敬启者:我方在××杂志上,得到贵公司名称和地址,盼与贵公司建立商务关系,特此奉告。本公司系中国化学产品最大的出口商之一,具有五十年的商务经验,商誉驰名。我方的服务和产品品质保证会使贵方满意。对我方的信[查看详细] Dear Sirs, Near the close to another year,we would like to take this opportunity of th anking[查看详细] Dear Sirs, My wife and I were very grateful to receive an invitation to attend the celebrations m[查看详细] Dear Sirs, I thank you for your kind invitation on the occasion of your opening celebrations to b[查看详细] Dear Sirs, We have seen your advertisement in “The Economy Daily”and are interested in your leath[查看详细] 敬启者: 值此除旧迎新之际,我们对朋友们与顾客们长期以来的信赖和照顾表示衷心感谢。 祝福阁下及家人圣诞暨新年万事如意![查看详细]