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The Miracle Of You


Dear Ben,

The miracle of life shone in front of my eyes when you entered my life. Nothing can be compared to this feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement which tortures me while waiting for you to enter the ICQ, the sweet night-calls that keep me awake even when I'm exhausted to death, because I wouldn't miss a thing. The feeling that you know every corner of my heart. All these things are the most beautiful signs of my love for you. Every song you send me to express your feelings, every single word you say is a part of my soul, as if I have already known what you have been about to say. Every step I make is safe, because you are around me. When we first met in the ICQ, I didn't even suspect what a wizard you were about to be. But apparently life can show us such wonders, that we can stay amazed like children, wondering how this could happen to us! Well, I want to thank you for being my best friend, for being my angel, for being my soul, for being my life! And I want you to know, that I haven't received anything sweeter than this letter you sent me: " I have never felt like this before. Nobody has taken me so far, except you, my princess from the clouds. You brighten my days and give me the strength to carry on, fighting everyday for you. You revealed the deepest emotions and feelings I've kept inside of me for so long. Feelings I didn't even suspect to be. But most of all, you showed me the real taste of love. You are my best friend and the one I want for life, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow. You are the one I love and I want everybody to know it! I love you more than anything. -- Ben" I haven't heard a more touching song that this one from the French musical "Swept With The Wind." I haven't had a stronger feeling than this one I have now, that I want face the eternity with you by my side… I want to wake up with you. I Want To Wake Up With You I wanna wake up with you I wanna be there when you open your eyes I want you to be The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you I wanna lay by your side, Baby I wanna feel every beat of your heart And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you I wanna lay by your side, baby I wanna feel every beat of your heart And throughout the night I wanna hold you tight I wanna wake up with you All the love inside me has been sleeping Waiting till the right one came along You can share the love that I've been keeping, Baby You can put the music to my song I wanna wake up with you I wanna reach out and know that you're there I want you to be The first thing that I see I wanna wake up with you

Love Always,

Your Princess From The Castle in the Clouds

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