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How To Write A Love Letter


by J. Good

One of the best ways to convey exactly how you feel about someone is through words. A special love poem written by you or someone else, sentimental quotes or thoughts of love are just a few ways to convey your thoughts to your loved one. When writing a love letter, you can tell your love exactly how you feel with words from the heart!

"Those who love deeply never grow old." ~Anonymous

Writing the perfect love sentiments can be a little difficult for anyone. Due to that fact, we've gathered some love quotes, sentiments, tips and ideas on how to write a love letter to help you. You might also consider sending an e-card that has the perfect sentiments already on it!

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Tips for writing your own love letter

Imagine exactly how your love will feel when they see your feelings in a poem, quote, or sentiment. You can even go a little further and post it as a love dedication or in poetic form on the Internet for your love to see!! Below are a few tips to keep in mind when you're writing something...

Make it personal.

Let the words come from your heart.

Include why you love them and how they make your world brighter just by being in it.

Express your gratitude for them being in your life.

Be affectionate and loving.

Let them know your love for them will never fade and you will always be there.

If you are sending it by mail or delivering it to them physically, handwrite it.

If you are sending it electronically, make a web page with the poem on it, have it posted as a love dedication or as a poetry submission.

Whatever you write... make sure you are truthful and sincere.

Love Quotes

Love quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your love in just a few words. That makes them a very popular addition to any love note. It is almost like your own personal dedication or wish to the person you are sending your love note to. Below is a list of a few love quotes...

"If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving." ~Source Unknown

"Let no one who loves be unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow." ~James Matthew Barrie

"My love for you is like time, if you give it just one moment, it will last forever." ~Submitted by Linda Barton

"It's not being in love that makes me happy. It's being in love with YOU that makes me happy." ~Source Unknown

"For an instant, love can transform the world." ~ Source Unknown

"Remember... love is the link that holds two hearts together." ~Source Unknown

"While many a soul are unhappy with love, no one is ever happy without it." ~Submitted by Andrew Worden

"What do I get from Loving You? Loving You!" ~Submitted by Gabby

"Love is a beautiful dream." ~William Sharpe

Love Sentiments

Love Sentiments are the phrases that are found on greeting cards and stationary. When writing your own love note or card they can be very helpful and precise in capturing what you want to say. Below is a list of some sentiments taken from the Valentine E-Cards Collection

When I'm in your arms my whole world is just right.

Hand in hand, heart to heart; my love for you will never part.

The depth of your love and the sweetness of your kiss feeds my soul.

Every moment spent with you is every one of my dreams coming true.

Standing together side by side there is nothing in this world we can't conquer when it's just you and I.

Love will lead to you all your dreams.

With hands and hearts together lets celebrate the joy of finding each other.

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