



One of the best ways to convey exactly how you feel about someone is through written words. Finding the perfect way to say what you mean — when it comes to love — can be a challenging task for anyone. So, we’ve gathered some helpful tips. Go ahead; spill your heart onto a piece of paper. Whether through a one-line sentiment, a poem, or some prose — let them know how you feel!

Tips for writing your own love letters

Make it personal. Writing a love letter is a dying art. So if you’re going to say it — mean it! Express your gratitude for the person being in your life.

Include any special nicknames that the two of you share.

Be specific. What are the things that he/she does to make you starry-eyed? Is it the way he gets a little teary at a sad movie? Is it the way she can’t wake up without her green tea?

Include memories of specific times you spent together. Let him/her know what they meant to you and why.

Whether you’re sending it by mail or delivering it to them personally, hand-write it. Typed letters are sterile. If you’re even thinking about e-mail, then do something creative like designing a personalized “home page” love letter. You can get free templates at Colleges.com.

Love quotes

People have been writing about love for centuries. Love quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your sweet in just a few words. Make up your own, or borrow a few of these to add to your letter.

“Those who love deeply never grow old.”

“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

“For an instant, love can transform the world.”

“It’s not being in love that makes me happy. It’s being in love with YOU that makes me happy.”

“If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving.”

“Did I tell you today how much I love you?”

Creative expression

Think a letter is too boring? Here are 10 ways to get your message across and have it remembered.

1. Write your message in magnetic letters on their refrigerator.

2. Create a Letter Hunt.

Leave a note on his/her computer telling him/her you have written him/her a love letter, but it has to be found. Give a clue. Clue to clue to clue. Make your lover search for the prize.

3. Send your love roses according to how many letters he/she has in their name.

On each flower, attach a note that uses the letters of their name, as the first letter of the message. For example: “Sean.” The first rose could say, “Sometimes I get starry-eyed when I look at you.” The second, “Everything you do makes me happy.” And so on.

4. Book of Love.

Put together a book of ten pages — each page for some unique thing you love about him/her.

5. An audiotape letter.

A cassette tape with your voice on it is an unexpected surprise.

6. Letter a day.

Write your love a letter every day for a week and leave it in a place it will be found.

7. Write your loved one in a different language.

He/She will have to get it translated, which will make their investment in the letter special.

8. Write a ransom note.

Ransom an object of your lover’s and leave a note saying you’ll return it only after a romantic evening together.

9. Run a bubble bath for your love.

Put a note inside a bottle and leave it floating in the water.

10. Hidden notes.

Hide little love notes in your lover’s pockets, wallet, bag, or desk for them to find later.






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