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My Wonderful & Loving Girl


To: Jeri Jean ~ From: Jamal

Dear Jeri Jean,

Six years have passed since our first encounter and in those six, we have made many memories and parted ways several times. But whenever we parted ways, we have been led back toward each other as if there is a spark between us. Ever since 1997 when you first entered my life I felt as if God somehow sent one of his angels down to me and this is no joke. Over the last few months, I feel my heart has grown stronger because of the love I have for you. This love gets stronger and stronger with each passing day.

I long for your soft, warm, and loving touch not only at sunrise each day but at sunset and at night as well. I think and dream about you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just hearing your sweet voice at night always soothes the blows I take during the long day. With a woman like you, I look forward to nightfall and wish that night would come sooner so we could be together in dreamland.

In October, I will show you my true self and show you all that is in my heart that I can only vaguely describe to you. You captured my heart fully this year and I'm glad it was you that did it and that is just the beginning of the journey that we'll take. My first path is southwest to be with you. The words of this letter cannot fully describe what and how I feel about you but they are the words and the small voice of my heart. You are one of a kind woman, Jeri. I want you to know that. I cannot wait to finally have you in my strong arms and declare you safe from the world's harm. I cannot wait to feel your soft lips against mine. I cannot wait to feel your heartbeat. I cannot wait to look into your bright, beautiful hazel eyes and tell you I love you. I also cannot wait to run my fingers through your long, flowing blonde hair to ease your worries.

Lastly, I cannot wait to actually wake up the next morning with you lying next to me. As I said earlier, this letter is only a small voice from my heart of what I feel about you and a sample of what is to come. I have to go now. I want you to know that I will always love and cherish you for the rest of my natural life. Never forget this letter. You are my one, Jeri. I love you, I loved you in 1997, I love you now, and I will never stop loving....

Love always,


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