——雅思热点写作社会类 (菁选3篇)


  Task:In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?

  Sample answer:

  In the modern world, young *s prefer to raise children late in their life. This essay will mainly *yze the potential reasons and how it will affect society and family life as well.

  There are three main factors contributing to the postponed parenthood.

  In general, people who bear great pressure from their work are less likely to prepare childbirth early, considering that they may have little time to attend their children. This problem can also be attributed to the high cost of modern life. The young people without adequate savings will probably be afraid of high living cost and expensive tuition. Another reason for this is the difficulty in balancing work and life. More young people emphasize the promotion in career, and thus spare little time for a stable marriage life which is viewed as a significant element for rearing children.

  It cannot be denied that late childbirth is able to provide more time for young couples to be ready for the new members in their families. They need to learn how to raise children before they decide to have children. In addition, if they delay childbirth, they can provide more economic support for children’s rearing and education.

  However, the low birth rate will cause an increase in aging population. It is widely known that most medical needs and costs occur in the last years of life. Therefore, young people have to face the need to care for the elderly family members. From the perspective of the society, due to a shift in the age structure of the workforce, an aging society with a low birthrate is likely to encounter labour shortage.

  To summarize, the delay in having children is mainly attributed to the stress and strains men and women bear in both their life and work. Although this may help them better prepare for their children’s development, the negative effects on both society and family life cannot be ignored.


  Task:In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?

  Sample answer:

  In the modern world, young adults prefer to raise children late in their life. This essay will mainly *yze the potential reasons and how it will affect society and family life as well.

  There are three main factors contributing to the postponed parenthood.

  In general, people who bear great pressure from their work are less likely to prepare childbirth early, considering that they may have little time to attend their children. This problem can also be attributed to the high cost of modern life. The young people without adequate savings will probably be afraid of high living cost and expensive tuition. Another reason for this is the difficulty in balancing work and life. More young people emphasize the promotion in career, and thus spare little time for a stable marriage life which is viewed as a significant element for rearing children.

  It cannot be denied that late childbirth is able to provide more time for young couples to be ready for the new members in their families. They need to learn how to raise children before they decide to have children. In addition, if they delay childbirth, they can provide more economic support for children’s rearing and education.

  However, the low birth rate will cause an increase in aging population. It is widely known that most medical needs and costs occur in the last years of life. Therefore, young people have to face the need to care for the elderly family members. From the perspective of the society, due to a shift in the age structure of the workforce, an aging society with a low birthrate is likely to encounter labour shortage.

  To summarize, the delay in having children is mainly attributed to the stress and strains men and women bear in both their life and work. Although this may help them better prepare for their children’s development, the negative effects on both society and family life cannot be ignored.


  Task:Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Sample answer:

  It is sometimes argued that increasing the minimum age for unsupervised driving is the optimal way to ensure road safety. While the proposal seems feasible, I believe other solutions should be fully considered as well.

  On the one hand, I agree that teenage drivers are more likely to have collisions on the road, compared to drives in other age groups. This is because young driver, especially those who are in adolescence, tend to overestimate their driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road. For example, because of behavioural characteristics of youth, adolescents have a weak awareness of safety. They are very likely to drive faster than the speed limit or mimic those dangerous shots shown in the movie, such as drifting, which can lead to car accidents on roads.

  Nevertheless, apart from controlling the legal age strictly, I believe that other measures can be taken to prevent deaths and serious injuries. Firstly, the government might set higher standards for testing drivers’ ability to drive and prolong the training time since better prepared drivers and riders can reduce the number of incidents. Besides, a right attitude plays a vital role in ensuring the road safety. For instance, eating, drinking, or talking on the phone while driving should be prohibited as these activities might distract driver"s attention and cause some unexpected consequences. Finally, for those disqualified drivers, who have serious crash record, retest is a must.

  In conclusion, although the lowest legal age can prevent some disqualified drivers on the road, other considerations are equally important in tacking this issue.





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